Forum Discussion

Ikky2win's avatar
6 years ago

Vandor’s The Beast Calculation

Does anyone know how Vandor’s The Beast is calculated? See the screenshots blow. Is the health gain calculated only when you enter a match? The extra 80% health doesn’t seem to be included on the stat sheet. As you can see from the screenshot below, on the stat sheet a protection cross would seem to be better than a health cross, but if you get 80% more max health and 40% less max protection once a match starts, then a health cross would be better.

  • His special does damage based on Max Health. Plus it's easier to refill his protection to earn Prepared if he has lower protection.
  • All bonuses from abilities are calculated at match start, and never show on the stats page.
  • "crzydroid;c-1797276" wrote:
    All bonuses from abilities are calculated at match start, and never show on the stats page.

    Thanks! Health cross it is then.
  • "Ikky2win;c-1797320" wrote:
    "crzydroid;c-1797276" wrote:
    All bonuses from abilities are calculated at match start, and never show on the stats page.

    Thanks! Health cross it is then.

    Yeah Vandor you want Health primaries on 6E mods so it's +16% health from each on the Circle, Cross, and Triangle.
  • And the arrow if you have great secondary speed (+20 or more)
  • Not a priority for 6 dot mods currently, but eventually! Going with my fastest mods with health, offense, crit damage, diamonds, and 5 arrows for 6 dotting. Vandor doesn’t come close to getting the best mods so they won’t see 6 dot for awhile.