Forum Discussion

SirLaggzalott's avatar
6 years ago

Speed priority, Darth Revan or Fallen Bastila?

Who should be the speed priority in Sith Empire squad (with Malak), Darth Revan or Fallen Badstila? Currently my DR is 327 and Badstila is 297. I can swap mods around and get Badstila to 307 while dropping DR to 317. I see multiple approaches in my shard. Should I bump Badstila’s speed at DR’s expense?

4 Replies

  • Its shard dependent. Are you the fastest DR? If yes then I would keep him fast, if not then will you be the fastest FB?
  • Right now I'm the second fastest DR (by 2 speed). If I were to change up, I'd be the second fastest Bastila as well.
  • As long as one of mine goes before the opponent's, I can usually win. There's a slightly difference sequence of abilities I use though, whether it's Revan or Bastila first.