Forum Discussion

masseffectchris's avatar
7 years ago

Question regarding mod secondaries

Example mk v health with primary of 30 speed and secondary of defense +16, where does the defense go exactly? And what’s the difference between a +16 and then some say + 0.44%? Sorry if question is confusing in advance.thanks
  • The difference depends on your base stat. When you go to equip the mods it shows you what the changes will be to each of your stats if you confirm it.
  • Same with health, protection or anything. +Number adds to total, %number adds a percentage BEFORE mods are factored in.
  • Why you wont put this mod into a toon a check what kind of stats +16 is changing? It is defense so only affecting armor or resistance or both.
  • Ok so I just removed it and put it back and the +16 defense added around 3.5% to armor and resistance on a 5 star lv85 shoretrooper g11
  • Stat explanation
    Defense is armor and resistance
    Armor reduces incoming physical damage
    Resistance reduces incoming special damage
    Offense is physical and special damage

    Offense is pretty straight forward when looking at stats
    Defense (armor/resistance) as show in character screen shows the damage mitigation %. This number is calculated based on character level and armor/resistance flat value that is no longer seen.

    Below post has everything you don't need to know about defense stat including a link to a very nice calculator

    % base mods only affect the stat based on completed gear levels.
    So say you character is at g10 and has a piece that give +15 armor and another that gives +10 resistance.

    If a mod gives 5% defense the +15 armor and +10 resistance will not be included in the mod calculation until you promote character to G11.

    This is the same with all % mods and the following stats:
    1. Health
    2. Speed
    3. Offense
    4. Defense

    Modded stat = base stat + (base stat - current gear level adds) * % mods + flat mods.

    The following stats are straight adds:
    2. Potency
    3. Tenacity
    4. Crit chance
    5. Crit damage

    Modded stat = base stat + mods.

    So if a mod gives 5% potency and your character has 25% potency than they will have 30% potency.

    Mods do not compound on each other
    a % mod will not add a % of flat mod.

    Leader, unique, special and basic abilities will calculate off of the modded stats.

    So i hope that helps. I might have missed something.