Forum Discussion

timejumper77's avatar
6 years ago

Next farm: Revan or C-3PO?

I'm nearing my final shards of Vet Chewy to be ready for the next JTR event so I'm trying to decide who to farm next in Cantina. I can either level my 3* T3 and Mission or my 3* Chief Chirpa and Paploo.

I started on the hard mode toons for Revan and I plan to finish Bastila to 7*, but I only have Zaalbar and Jolee at 4*. Wicket is 2* and Elder is 5*.

Here is my account if you need other info:

I've seen videos showing C-3PO beating Revan in arena, but that's not the only mode I'm focusing on. I'm leaning toward 3PO, but I've heard a lot of good things about Revan so I can't decide.
  • "timejumper;d-191161" wrote:
    I'm nearing my final shards of Vet Chewy to be ready for the next JTR event so I'm trying to decide who to farm next in Cantina. I can either level my 3* T3 and Mission or my 3* Chief Chirpa and Paploo.

    I started on the hard mode toons for Revan and I plan to finish Bastila to 7*, but I only have Zaalbar and Jolee at 4*. Wicket is 2* and Elder is 5*.

    Here is my account if you need other info:

    I've seen videos showing C-3PO beating Revan in arena, but that's not the only mode I'm focusing on. I'm leaning toward 3PO, but I've heard a lot of good things about Revan so I can't decide.

    It really boils down to your roster, your needs and your wants. Me personally I can't stand Jedi and have no intention of farming for Revan until its been set in stone that he's needed for Darth Revan/Malak, and even then it would depend on how good they are.

    Now C3P0 on the other hand is amazing, would fit well in several of my current squads, is obtainable at 5* AND murder bears are fun! Plus you can make 2 squads of them for 3v3 GA and they're good defenders for TW.

    So as you can see my preference is C3P0 but that's because it fits my needs. If you LIKE Jedi, WANT Darth Revan/Malak close to their launch and don't really use/like Rebels and or Resistance then maybe Revan is your best bet.

    I also wouldn't suggest choosing your farm based off the last/next event of that character. Lets say Revan comes back next month and then doesn't return for 3 months, if you started now you are giving yourself an extra month to avoid needing to panic farm. Worst case scenario you can start farming something else! Thankfully C3P0 is a legendary so if you started now but don't manage to finish you can still get him unlocked at 5 or 6* and he's very useful.

    Hope this helps!
  • "JK_47;c-1731504" wrote:
    No. It’s not simple. He wants to know things like who is more useful, easier to unlock and so on. Keep your opinion to yourself if it’s not helpful.

    Have a word with yourself mate...

  • Revan is great but I think if your going to miss his next event you should skip him for now.
    Jedi luke is almost certainly coming and c3p0 and chewie are pretty obviously going to be required. Get farming for those now I reckon most of us will miss him first (ftp)time around but prepare now so you can at least get him second time.
  • It's hard to know what future will bring for the game, i.e. what would be useful in a new raid. Naturally I farmed for both in my higher gp. In your case you are just 1 toon next to a meta rebel team, so answer should be obvious. Solely getting Revan won't get you the team, there's much more investment on getting that team ready. For last consideration what does the farm itself get you: ewoks are a fantastic team and the event is very hard. You gotta gear them properly which returns you a ga/tw team. Revan farm will yield you 2 toons that will get used in that team and the event is a cakewalk. The other 3 you may never use unless you later decide to the Qi'ra team.
  • To piggy back off this post a bit. I'm at 3* with Jolee 7/30. everyone else is at 7 except Zaalbar who is 72/100 and they are all gear 10 or higher. How long will it take me to get Jolee to 7*? I'm doing 2 refreshes for him daily but I can't beat the ship battle that gives his shards yet.