Problem with cutscenes?
I jumped straight into Strangetown as was super excited to play my favourite neighborhood in this re-release. Yet as soon a Vivcund used the telescope and it cuts to the scene of his abduction, it glitches out throughout the scene as it attempts to play and in turn he is not abducted at all. I retried several times with the same result. As a last resort I even tried downloading a 'fixed' neighborhood and replaced the files in hopes that would help but again the cutscenes glitches causing Vivcund to remain. On top of this I had the directX error when opening the game and had to go to properties to open it with the -w command. So it's not even full screen. I thought it had been updated to be compatible with new hardware? And at the very least I expected bugs to have been ironed out. Is this even a place to report bugs? Should we expect a patch? I'm so confused and disappointed.