Forum Discussion

putnam336's avatar
7 years ago

What does “can’t be evaded or resisted” mean

Cause I just hit old Ben with Vader’s basic, and he took damage but wasn’t ability blocked. I’ve experienced multiple instances of his basic attack failing to stick an ability block on GK, old Ben, CLS, and raid Han. All of them Jedi or rebels.

Does that mean this attack’s effect CAN be resisted? Or is it a bug.
  • Vaders basic only applies ability block 80% of the time the other 20% it doesn't even try to apply the debuff. The 80% of the time it tries it can't be resisted by rebels or jedi.

    It works 100% of the time 80% of the time
  • Vader's basic attack only has an 80% chance to inflict ability block... This means 20% of the time he does not inflict ability block...
  • Read the rest of it, has an 80% chance to apply ability block, this can't be evaded or resisted by Jedi and rebel enemies,

    Means that if the 80% proc chance hits, it applies no matter what.
  • It has an 80% chance of inflicting ability block, which is not resistible (on Jedi/rebels).

    so one in five times Vader uses his basic, you don't have a chance to debuff.

  • Oooo ok ty darth Pedro it works 100% of the time 80% of the time. They should word it like that in the description