I don't know if this is the case anymore with vacations and outdoors, but in the old days if your sim slept with no roof while pregnant, the child was born with elf ears.
rather, when the baby grows into a child. I think also if the baby sleeps with no roof.
My sim just tried courting a waitress from downtown. So here's another thing: The only way to get her to come over and therefore have any sort of interaction other than talk, entertain, flirt-check sim out or tip, is to throw a party. She will then be available to invite as a guest. You can invite just her. Slotting her into 'groups' on the phone doesn't work, it'll put her in but when inviting that group, it'll say they're out, busy or doesn't have a phone. She also will not appear in the phone book to call, even with the OFB business reward of the big phone book. I remember this is also necessary to invite the mail carrier over.