Are you able to load to them when you delete these cache files If you want to restart the neighbourhood you can overwrite the hood in your documents folder with a clean hood Users\YOURPCNAME\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2 Legacy\Neighborhoods replace the downloaded clean hood version into this folder. This may be an issue with vaccation lots, maybe beach lots. I had an issue with the game crashing when I would try to edit a beach lot in Belladonna Cove. ZenosYaeGorgeous in this post has a quick fix:
"Hey I discovered a fix (at least this worked for me!!!) Just go to the vacation button from the world screen (all the circle buttons at top left).
In the modal to select which vacation place to load there is a small delete button. Delete whatever world they are stuck in.
Once it's deleted you can now go to your Sims house and load it as normal. They are back!!!
You can also go back and add the vacation world so that isn't lost forever.
Note: I don't know if this corrupts other stuff."
Hopefully EA will take a look at vacation/beach lots.