Forum Discussion

alanduffy101's avatar
2 years ago

Returning player seeking advice

Hello I started playing the game again 3-6 months ago after having a few years off. I have basically been farming the accelerated characters as well as picking up others here and there to be able to get the journeys i was not too far off having the characters for. I finished JKLS a month or 2 ago and got CAS last week. I'm now not really sure what to aim for as everything else seems so far away. Any advice would be great thanks, my profile is
While I was going for 1st in Arena/Fleets in most of my 1st stint with the game, now i am around 200 in arena with nearly every team having GL and 150 on fleets and so I don't care much about them currently. The guild I joined also just lost about 40m GP worth of talent so I might have to move on from that as well unless something happens there. Think it got 6 stars on the 200m event as most people could only deploy and maybe mid 20 stars on Geo/17m on the new raid.

1 Reply

  • If possible focus Fleet, try to get within the Crystal payouts, but don't kill yourself getting there. Any of the big 3 will get you into the payout most likely. Executor, or Profundity. I wouldn't recommend Leviathan because of the very large relic requirement.

    For a Galactic Legend, I would recommend either Jedi Master Luke or Jabba. Jabba's newest requirements are hitting the accelerated characters now, and he is useful in all aspects of the game. Won't be of any help for next raid, but still formidable within TW, TB, and GAC.

    Continue to branch out from where you are, set some goals and shoot for them. Good luck on finding another guild!