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Whizzzzzzzzx's avatar
Rising Novice
2 months ago

Galactic Legend Ahsoka Tano bugged.

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? VIVO NEX 3
OS Version VIVO REV 6.18.7
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 848-355-196
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Summarize your bug Dead characters not disappearing after being terminated. GLAT ability bugs the gameplay, ending in a loss because the only action possible is to retreat.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? By playing Galactic Legend Ahsoka in Squad Arena vs Galactic Legend Leia or Kylo. And also missions on ROTE.
Connection Type Mobile
Please select your region North America
Country Canada

Hi there,

I hope you guys are doing fantastic and this message finds you well.

I am reporting a bug for the first time in nearly 9 years of gaming with you.

Here is my ally code: 848-355-196 and my nickname in game is: Whīzzø

I unlocked Galactic Legend Ahsoka Tano in the first week after her release, she is one of my favorite character in the entire Star Wars universe and has been hoping for a Galactic Legend for her, so first of all, I wanted to say thank you for make this happens!

Now, let's get to the core of the issue. I encountered this problem many times during the past few weeks. It doesn't happen all the time, but often enough to be penalizing.

Today, for the first time, battle completely froze during Territory Battle on Felucia, playing the Young Lando special mission.
Line up was: GLAT lead, Young Lando, Padawan Sabine, Ahsoka Fulcrum, Huyeng.

Battle starts well, reach ultimate, build the team offense and stats, then GLAT turn comes. I merely hit basic ability then nothing happens! You can see screenshot number 2 (ROTE bugged froze).

Menu for abilities do not show up anymore, it's supposed to be enemy's turn as you can see on the right hand side of the screenshot, but they do not go... Even if I try to hit AUTO basic or complete AUTO, nothing happens... I can open setting and retreat, but it ends up in a loss and got points stolen from my guild and myself. Not a biggie, but I would love to see that fixed very soon.

Now, squad arena. It happens once a day I would say, same issue than ROTE. Middle of battle, ALWAYS on GLAT turns, I hit any ability, doesn't matter which one, I had the bug on any of them, battle froze and I cannot do anything. I tried to joined a short 10 seconds video, didn't work, same with zip file.

Same here, I can only retreat. I noticed it FREQUENTLY happens against SKLR! Like 75% of the time.
Occasionally happens against GL Leia.

Also, when the bug happens, very often it starts with the same pattern: all characters become dark and all the menu disappear, see attached first screenshot (Bugged dark).

Sometimes I get lucky and can play anew after 10 seconds. Sometimes I'm just screwed and need to close the game and relaunch it.
It also happens randomly without characters to turn dark, like I would hit basic on GLAT, then nothing would happens for 5 seconds, then everything goes back to normal, but I have to take a turn with GLAT again, like if it was cancelled.

Last thing, which is not penalizing but kind of funny. DEAD characters DO NOT disappear! I have screenshots of this, but I can only join 3 attached files. I happy to provide more if you need me too.
But when I play GL Leia, very often I kill her, she remains here and I can continue to attack her, even though she is dead! I can of course change target and clear them and when I win, I have the VICTORY screen, with the one, two or three characters DEAD, but still in the middle of the screen ^^

That's it for me. I hope it helps and I was accurate enough in my description.
Feels free to reach out to me if you need further explanation, footage & screenshot.

You guys take good care of yourself.

7 Replies

  • Not sure why, but screenshots are not all displaying, so here are some more originally sent.

  • calumorr1's avatar
    New Novice
    2 months ago

    I have been able to recreate Whizzzzzzzzx's findings with my own GL Ahsoka Tano on one of the Tatooine missions in ROTE TB. The team consists of GL Ahsoka Tano, Ezra (Exile), Huyang, Padawan Sabine Wren, and Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum). The attached screenshot shows the battle stuck with the turn meter order visible. It can be seen that the turn meter order believes that GL Ahsoka Tano after transforming will take the 3rd turn and then GL Ahsoka Tano before transforming will take the 4th turn. The app is not frozen as I am able to interact with all the buttons on screen, get unit info, and expand and contract the buff/debuffs above each unit.

    I frequently encounter this bug in Squad Atena fighting Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, during those battles there is a chance for the battle to continue after it stalls or freezes for around 10 seconds.

    All of these have been done on an Samsung 21 Ultra running Android 14.

  • Whizzzzzzzzx's avatar
    Rising Novice
    2 months ago

    Hi there, @EA_Gunner 

    As Calumorr1 just mentioned in his previous message, it could be a turn order issue.

    I was meant to send that update yesterday, just didn't have time.

    Please find attached a screenshot from yesterday and that's also what I have noticed:

    It's Fulcrum's turn. Then there are 2 others AHSOKA in the turn meter ORDER.

    Looking at the turn meter on each character, technically, it should be this order:

    1 - Fulcrum

    2 - Leia (which is dead)

    3 - Ahsoka (avatar shown is AFTER she hits her ultimate)

    4 - Ahsoka (avatar shown is BEFORE she hits her ultimate)

    I took this screenshot, played Fulcrum turn. Leia is dead, so obviously she is not taking a turn, then GLAT goes and PAFFF!

    BUGGED again. As Calumorr1 said, it's not completely frozen, I can interact with the game, press auto, unpress auto, retreat the battle, but the battle just does not go on anymore.

    Indeed, sometimes, it freezes for 10 seconds and battle keep going, but occasionally, it doesn't and it is penalizing.

    Something I have noticed too, if I hit auto from the beginning of the battle, then the bug never happens.
    But in squad arena, it's a loss more likely. So I need to play manually until it's safe to hit auto.

    Hope it helps and you guys can reproduce this bug and fix it in the near future.

    Both glitch are present on this screenshot, toon not disappearing AND turn order affected which more likely GENERATES the bug, since Ahsoka is taking 2 turns in a row, where she shouldn't.

    Thanks for the support @calumorr1 

  • 962b5b91b964acf8's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    4 days ago

    I have the same problem the last 2 TB's. Just happened to me a couple hours ago. Same mission ...  Felucia Young Lando Combat Mission. Squad was GL Ahsoka, Fulcrum, Young Lando, Ezra (Exile), and Huyang.  It was running on Auto and then just stopped. All characters were idling looking at each other but no one was attacking. Had to kill and restart.  Ii had a 0/2 for that combat mission.  Painful! This was on a Samsung S22 Ultra Revision 1.0 software revision S908USQS7EYA5.

  • EA_Gunner 

    Hi there, hope you are doing well.

    I'm a bit surprised to not have any follow up from your team about this issue. It appears that many players are encountering the same issue than me on multiple devices, yet nothing has been done to fix it! There is not a single day I am not experiencing GLAT bug! Daily basis on Squad arena, either attacking a GLAT and have to retreat because opponent team freezes, either attacking with GLAT and same issue happens.
    I completely stopped to play GLAT in ROTE because it CONSTANTLY freezes on wave 1 or 2 and it's extremely frustrating to lose points cause of that! So, the question is, when are you guys planning to fix this GROWING issue? More and more players are unlocking GLAT, going forward, it is going to be a REAL important issue and you WILL NOT be able to ignore it anymore. 2 months I have been penalized, that's too much.

  • Thank you for your feedback, let's hope CG wakes up and finally give us a fix!
    May the force be with you, buddy!

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