Forum Discussion

Hell8MySoul's avatar
Rising Newcomer
3 years ago

Lord vader with og vader and datacron

Have you guys at cg tested this, and more importantly what beats it? Lord vader constantly aoe’s every turn, you can cleanse the dots faster than they apply and your team dies to dots… jmk, jml… it’s ridiculous. What’s the theory now… if you don’t have vader with datacron you are screwed in tw and gac or is the idea to push people to quit the game faster
  • My first battle vs LV + DV + Dodge (and whatever else) Datacron.
    I estimate having hit 1 out of every 6 attempts.
    And there I was, thinking Datacrons couldn't get worse. :/

    P.S: next battle, my own DV landed none of the 20+ basic attacks he attempted and probably 1 of his multiple AOEs.
    Until a good counter is found, players without LV (like myself) are going to struggle in GAC.
  • Well GL were already overpowered and made GAC problematic when you're matched up against players with 6 GL to your 4. Datacrons have taken it to a whole new level. In my current bracket, I'm the only person with 4 GL, all the others have 6, and they all have LV with his CD Datacron. I have no team capable of beating that as I don't have LV so can't mirror. I pretty much now will have a guaranteed loss against any player with LV for the next 4 months. What a way to suck the enjoyment out of the game.

    2 Suggestions for CG to make the game more enjoyable:
    1) Stop Datacrons working if there is a GL in the team. This will allow for some decent theory crafting for oddball teams that might beat GL whilst stopping stupidly OP teams.
    2) Increase a player's skill rating by x for each GL they have. This rewards the whales by bumping them up the Divisions so getting better rewards and means that each GA you are likely to find yourself in a bracket of similarly powered players so allowing for some balanced competition.