Forum Discussion

sorasdarkness1's avatar
7 years ago

Tie Silencer. Good or bad?

Basically the title. Don’t want to dump gear into kru without knowing first. Anyone tested it out vs top 20 caliber fleets?
  • Saw it crit for 120k (human controlled, 5 star ship), so it can't be all bad.
  • "Anakin_Skywalker;c-1454242" wrote:
    It's like Millennium Falcon (EP VII) in a way that it hits hard but is squishy. Faster than Falcon. Both do not apply any target lock. In my book ships that don't apply target lock are good reinforcements at best, unless they have another utility such as TIE Reaper.

    This. Although on offense, i swap it with reaper, and (hopefully) one shot crit their reaper. It's too much rng i suppose.
  • Like everyone else, it is great on offense but is easily one-shotable on defense. I have it at 5* and would love to use it but I am barely ever able to because it dies so quickly if Biggs is already gone.
  • It's very good with a fully maxed KRU (including G12 gear). It is not one-shottable. It is about as durable as Boba Fett is, so it's not tanky, but it still takes a few hits to take down.

    Well, on second though it is one shot-able, by another silencer. I regularly get 155k hits with it.
  • "Anakin_Skywalker;c-1454242" wrote:
    It's like Millennium Falcon (EP VII) in a way that it hits hard but is squishy. Faster than Falcon. Both do not apply any target lock. In my book ships that don't apply target lock are good reinforcements at best, unless they have another utility such as TIE Reaper.

    Silencer special hits for 130k+ which can one shot or red a full health Biggs. Battles over so fast these days TL is not as important as it once was. Maybe on defense...but on offense battles don't last long enough for you to even need TL unless your running mace
  • "CarSickShoe;c-1454925" wrote:

    That being said, despite hitting hard, it is probably still best as a reinforcement for defense as it doesn't target lock, and the AI starts with special, which isn't too useful in most cases. I have had pretty good luck using it on offense (instead of TIE advanced) to get a quick easy kill off the bat.


    Ok after reading the thread ^^^^ this is the best post I guess...

    Look on Offense it does not get much better.