Crafting gear piece did not work, lost all 40 salvage pieces
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Google Pixel 6 Pro
OS Version Android 12
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 774-544-267
What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
Summarize your bug Gearing up Aayla character from G12 to Relic. Farmed 41 of 40 required MK 12 Nubian Security Scanner Salvage pieces to complete the full G12 gear. Clicked "CRAFT" to complete the gear, it did NOT complete, lost all 40 salvage pieces.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? check my logs?
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Country Canada
Gearing up Aayla Secura character from G12 to Relic. Farmed 41 of 40 required MK 12 Nubian Security Scanner Salvage pieces from 5-F (NORMAL) Fleet node, to complete the full Armatek Multi Tool G12 gear (other requirement of 30 MK12 Armatek Salvage already completed) . Clicked "CRAFT" to complete the gear (middle, left side). Game returns back to character gear screen, gear is NOT completed, and salvage only showing 1 MK 12 Nubian Security Scanner Salvage piece - meaning, 40 of the required were used, but not put towards completing the salvage piece, and left me with the extra 1 that I already had since I had 41/40.
I had put in a ticket in-game on June 19, 2022 - only received a reply today June24, 2022, 5 days later. They said simply that they can't help and to come here. Took screen shots in game after the incident. Have screen shots of the help/support conversation.
Hey @Fatsam2000
Thank you for sharing your findings. We tried to replicate your report on our site, but we couldn't find any problems. The gear pieces are not disappearing or vanishing.