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grayflannelsuit's avatar
6 years ago

Need a new fleet lineup

I have hit a total wall with Thrawn + TIE Advanced/TFP/Biggs. I spend the entire battle whittling down the opponent's tanks and never get a chance to use Thrawn's ultimate.

Any advice on mixing things up? My Geos aren't that strong at the moment sadly.
  • Geonosians don’t have to be that strong to do better than you are now, and they’re a real sound investment.

    Personally, I still use them but am prepping my Bounty Hunters. Aside from Slave-1, their ships aren’t farmable yet, and once they’re farmable they’ll probably be one-node-wonders... So it’s a good time to work on their pilots so you can get ahead of the curve once they hit the table.
  • Go all offense, set vader tfp and fo tie then use Biggs as first reinforcement makes for a decent change! Tl and assist call works wonders
  • That or use Silencer, FOTP, Biggs then Vader as first reinforcement.

    Silencer is normally the fastest on the table unless absolutely maxed so he'll go first and get a chance to stun most likely the enemy Vader. FOTP can double tap and possibly inflict target lock both times (only one shows up on the target but Biggs will get protection back twice if it happens). His special refreshes every turn if used on TL.
  • @Picard I just took a look at your profile. Your Geonosian ships are all at 7 stars, and so are the pilots. So, your farming is done. You just need to gear them up a bit more, and you aren't all that low on their gear anyway. You ought to be able to get them all to G11/12 in a couple weeks, if that. Looks like you've already maxed some of their abilities, too, so you should only need a few weeks worth of Ship Omegas to finish that off, as well.

    Just focus on the Geos hard-core for a couple weeks and you should be good to go. They can be beaten, certainly, but they'll make your climb so much easier, and much less dependent upon RNG. I rarely ever lose on offense.

  • "Omnixent;c-1677101" wrote:
    There are just certain Geo teams that I cannot compete with.

    If you can't beat them, join them.

    I have all the Geos at 7 stars except for Sun Fac's ship is at 79/100. All gear 11 and maxed abilities.

    Sun Fac's ship shows up frequently in the GW shop, so you could finish him in a couple days. Get the gear on Sun Fac and Soldier up to 12 (Spy is fine at 11), and get your ship abilities maxed, starting with the Uniques as priority (Spy's unique is 1st priority).

  • "Picard;c-1677141" wrote:
    The preferred capital with Geo ships is still Ackbar yes?

    Not in my experience. They do well enough on offense, but are easier to beat when on Defense. Supposedly Executrix is the best all around choice, but I've stuck with Chimaera. I always use his mass heal and debuff the enemy special ability first.
  • "Picard;c-1677141" wrote:
    The preferred capital with Geo ships is still Ackbar yes?

    Mostly see Tarkin these days. If I see a Chimaera it's almost always a win. From a strategy perspective, are you facing faster capital ships or slower capital ships? The beauty of bugs is that they're slow, so your capital ship should be able to go before Spy and Soldier. If you're facing a slower Chimaera, then you want to open with TFPs special to make sure their opening AoE misses you and gives you the first reinforcement. You very nearly always want to open with Thrawn's health regen / offense down special. This ensures that the attacker's specials are soaked up by Biggs, even if you lose him. First reinforcement is usually Scimitar - when fully maxed, Vader hits like a truck under stealth and can typically one-shot whatever is left of the bugs at that point.

    Things get a little dicier facing Tarkin - I wait on using TFPs special and hope for the best, but the strategy largely plays out the same way.

    Reinforcements are almost Scimitar and Cassian's U-Wing (great for a dispel). If the fight makes it to either Plo or Slave 1, it's usually not going to end well. Hope this helps even a little bit.

  • "Val_Galahadred;c-1677197" wrote:
    "Picard;c-1677141" wrote:
    The preferred capital with Geo ships is still Ackbar yes?

    Not in my experience. They do well enough on offense, but are easier to beat when on Defense. Supposedly Executrix is the best all around choice, but I've stuck with Chimaera. I always use his mass heal and debuff the enemy special ability first.

    @Val_Galahadred Truth! For people that use Thrawn, Even if you are full health and protection, use Thrawns heal first. The buffs and debuffs alone are worth it. Vader can one shot a full health Tie Fighter or kill a half health Biggs when he has offense up. Enemies get offense down and Biggs get defense up. He becomes extremely hard to kill.

    With a few crits I rarely make it to my 2nd reinforce, and I use Phantom first.