3 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Stuck on 9/10 GL REY ultimate due to game crash
Game crashed during my 9th attempt at GL Rey's Tier6 ultimate journey. While it returned the 70 Light Side tokens so I could re-run the battle it obviously registered the attempt, as when I completed it again it marked the Journey as completed but I only have 9/10 ultimate's.
Opened in-game ticket, but they were unable to help and told me to come here..
Ally Code: 361-447-418
When I open the Journey now it is checked complete and I cant attain the last ultimate for her skill.
I also haven't mistakenly used it on another character, only other Journeys I have up are JML and he is still on T5 of his journey and SEE at T2.
You should receive the material in the next few minutes.