squad arena rank
I have been SWGoH for the last month or two, and the 6 PM (CST) daily shipments are really helpful to me. I like to stay the rank that gives me 400 credits, since I can spend the credits in one go. My day in SWGoH in the Squad Arena basically goes like this:
1: Sim ticket all battles for shards until out of energy
2. Open data cards if I can
3. Collect daily activity rewards
4. Do a few squad arena battles. I do a few until my rank is under 2500. (so that 400 credits get delivered) A few hours pass after my rank is set, and I check back in, and my rank has decreased to above 2500, like 2580 something or even 3,000. I have not done any battles within this few hours, nor have I done anything else that would decrease my rank. I am really annoyed, can someone please help me? I believe this is a bug, otherwise it would be unfair for people to arena battle you when you are offline. I would appreciate your help!