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Devalaous's avatar
5 years ago

Veronaville theory

Today I rebuilt the two empty italian homes in Veronaville in Sims 3, and something dawned on me that I never thought of in all my years playing TS2. See, I always liked to cheat to give the family bin Monty offshoots those two homes via extra funds, so the Montys and Capps would live on opposite sides of the town, but the two italian houses were a tad too big for Bianca, and Antonio would have this big place to himself and the kids.

Today I realised those two homes have no bathroom fixtures, no kitchen counters, ovens, lights, nothing. Which is what happens when a sim moves out of a non-college home. Furthermore, the Monty Ranch only really comfortably fits four people at most, making me ask if Claudio, Olivia, Romeo, Mercutio and Bianca REALLY lived there together.

Avon Avenue's home has two child-like rooms, and is the smaller home, and I suddenly realised; this home was likely Antonio and Hero's home, with the child-patterned room's being Benedick and Beatrice's rooms. His family bio implies financial trouble, and indeed, he has less money than every other family bin family from the town, only able to move into one of the four starter homes. Its likely that Hero's death was the straw that broke the camel's back, after the previous deaths of Claudio and Olivia messed up the family as a whole, and he could no longer afford to keep his big home by himself. Since moving out would sell everything on the lot (including Hero's tombstone, which is absent, with her character data shredded), this likely explains that state of Avon Avenue. Its a bit odd that Patrizio didn't step in to help, as Antonio is technically the proper heir to the family, but maybe he fell out of favour at some point.

Stratford Street's house is similar; it has no fixtures that you would find in a normal empty home; thus someone moved out ingame. The home has four bedrooms, a large master bedroom, two dark bedrooms, and an odd little room on the bottom floor that looks like it was for a child or baby. Im guessing this home was the home of Claudio and Olivia, and the two Monty teens, before their deaths sent Mercutio and Romeo to their grandparent's care, the only ones financially stable enough to look after them. Bianca likely lived in one of the rooms at Monty Ranch until now, as shes 'happy to finally be out of the Monty compound' at the game's start, and she has the fresh 20000 that people moving out have. Alternatively, she could have been a roommate in that fourth bedroom downstairs in the Stratford house.

The Capps are largely known to be the buggier family, there doesnt seem to be much evidence of a past on their side; I have not yet looked through ALL the homes in the english side, but currently ive only found one starter home with 'everything sold syndrome', and that would not have fit two adults and three teenagers. I do feel like Goneril's family was supposed to have another digit in the family funds though; there just isnt a home in the lots she can afford that house her huge family, I feel she was meant to be in one of the Bard Boulevard mansions, likely the one without a maze, as it can JUST fit everyone in it. Regan, Cornwall and Kent can go anywhere with two rooms by comparison, as Regan is said to be trying to win big with her own money and effort, and Cornwall is trying to get back on his feet after 'losing his job', so a starter house works for them.

I wonder if Veronaville would have a richer backstory to discover if it had cooked longer? Its always been the buggiest of the three starting neighbourhoods, with its low resolution story images and fuzzy starting headshots, the broken memories and messed up ages, and so forth. I feel I would have had things to find on the english side of town.
  • Not quite actually. Strangetown is the buggiest town out of the three basegame neighbourhoods. Anyways back on topic, people have speculated that 95 Bard Boulevard (the one with a maze) used to be the home of the three Capp siblings before their parents died because of the architecture of the small room upstairs matching the picture where toddlers Juliette and Hermia are tucked into their cribs by Cordelia as seen in one of the storytelling pictures. Replacing the windows, wallpaper and flooring might help replicate it. There is also in the railings (you have to look at the back near the tree) in the background that matches the children storytelling pictures as well of the siblings' interactions with the Monty boys. The terrain in the picture looks like it's the very same lot too outside of the tree but that could likely be explained that Cordelia and Caliban probably decided to do some landscaping in the garden. Though that's my personal theory for it.
  • I looked through the rest of the lots; there are only two homes on the english side with all the things sold; one is a starter home, one of the three near identical lowest-cost buildings, the other is a home near it thats too small for Goneril. Im guessing these are the homes that Goneril and Regan's families were made in, and moved out from, and the developers didnt bother replacing the furnishings. I really do get the feeling the Montys were 'refined' first; their side of the family feels more polished and complete, even the ghosts are largely intact, with only the 'dead pregnancy' issue.

    The Capps on the other hand, Caliban is 'Olive's Graveyard' level of broken, as his facial data is messed up, and his outfit data is entirely corrupt, thus his ghost generates with entirely random looks in every game. In my current test, he popped out of his tombstone with a mohawk and some crazy outfit >_>. Cordelia is almost functional, all her outfit data works, its just her facial structure thats messed up. Her ghost doesnt register as a proper ghost either. Contessa is 'almost playable' in that nothing really is wrong with her, she even has a bio! The rest of the ghosts on the lot don't register as proper ghosts, except for Octavius. Consort's ancestors are another issue of strangeness; Hector and Hecuba do not have character data, while the rest of his ancestors do, yet none of them have tombstones.


    Interesting that the maze house may have been intended to be Cordelia's house. It is indeed a three-bedroom home, with two side by side (presumably the teen's rooms, one for the girls, one for Tybalt), and a third room near the balcony, however, none of the rooms have space for a double bed. I used to put Regan's family here, with Kent in the far bedroom. I had Cornwall and Regan in the seperate rooms, since they have never really loved each other, and still have no children. The other large home across the street is the only home in the neighbourhood that could possible house Goneril's family reliably, and it would STILL be cramped without renovations.
  • Oh yeah the dead Capp ancestors are the most corrupt because they were made first and there was largely a huge data shredding that occurred when they decided to make the backstories for these sims. The commonality with corrupted deceased Sims is that they all have "brown eyes and no eyebrows headshot" syndrome especially with the Strangetown deceased. According to the Sims Wiki, originally Cordelia and Caliban were actually intended to be playable since they were created before the rest of the deceased ancestors. They were also the 3rd and 4th Sims created in Veronaville besides their daughter Juliette but I guess Maxis decides to kill them both as a means to create some tension between the two families for the drama ala Shakespeare and ran into some issues that caused their data to shred. As for the rest of the dead ancestors, they were not actually proper sims but more like an afterthought to cement that the Capps came from old money which is why Hector's tombstone is missing. As for the houses lacking space, it's because Maxis probably followed the old tudor styled houses way too hardcore without considering whether or not it'll fit the sims living there's needs. Though it could be possible that they were designed that way to give the building side of the Sims community some kind of renovating challenge.