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KP67s's avatar
8 years ago

Thrawn AI Issue in Cleansing correct character

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Samsung Galaxy Note 5
OS Version N/A
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 851-693-825
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Since a fix to Hermit Yoda prioritizing Strength Flows from the Force, Thrawn's AI on defense will pass turn meter to the lowest effective-HP character (Health and protection combined) over an actually debuffed character. This is a problem and results in a significantly hampered AI defense, especially since it completely destroys a specific defensive strategy against Jedi Training Rey teams. If Thrawn simply prioritizes the lowest eHP character, please specify it in Grand Admiral Command's description. Otherwise this seems like a pretty severe bug in the cleanse functionality of Thrawn's move.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Load up a fast R2, BB8 and Jedi Training Rey vs Thrawn, Shoretrooper and a low eHP character like Tarkin. Use JTR's Mind Trick on Shoretrooper while using only Secret Intel and R2's stealth. You will see that Thrawn will not cleanse Shoretrooper, but will 'cleanse' Tarkin instead.
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19 Replies

  • Syk0mm0nk3y's avatar
    8 years ago
    I came up with a bit of pseudo code that should resolve the issue with Grand Admirals Command. I hope it helps in fixing this issue once and for all.

    so here is what Thrawn's AI appears to be doing:

    if ( any ally has effects tagged clearable_debuff ) {
    target = ally with lowest effective HP
    use Grand_Admirals_Command on target

    what he should be doing is this:

    if ( negative status effects ) {

    mostDebuffs = 0

    for each ally {

    if ( ally's number_debuffs tagged
    clearable_debuff >= mostDebuffs ) {

    if ( number = mostDebuffs ) {

    target = ally
    mostDebuffs = number_debuffs
    use Grand_Admirals_Command on target

    hopefully someone there can pick up what I'm laying down.
  • The description of the special specifically says it is used to cleanse a debuff on ally, and to recover protection.

    What this means to me is that the move should be used to either 1. Cleanse a debuff or 2. Recover protection. In the current form the AI is using it to do neither of those things. When it is Thrawns turn it should go through a series of checks to see how the special should be used if available.

    Check could be as simple as if debuff ally, use cleanse on them, if no debuffed ally, use switch on toon with lowest % of protection, if no ally has debuff and all allies have full protection, either use fracture (if available) or basic.
  • cronosuriel's avatar
    Rising Vanguard
    8 years ago
    I totally agree with this topic!!! The toon who is supposed to be a strategic thinker must stop doing an unjustified, dumb and risky move every three turns.
    Just considering an encounter with any taunting tank (big eHP pool) ally, cleansing debuffs should obviously be the priority.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    8 years ago

    I haven't ran across the problem, but I also don't auto especially in PvP, Territory Battles and Galatic Wars.  My Thrawn is at level 80 5*, all skills at 7, gear at IX. Use him in my lvl 85 7* Vader❤️ team, along with Palpatine, 83 7*, Tarkin 75 7*, and Maul 70 7*.  Power 67k.  Just recently defeated a maxed lvl, fully promoted 7*, 82k power 3 gear XII, 2 XI Phoenix Squadron in PvP.  So maybe you shouldn't use auto battle

  • Anonymous's avatar
    8 years ago

    I find myself not just using for cleansing debuffs or for the health. I will use it for example if I'm going against a bunch of Jedi, and I've weakened the entire team, and 1 is extremely close to dying, I'll use the skill on my Darth Maul then I'll attack the nearly defeated Jedi, then chain through the rest as his passive stack. Clearing the round maul starts the next and I'll use his ability to hit the entire next squad. But I also use on a character if they've lost there protection.  I'll also do these even if other units are debuffed

  • @TheScorpion619, the issue is not (only) that auto-battling doesn't work as it could. The main problem is that Thrawn will not perform in defense as he could.
    If you put him in your arena team, you will want him to perform in defense as well, so that you don't drop that far that easily.

  • AnrathEther's avatar
    7 years ago
    So I personally want Thrawn to target his GAC ability on Vader (under a current meta zzEP lead) to start the whole TM chain sooner as Thrawn is my fastest... and I can use 2 tanks if one is getting disabled by JTR.

    Point is changing his GAC target will make some happy and others unhappy.

    What really would be nice is a first round action override that each player can define for their arena team. Sure every round might be better but perhaps the first round would be less disruptive to CG's software & memory requirements?

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