Forum Discussion

DrMasturbado's avatar
9 years ago

Who next GW Shipments?

Hi guys,

first I have to say sorry for my bad english, I am from Germany.

These guys I currently have:

Luminara 7*
Poggle 7*
Phasma 7*
Ig-86 7*
Restiance Pilot 7*

I farmed 8000 Green Tokens since today and now my question is, who of these guys I should farm next:

Magma Trooper 1* (12/15) = Anyone has experience with him? Otherwise he would be my next target who I farm next.

Dathcha (25/80) <-- I don't have him right now. A friend of mine has him on 7* and I think he is quite useless and not so powerfull. Anyone here has experience with him?

Tusken Robber (4/50) <-- Same as Dathcha, is he any good?

Teebo 2* (36/25) <-- Indeed I have him but a friend of mine has him onb 7* and let's face it, I don't seen any other 7* charakter in this game who is so useless like him ^^.
I don't think I buy more shards for him but if another one here has good experience with him, pls tell me :).

Nightsister Intiate 3* (0/30) <-- I don't know what to do with her. Is he good on 7* or anyway usefull?

Biggs Darklighter 2* (22/25) <-- He has a decent Special Ability but the other Ability isn't as good as like it sounds. Anyone has him on 7*?

Another plan would be, if I buy shards of my current 7* characters and spend them for General Grevious in shard Shop but I am kind of scared of it ,because it will be SOOOOOO long to unlock him on 4*.

What should I do? :)

  • Not sure whether Grievous worth it. My advice: buy several shards of characters you already have 7* in order to collect some shard shop currency to be able buy Vader's shards when they appear in shard shop or Rey's/RG ones (some other character's shard that you are farming right now) and keep at least 600 of it. And yes, Magmatrooper might be an interesting decision to go after.
    Teebo is awesome for Ewoks synergy but as a solitary character... not sure.
  • I don't know about other characters but my Night Sister Initiate is really good and strong 5☆ lvl 67 great lvl 8. She last a long time and if you hike up her abilities she can take 1/2 an opponents life in one strike.