Huyang drop rate
Without getting kicked or blocked on here, cut the Cr*p EA. Since it was annouced you could farm the driod, each day I have spent 75 cry on sims (so 25, then 50) + another 50 cry to get the energy.
I want to say we are upto day 8, I stand to be corrected it ifs only Day 7 or its more. each set of total sims (15), I've got three shards each day.
Switch Shin, and I do the same thing some days I get 8, once I got 11, another I got 5. I'm ok with the randomness of this, what I'm not ok with is simming the same amount of attemps each day with Huyang and only getting 3 shards.
this hasn't occured to me in the 9 years I've played this game, again most other sims of chars are random, thats the nature of the game itself. Just find it odd and to the point suss, that its the exact same amount of shards each day.