8 years ago
Nightsisters or Empire?
If you've read any of my other posts, you'll know how I don't have Commander Luke or General Kenobi. And as most of us know, both Thrawn (L), ShoreT, StormT, Krennic, and Death trooper, and Talzin (L), Daka, Asajj, NS Acolyte, and NS Zombie can beat the current meta team, but I'm not sure which ones better. I've wanted to run the Empire team for a while, but after seeing that NS Zombie doesn't need high gear to be viable, I've been having trouble deciding between the two. I will have 20 zeta mats and since both only require one zeta upgrade- the one for the leader ability; so I'm not sure.
Which one should I go for, Empire or Nightsisters?
Which one should I go for, Empire or Nightsisters?