Forum Discussion

karritz's avatar
Seasoned Novice
7 years ago

Perfect Genetics Challenge

My new video series - Perfect Genetics Challenge - is now available for viewing on YouTube.

This video is a little over 16 minutes. It is an introduction to my founder, Olivia. We first meet her in Create a Household. We see her first home and job. She meets her man and they start getting to know each other.

This challenge ought to be colourful. Not only does Olivia have blue, purple, pink and yellow hair but she has a very pale blue skin and pinkish purple eyes. The challenge requires her to produce an heir, male or female, who has the exact same hair and eye colour.

Once the heir is confirmed, the mother will concentrate on living her life until the heir is old enough to take on the challenge.

There is no upper limit to the number of babies she might have to produce before the heir arrives. Consequently I've set the age spans to be reasonably long but will use cake to age the family up as required.

I plan to stop the mother from having more babies once it is confirmed the heir has been born.

The heir will age up from toddler to child when they have done all of their toddler skills.

And from Child to Teen after completing all of the child skills and getting onto the honour roll at school.

The teen will age up to young adult after they have been to a prom and have learned fishing and cooking skills and read all of the fishing and recipe books. This means they'll need to get to level 7 in fishing and level 10 in cooking before I will let them age up to Young Adult. They may learn other skills along the way and need to be at least A Grade students.

If they haven't learned the required skills and done the required reading within 105 days they'll age up automatically.

When the heir is about the age up to Young Adult, hopefully the day before the teen is ready to age up to young adult, I'll age the parents up to Adult.

The Adult life stage is also quite long just in case the mother automatically ages up to adult before she has produced the heir.

The Elder life stage is also long. Babies will need grandparents around for a while.

I may reduce the length of the Elder life stage at some point if the elders are accumulating.

Moonlit Falls is full of supernaturals and I won't worry about when that population ages up.

I'll be using EA Story Progression so if the town population ages up very slowly maybe there will still be sims around town by the time my founder's descendants start moving into the general townie population.

All babies born to the founder and her heirs will have randomised traits with the one exception that each heir must have the dislikes children trait.

There are no restrictions on how the main household earns their income. They can go out collecting, or gardening or whatever they choose. I will be getting them the no bills ever lifetime reward asap because I have a bad habit of forgetting about the bills and have difficulty working out what the repo man has taken.

Due to the lack of restrictions on how they earn/come by their money the game will have many and varied activities in it throughout this challenge. One of the first wishes my founder got is to travel to Egypt to buy a recipe book. I do plan to grant that wish soon. Perhaps she can go there on her honeymoon.

She has already met her man. I made him specially for her. She's blue with purple and blue hair, he's green with green hair and eyes. But their skin colouring is subtle.

I think that about covers it. I hope you decide to watch. I'm keeping the length of these episodes to around 10 to 15 minutes each.

Please consider subscribing if you are going to watch the videos as that way you'll know whenever a new episode is posted.
  • karritz's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    I have finally completed Episode 22 of this Perfect Genetics Challenge and have loaded the video to YouTube.

    This video continues on from Episode 21 and our sims start in Mountain Lake, visit Vice City and then go home to Appaloosa Plains after leaving two small families in Vice City.  There are two birthday parties and two imaginary friend dolls become live and are made real.

    I hope you enjoy the video.

    Happy Simming


  • karritz's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    The Perfect Genetics Challenge - Generation 1 - Episode 15 is now available to watch on YouTube

    Olivia and Don finally have a daughter. The boys continue to work on their toddler skills. Olivia plants a forbidden fruit seed.
  • lanlynk's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    @Karritz Sometimes sims do look better at different ages than others. It'll be interesting to see what Petal looks like as she grows.
  • lanlynk's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    @Karritz RE: Perfect Genetics Challenge, video 19. I'm glad that you reviewed the challenge rules and the couple's traits again. ...Interesting that most of the kids have Don's hair. ...Percy does look cheeky! So cute. ...Congrats to Cindy for becoming the heir. ...Sounds like the kids have a variety of traits. ...So Don's getting burned out with childcare duty. I don't blame him! ...The toddlers are so darling playing together in the playpen. ...Good job learning to talk, Percy. Don and he both look exhausted. ...Don works so hard! He's a dedicated househusband. ...Boy, those high winds with the rain! Quite a storm.
  • lanlynk's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    @Karritz Do you have to use MOO to get playground equipment into the basement? I've never tried it before.
  • karritz's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    The Perfect Genetics Challenge, Generation 1, Episode 24 and it is now active on YouTube.

    You will see little Sophie visiting the family and there is a birthday party and lots of imaginary friends running around following their owners. None have become real yet but they are about to start working on it. I see them as more potential partners for the rapidly growing young sims.

    Petal gets the 'When Dreams Come True' opportunity - but I decide not to let her do it. She is going to learn the make the potion on the chemistry table.

    At least 3 of the children have made best friends with their dolls and are going to work on the chemistry table. Two others seem to be happily working on their relationships with their dolls, and little Percy just got the message that will lead to that opportunity if he keeps up playing with his doll so happily.

    Olivia and Don keep on going to work. What I really want from them is the One Kelvin Fridge. Haven't had a sim get one of them for many years and it used to be the first thing I went for in every game for years.
  • karritz's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "Puddinroy;c-17188523" wrote:
    @Karritz: Awesome video. Giggles, aliens must love Don! :)

    Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the video.

    Don and the aliens were a bit of a surprise. I was planning to move on to Oscar's Childhood next video but now I feel compelled to do just one more of Perfect Genetics.

    The scary thing is that both Don and Olivia got wishes to woohoo with an alien. Im undecided what to do about that.
  • karritz's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Here's the link to Perfect Genetics Challenge Generation 1 Episode 26.

    In this episode Don gives birth to his very annoying alien baby. I think the baby would have preferred to have been returned to the alien world as it obviously isn't happy in Don's household even though it is keeping them ALL running to it all day and all night to try to stop the constant crying. It is a very needy child. Fortunately I managed to ignore it mostly but it does get a brief mention in the video.

    Owen ages up to teen. Most of Olivia and Don's children are busily discovering potions because everyone other than James has an Imaginary Friend that has become animated and they want to turn their IFs real.

    I've never before seen 5 imaginary friends in one household become animated and made real. This making real might take a while. I'm cancelling the 'When Dreams Come True' opportunities that keep popping up for each of them as I don't want them to spend all their time chasing non-existent rainbow gems. I'd prefer they use the chemistry table to work on their logic skill while trying to discover the potion to make their IF real.

    Olivia gets abducted a couple of times. And a few other things happen too.

    The magic gnomes are starting to die. The Gnome of the Darned is now a gnome tombstone so there probably won't be any more ghosts haunting them from now on. Unless they go and find another Gnome of the Darned.

    I don't seem to have got any screen shots so I can't show you anything - but the most colourful part of this new video is when the three children and James go to the Spring Festival and the three children dance on the spring festival dance floor and are joined by Sophie and a puppy.

    This screenshot thing is a bit puzzling as I can distinctly remember getting them, and even had to cut out the screen effects from the video but they haven't appeared where I expect to find them. Maybe I moved them. I did find the shot of the gnomes - I do remember moving it to the video folder as it appears in the video.

    There's a bit of teenage romance too between Gary and a townie and also James gets his own romantic interest but I haven't seen her yet. I'm sure she'll show up at some stage - but I did manage to capture the first kiss between Gary and his romantic interest. It's in the video.

    In the next episode Cindy, the heir, will age up to teen. All of her older brothers have now aged up to teen and Percy is no longer a toddler - he's a child.
  • karritz's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    I just made my latest video available for you to watch. It's been hot here and I've been tired so it's taken me a bit longer than it should have.

    In this episode Cindy, the heir, meets her future husband. She also ages up to teen.

    Martin, the alien baby ages up to toddler and they get a new little sister.

    The entire household is being active and getting up to their usual activities. The entire episode takes place on their home lot.

    I hope you are able to watch it and enjoy.

    Happy Simming all.