Forum Discussion

GegeGerard24's avatar
3 years ago

Question about datacron expiry date.

Hi All,

I have just gotten a datacron from the newly given free calendar.

I would like to ask about that date, what does it mean?

The NPC who explained it was so ambigous...he said that the datacron will be dismantled at that date (or at any date of my choice b4 that date).

But what does "dismantled" mean?

1) it will be disassembled into its components AND then i can build it again using the disassembled components (maybe by spending more resources to do so).

2) it is gone forever and i have to find and buy another one.

Sorry for the noob question. As you can see, i have never laid my hand on datacron b4, not even have a char of Relic3.


8 Replies

  • When it expires, the box is gone?
    Only the materials stay?

    Btw, thanks for the explanation.
  • "MaruMaru;c-2398259" wrote:

    Materials do stay, but you won't see them until next time same mats are used (every 3 sets in my understanding). You won't get them pass over to the next set.

    Iirc data cache is universal and you should immediately get the breakdown stock out of them on auto(end of the period) or manual dismantling.

    I am talking about this box...does it disappear when the date expires?

    So i can see that i have these caches, binding mk3 etc

    So these materials stay when the datacron is dismantled (it hits the expiry date)?
    Data caches can be used for another datacron (a box like the one i have), but the binding mk3 can only be used on the same box, as in, if i use a binding mk3 on box "A", it can only be used in box "A" for that it?

    BTW, if a box gets dismantled (it hits the expiry date), can i build it again at once?
    Or should i wait for a time when it can only be activated at?

    Thanks again.

  • "MaruMaru;c-2398263" wrote:

    I already explained. Let's use the names for easier understanding then. Binding will be usable in the next set that uses binding, acumen next acumen. Data caches are immediately usable on auto distmantle at the end of any sets period.

    So invest as you like, whether you dismantle a datacron manually or it gets dismantled automatically, the result is the same.

    Since dismantling doesn't yield the same amount of mats you put into it, it's a lossy process, but nothing you can do about that. The entire process is pretty much foolproof, you can't really do it wrong (unlike mods).

    Since right now you just got into the train, you started from zero, 2 sets later your investments will keep coming back every time and you'll have to invest less for the same amount of build-up.

    Thanks. I think it will be clear when i am at R3.
    Thanks again.
  • "MaruMaru;c-2398269" wrote:
    "GegeGerard24;c-2398264" wrote:
    "MaruMaru;c-2398263" wrote:

    I already explained. Let's use the names for easier understanding then. Binding will be usable in the next set that uses binding, acumen next acumen. Data caches are immediately usable on auto distmantle at the end of any sets period.

    So invest as you like, whether you dismantle a datacron manually or it gets dismantled automatically, the result is the same.

    Since dismantling doesn't yield the same amount of mats you put into it, it's a lossy process, but nothing you can do about that. The entire process is pretty much foolproof, you can't really do it wrong (unlike mods).

    Since right now you just got into the train, you started from zero, 2 sets later your investments will keep coming back every time and you'll have to invest less for the same amount of build-up.

    Thanks. I think it will be clear when i am at R3.
    Thanks again.

    The pic I posted shows you how a full cron breaks down. Losses at mk2-3s and gain at mk1. It's designed in a way that your yields from previous sets will make it easy to get over first few levels for many crons and you'll be bottlenecked a lot with credits and higher mats.

    I'm guessing in your case full relic teams and relic cutoffs for higher level datacrons will be a problem, so you don't need to build too many. Maybe even focus on making a full one if you have a single high relic team. Depends on your well built teams and faction bonuses of the set. There is a sweet spot which can be gotten with minimal investment...which is different for every roster.

    OP does not have any G13 (yet).
  • "TVF;c-2398284" wrote:

    OP does not have any G13 (yet).

    I asked because i had received one via a free calendar.
    Otherwise, i would not have cared about it (for now)...
  • "MaruMaru;c-2398362" wrote:

    Wut happens at the end of a period. It's not even a -claim- post. Just reminder of what happened.


    So i will get all the materials spent at the end of the period...and i can build the datacron again using the same material...

    So...what is the point of all this?
    Why dismantling and building again?

  • "GegeGerard24;c-2398355" wrote:
    "TVF;c-2398284" wrote:

    OP does not have any G13 (yet).

    I asked because i had received one via a free calendar.
    Otherwise, i would not have cared about it (for now)...

    You can't use a datacron without everyone on the team being at least relic level 3.
  • "MaruMaru;c-2398373" wrote:

    As I kept saying you don't get all the materials back, it's a lossy process. it, thanks.

    "TVF;c-2398398" wrote:

    You can't use a datacron without everyone on the team being at least relic level 3.

    Thanks for the info.
    It is still a long way for me.