Forum Discussion

chezhead72's avatar
8 years ago


Can someone explain why the devs cant get tenacity to work correctly?

If i have rex at 80% and you get a built in resistance of 15% then I should only get debuffed 5% of the time.

or if the other toon has 90% potency I should still resist a fair amount of time especially since EP only has a 70% chance to stun me.

I still seem to get stunned 75% of the time. I shouldn't need tenacity up to resist buffs.

I have to believe that if the devs could get this working right arena would seem much more interesting.

36 Replies

  • "ddlooping2;923959" wrote:
    "Tactyou;923950" wrote:
    It's easier to accept tenacity works like this.

    All toons have a minimum 15% chance to resist.
    90% potency - 90% tenacity = 15% chance resist
    60% potency - 90% tenacity = 30% chance resist
    40% potency - 90% tenacity = 50% chance resist

    Call in rng which works against you all the time = tenacity mods ruins your day.

    A very good way of putting it, @Tactyou, thanks. :)

    You're welcome sir/mam.
  • "Perdogie;923895" wrote:
    "crzydroid;923772" wrote:
    "Perdogie;923606" wrote:
    "leef;923589" wrote:
    "Perdogie;923567" wrote:
    This seems really backwards IMO. It would make more sense if Tenacity - Potency = Chance to debuff. 80%T vs 65%P should only debuff 15% of the time

    using dfferent numbers kinda ruins the logic behind that formula though
    15% tenacity - 80% potency = -65% chance to debuff

    I should have specified that the higher stat would get the priority, so in your example it would still equate to 80P-15T= 65% debuff

    Better yet, each stat should simply get their own roll.
    80% tenacity = resisted True/False
    65% potency = applied True/False
    Repeat rolls in event of tie

    What happens when both roll true????

    "Repeat rolls in event of tie"

    "Neo2551;923618" wrote:

    Then debuff would be completely useless: everyone would have nearly 90% tenacity easily:

    I don't think this would be the case. Just like any stat, the more you invest in one the more you're sacrificing all of the others. It wouldn't be practical to give all of your toons maxed tenacity. Only the multiplexer has tenacity as a primary which maxes at +24%. Add another 30% for 3x set bonus + any crumbs of tenacity that may be present in secondaries. So you might be looking at a max of +60-70% from mods and only if every mod slot is filled with the best possible mod benefitting tenacity. But again, you'd be sacrificing offense, speed, crit chance/dmg, etc., so you'd likely only run into 1, maybe 2 toons per squad with that kind of set up. And like someone else said, this would make Tenacity Down a viable debuff since it isn't resistance checked. It's all still subject to checks and balances.
    The potential of a non-debuffable toon (unless suffering tenacity down) is really no less fair than Lando having a 100% crit chance to spam his AOE for 70k+ total damage (unless suffering crit chance down or vs crit immunity). Such a toon would likely have no real offensive threats or defensive capabilities and only play a supportive role.
    I'm also not against the idea of there being a minimum % chance of being debuffed.

    IDK, I'm just brainstorming ways to change the status quo and bouncing ideas around. I appreciate the feedback and constructive criticism, though!

    Forums are made to share ideas. You already see that the top arena players use tenacity mods on Rex, GK and Chirrut making them around 95% tenacity (more GK than Chirrut though). Hence you need to ability block or stun them before they move, otherwise the battle will be really hard.

    On the other hand, some toons can only be shit down through debuffs: Rey and TFP will just wreck any team if you can't control them a minimum.

    Tenacity down is given mainly by one toon (TFP) who is already one of the most popular character.
  • "chezhead;923962" wrote:
    "Tactyou;923950" wrote:
    It's easier to accept tenacity works like this.

    All toons have a minimum 15% chance to resist.
    90% potency - 90% tenacity = 15% chance resist
    60% potency - 90% tenacity = 30% chance resist
    40% potency - 90% tenacity = 50% chance resist

    Call in rng which works against you all the time = tenacity mods ruins your day.

    and that's why potency is OP and tenacity sucks. it shouldn't be like that.

    It should. The "default", or most common scenario should have the debuff stick. Potency isn't OP, as others have said, it would be extremely annoying if everything gets resisted. While tenacity is useless, I'd prefer that to never being able to land debuffs using potency. Resisting shouldn't happen more than sticking, imagine a 70% chance to have a 5% chance of stunning on palp (extremely important toon), smh that's like my stun cuff drop rate
  • I believe the best fix to this would be to make potency and tenacity more or less equal.

    When tenacity = potency it is a 50/50 chance to resist.

    There should also be a ceiling to tenacity just like there is a floor.

    All debuffs have a 15% chance to be resisted.

    All debuffs should have a minimum 15% chance to proc.

    Additionally, tenacity up and tenacity down should function the same way speed, evasion, offense up/down all work. It should be based on the indivisible toon's stats.

    It is ridiculous that a toon with 0% added tenacity can resist all debuffs simply because one toon grants the squad tenacity up.

    I used to run EP lead with TFP. TFP would inflict tenacity down and I would STILL have toons resisting debuffs multiple times.

    That just shouldn't be so.

    At least not when tenacity up is a garuanteed resist.

    No other mechanic in the game functions like this and it is garbage.

    My RG has 98.35% tenacity and gets hit with ability block, buff immunity, shock, healing immunity all in one battle, yet a little green midget makes it so absolutely nothing lands on my squad all with potency ranging from 40-60% for my average toon.


    25% tenacity vs. 25% potency equals 50% chance to resist.

    25% tenacity vs 50% potency equals 25% chance to resist

    25% tenacity vs 65% potency or higher equals 15% chance to resist

    50% tenacity vs 25% potency equals 75% chance to resist

    65% tenacity or higher vs 25% potency equals 85% chance to resist.

    With both a floor and a ceiling on pot. vs ten. it will actually matter how you mod your toons.

    Far too many people mod for speed or crit chance or offense and completely ignore potency and are still able to consistently land debuffs.

    That's like having your cake and eating it too.

    If I've worked to get my taunting tank modded to 100% tenacity it shouldn't only make a 5-10% difference between leaving it at its natural 25-35% tenacity.
  • I think there's a whole level of complexity being missed here... Notice that tenacity and potency are not just percentages, but +x%, which implies its relative, just for starters ;). But ignore that for now
    But to keep this simple, the problem is you dealing with statistics. 80% chance refers to the AVErage number of sucesses seen in a set of trials... An easier way to put this: they're saying if logged 1000 fight a day, and tried dodging 10 times in each battle, each battle has a number of sucesses, each day has a different percent of successes. You take daily percent dodged from 0-100%, each day, and you have to average these PERCENTS. The more days you add, this last average should get closer to 80%.
    But the real kicker is statistics law says that you might get all 20% of thassumese fails first, which is all just a fancy way to say that if you aren't seeing 80%, you haven't done enough days, AND numbers law assumes an infinite number of days!!!
  • Yes RNG will still be part of the equation but as it is now, tenacity rarely makes an appreciable difference in resisting debuffs (aside from the 15% floor to tenacity).

    If they really intended it to be this way, why have tenacity mod sets and secondaries in the first place?

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