Forum Discussion

Whatelse73's avatar
New Ace
2 months ago

Filling operations in ROTE TB makes missions harder

Why is it that missions keep getting harder after we complete operations?  Aren't our characters being added supposed to make the missions easier for us?  I keep having my teams go 2/2 in missions BEFORE we complete operations (platoons).

Yet, I come back the second day when we're going to star planets and my teams keep getting slaughtered.  That ain't right, I should be able to auto these frackin' missions when operations are filled completely. 

I know that TB isn't a priority, especially the bugs that hinder players.  But it would be nice if you actually address some PVE issues once in a while.

1 Reply

  • norril's avatar
    Rising Rookie
    2 months ago

    Noooo, CG doesnt make such mistakes! You just need more TB omicrons.... moar... moar@

    Craaap game designers cant even design things properly. Yeah i noticed **bleep** gets harder after you fill platoons. CG nonsense at work.