Forum Discussion

holley_levi's avatar
7 years ago

Tie silencer and current ships meta

Currently running:
Tie fighter
FO tie

I take 1st in fleet most days. I have KRU and silencer both to six stars right now, seven by the end of next week. Does anyone think they have a place in the current ship meta?
  • "JohnnySteelAlpha;c-1449227" wrote:
    Loved him coming off as a reserve and getting stuns all over the place. Doubt he redefines the ship meta, but he will be a good and usable character like Poe-caliber.

    I haven't got him past 5* yet but the Poe thing rings true to me. How often do you make it to your fourth reserve? Never, I'm guessing, so having a situational ship for offense seems like the right move for that last spot. That's what I do with Poe.
  • I have 100% max Kru, my silencer is awesome on offense but ai will never make it defensively viable

    I've easily hit 150k crits with his special, even 130k on 5s.

    But ai will use his special without advantage, thus ruining his first turn when on offense you would use his basic to stun the enemy fotp
  • I use him in my reserve or on my front depending on the team. its a fast ship so i can always stun a pesky FO tie or Scimitar and if he gets advantage and offense up he can sometimes one shot a biggs with 100% health and 50% protection
  • I pair the Silencer with Kylo's Command Shuttle and the FO Tie to nice effect. I keep attacks away from them with Biggs and Fives. When Biggs goes down, I bring in Plo Koon of the bench to give taunt to Fives. By the time they get through the defense ships, the First Order has already torn them a new one. It's fun.
  • I’m have KRU g12 no zetas.

    I am finding I hold top 10 overnights using this ship instead of the reaper
  • At the top of my shard, battles rarely come down to the special. Most people have enough offense to prevent an opponent special, even with reaper
  • "Beran;c-1475033" wrote:
    Someone can explain me why fives ship is considered so strong?

    His special move hits very very hard, he takes buffs away if he has advantage, he has a ton of health. Isn't this enough?
  • It's a tradeoff. I like to bring Fives from reinforcements when Biggs goes down and there are multiple target locks spread around. Fives' special has bonus 20% offence for each enemy with target lock AND hits all enemies with TL (and inflicts TL on the primary target first). If you use it at the right time it can take down half enemy fleet in one move. And with the basic I target enemies that are close to full TM anyway, so I don't feed them too much TM. Also, put retribution on him and watch his retaliations dispelling buffs on enemy fleet :) In a word: it's worth it.