Forum Discussion

MickeyMakay's avatar
7 years ago

Unrealized potential?

My arena has become extremely competitive. (It’s an 8/17 shard) I am bouncing between 500 - 250, but I wonder if my roster has more potential that I’m not utilizing. Do I have the makings of something stronger? I’m currently running CLS, OGHan, Chaze and R2.

Lately I’ve been concentrating on HAAT squads to get my guild over the hump. We only have a few really dedicated raiders. In addition to my arena team I am also interested in developing some second string squads to fill gaps in HAAT and STR. Do I concentrate on Sisters? Troopers? FO? I’m open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance!
  • Echoing what others have said it’s your mods that are holding you back. Speed, speed, and more speed. Consider this: I’m on a late November 2017 shard and here are my speeds:

    Bb8 +125
    JTR + 111
    R2 +108
    Thrawn +105
    GK +92

    Arena is all about turn order and going first so to be successful nearly every character aside from a few outliers (like Resistance Trooper) need max speed. Going first dictates the entire fight. You can stun, fracture, remove tm, etc. before your opponent gets to do anything and you gain a massive, usually insurmountable advantage. Almost every character should have a speed primary arrow and all your other toons should have as much speed as possible on secondaries. For your arena squad your speed secondaries should all be in the double digits for the most part.
  • When 99% of the mod challenge drops look like this, it is very discouraging.....

  • Yep. There is also the mod Store where you can get good ones but they are 3.93M credits for a gold mod, and its no guarantee it will roll well.
  • If i was you i would prolly change to RJT team RJT,bb8,r2d2,scavenger/trooper and cls as soon as you fix Thrawn replace scav rey and gg. Get some god speed mods and you are set for at least top 50.
    edit: you miss 3-5 zetas for that team tho but should get you in top 100 at least.
  • "sying;c-1578725" wrote:
    I’m going to echo what’s already been said with mods.

    Everything is shard dependent so take some things with a grain of salt. You can switch to a JTR team as well. Those teams are more successful on my shard.

    @Dryff what’s the meta on your shard and when did your shard launch? Mine is late January 2016. We’re swinging back around to nightmare teams now that Traya is appearing a lot more.

    About 8-10 Sith Triumvirate squads (about half with kinda Nightmare w/o Thrawn & Vader), a handful of JTR squads...the most prevalent is Rex mashups with Wampas, Enfys, Talzin, GK, Nihilus, etc. :)
  • The team you run is fine while you work on your mods. It's a pretty solid lineup. EP meta has been in place since Feb. Best to hold out for the next one at this point.
  • "Dryff;c-1578990" wrote:
    "sying;c-1578725" wrote:
    I’m going to echo what’s already been said with mods.

    Everything is shard dependent so take some things with a grain of salt. You can switch to a JTR team as well. Those teams are more successful on my shard.

    @Dryff what’s the meta on your shard and when did your shard launch? Mine is late January 2016. We’re swinging back around to nightmare teams now that Traya is appearing a lot more.

    About 8-10 Sith Triumvirate squads (about half with kinda Nightmare w/o Thrawn & Vader), a handful of JTR squads...the most prevalent is Rex mashups with Wampas, Enfys, Talzin, GK, Nihilus, etc. :)

    That’s what my shard looks like now. It was a lot of rex before traya.