Forum Discussion

64a9iozwmwmm's avatar
New Novice
17 hours ago

EA, just one check it's enough

I mean... It took me less than a half minute to realize that if an account is fair or fraudulent, just had to look up the inventory of an account and this is it... Really is this so hard for your employees?...

Here you have an example of a fair account, placed in the half of inventory chart as mine, and next to it, a fraudulent account, placed in the half too.

Who in their right mind would have, for example, an ADMIRAL TRENCH of 7 stars, in level 1 and habillities level 1 too?? It's EXTREMELY OBVIOUS!!!! And I repeat, it took me less than a half minute to realize that. DO SOMETHING WITH THE CHEATERS!!! We are really tired of this!!!

4 Replies

  • Having a lvl 1 trench isn't that odd. Outside of territory war enthusiasts, there's no reason at the moment to build him. I, for example, have a lvl 1 trench and boba fett scion of jango still. 

  • ChristophIV's avatar
    16 hours ago

    I'm not sure why you think that's evidence of fraud/cheating. They've got 3m GP over you, they are gonna have more exclusive characters.

    At 12m GP, I can think of better places to use the resources I've put into my R5 Trench.

  • Jaolha's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    15 hours ago

    Lvl1 7* Trench is definitely not proof of cheating and is fairly common. He's a very niche, resource costly character/team earned through Proving Grounds. Proving Grounds characters are usually all unlocked around the same time and gearing them up needs prioritising. Trench is one of the lowest priorities. Even after that bottleneck some people don't bother with him.