Forum Discussion
9 years ago
Rising Star (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have a Magician Sim levitate themselves 20 times
Career. Sim specific. Have a sim get to level nine of the “Magician” performing profession. Then have him/her “Levitate Self” twenty times.
Rocker (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Collect 5 Rocks
Gathering. Sim specific. Here, “Rocks” means “Space rocks”
Romantic Photos (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Take a romantic photo with someone 20 times.
Item. Social. Sim specific. Require the “University Life” photo booth.
Salt Water Fish Monger (Silver)Limited Time Only! Expires September 3rd, 2012
Description: The sea is teeming with exotic and colorful fish. Brag to your friends when you catch anchovy, jellyfish, tuna, clownfish, and swordfish.
Skill. Sim specific. Forget the so called expiry date, it still can be unlocked. Catch those fishes, preferably in the correct unbroken order. To “Brag” about it is optional.
Saving for School (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Complete 5 Day Jobs.
Complex. Sim specific. Unless using mods, ”Day Jobs” require you to be attending “SimUniversity”. Go to the mailbox board, "Look for" "Day Jobs", accept and complete any five of those.
Savviest Scanner (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: As a Savvy Scanner, scan 5 works of art.
Career. Sim specific. Tricky part is to first become level ten of “Rebel Influence”. You will then be offered the “Art Apraiser” career at the local “Criminal Hideout”. You then need to reach level two of it, and you’ll be able to scan stuff.
Savvy Builder (Bronze)
Description: Place a blueprint using Blueprint Mode
Household Specific. When editing homelot, open the sparsely used blueprint menu, select anything in it and place it. Use “Ctrl + Z” to “Undo” and never touch blueprints again.
Scientific Sim (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Earn a Degree in Science & Medicine.
Complex. Self descriptive. You may either “Purchase” the degree using the honorary degree reward or attend university.
Seasonal Woohoo (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim woohoo in a leaf pile and an igloo.
Social. Self descriptive. Though it is clear when the “Igloo” is Woohoo worthy, the leaf pile, however can sometimes require a large terrain to be big enough to have two sim woohoo in it.
Seeding (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Collect 5 Seeds
Gathering. Sim specific. Self descriptive.
Seeker of Signs (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Have a Sim become a Horoscope reader then ask 5 other Sims what their Sign is
Career. Social. Sim Specific. Have a sim get to the first level of the “Fortune Teller” career “Ask Sign” to other sims five times.
Self-Salving (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Throw 5 Elixirs at yourself
Item. Sim specific. Note: Not all sim can be thrown at your sim, those that are drank do not count.
Send in The Clones (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Clone 24 Sims from scientific samples.
Skill. Item. Social. Complex. Sim specific. This achievement is not exactly hard, but has a tendency to ruin a game, as you suddenly overload your neighborhood. You need a “Science Station” on your homelot or home neighborhood, and at least twenty four DNA samples * not from occult sims*, a sim with the “Science” skill at level nine or ten and a household of fewer than eight sims (the fewer, the better). Have your sim clone a first sim (will result in a baby being born off the cloning machine with either the matching traits (or opposing matching traits) of the sims who’s DNA is from. Chain clone until your household is full. Have the babies eating cake up until you can kick (again, they are more or less guaranteed to have the original sim matching traits) out the clones and repeat. Progression is listed in the “Science” skill journal.
Serenity Now (Bronze)
Description: Have your Sim get Stressed Out
Sim specific. Have a sim get a very very low “Fun” need meter.
Shark Shmark (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 Island Paradise
Description: Beat 3 sharks in a fight
Complex. Sim specific. Two important notes: first, there are two kind of sharks, the small ones that can be fished (I’ve never seen or heard of a small shark attacking) and the large ones, and “Mermaids” are immune to sharks, they will not be attacked no matter what! Sharks are some not-so-powerful opponents, and the usual skills and traits are taken into consideration when fighting them (though the “Martial Arts” skill has a significantly reduce influence here). Sharks spawn randomly on designated spawners, though “Evil” “Mermaids” can summon them at will. If your sim is near a large shark, the odds of the shark attacking your sim is cumulatively affected by the amount of fish and meat in your sim inventory (poultry, patties, steak and all fish you will have just caught, fished or bought, I believe that tofu has no impact). The more you have, the greater the odds that the sharks will be attacking you. Another boost is if you click on the shark and “Watch Shark”. At some point, the shark will be attacking. There are four possible outcomes: Epic victory will result in your sim leaving with a “Fended off a Shark” positive moodlet and one or more very valuables shark teeth. Normal victory will result in your sim leaving with the positive moodlet. Defeat will result in a drastic loss of oxygen, and other needs, and the “Mauled by a Shark” moodlet. Epic defeat will result in your sim dying “Mauled by a shark”.
Shocking Dismount (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have your Sim get Singed while riding the PlasmaPunch Gyroscopic Conductor
Item. This achievement can actually be fulfilled by NPCs. The “PlasmaPunch Gyroscopic Conductor” is a very very expensive item. To get “singed” your sim only need to “Ride” it while it is broken. A “Fire” may or may not result too is trying to ride it while it is broken.
Silly Shots (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have a Sim take a photo with another Sim in the Photo Booth 10 times
Item. Social. Sim specific. Here’s another achievement requiring the “University Life” “Photobooth”.
Silver Tongue (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: As an Agent of Truth, negotiate 3 contracts.
Career. Sim specific. Have a sim reach level five of the “Sport Agent” career, and then “Negotiate” three contracts using your smartphone. If you want your negotiation to be sucessfull you need to have “Analyzed Statistics” at least five times prior each negotiation, otherwise, you either you either lose a lot of job performance, or get demoted. “Sport Agent” career is unlocked once your sim reaches level ten of “Jocks” influence.
Sing it Again, Sim (Platinum) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Earn §20,000 in tips as a Singer
Career. Complex. Sim specific. Tied with the other performing professions §20k achievements, this is the second achievement that take the longest to fulfill. I’ll be writing about those a little latter.
Singing Mischief (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Collect a Lounge Lizard Gnome
Career. Gathering. Sim specific. Each time your “Singer” gets a “Legendary” or “Epic” review”, there is a chance a “Lounge Lizard gnome” shows off in his/her inventory. You only need then to move it on your homelot, and, the achievement will be yours either right now or in the following night.
Slacker! (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim Call in Sick.
Career. Sim specific. Have a sim either get “Sick”, “Germy” or “Allergy Haze”, and then use his/her smartphone to “Call in Sick”
Sleeping with the Fishes (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have your Magician Sim perform the Watery Grave trick 30 times
Career. Item. Sim specific. Have a sim reach level nine of the “Magician” performing profession, then perform the “Watery Grave” trick on the “Box of Danger” thirty times. Expect your sim to nearly drown couple times on the way (getting the “Too Close for Comfort” achievement”). Note that your sim way even actually drown attempting it, so have couple spare “Death Flowers” ready.
Smoocher (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim kiss under a mistletoe.
Item. Sim specific. Set a “Mistletoe”, then have your sim have a kiss under it. Cute! ;)
Snick Snacker (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have a Sim place 10 Snack Bowls
Item. Household specific? (not sure) “Snack Bowls” can only be set on some “island counter” top, those you can set “Bar Stools” on. Set ten of them. Throw previous ones if you have to.
Snow Sculptor (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim make an igloo, snowman and snow angel.
Item. Sim specific. Wait until there is “Deep Snow” on the ground, then have your sim make one of each. Can be done on any public lot too if your backyard is too small.
So Irresistible it Hurts (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Have a Sim with the Irresistible trait boast about their good looks and talk about being irresistible 3 times.
Trait. Social. Sim specific. Have a sim with the “Irresistible” trait do both interactions thrice.
So Rad (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Have a Sim with the Avant Garde trait describe 10 radical ideas.
Trait. Social. Sim specific. Self descriptive.
So You Want a Revolution (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Announce 20 protests from a Podium.
Item. Sim specific. You only need to “Announce” the protest, you don’t need to attend them.
Socialite Badge
You will definitely have someone to share your Simming experiences with! Unlock this badge by adding 100 friends.
Online. Self descriptive.
Sole Survivor (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Island Paradise
Description: Make it across a scorching fire walk pit
Item. Sim specific. Self descriptive, though you better have your sim “Walk on” coal of lower heat levels first.
Someone’s Gotta Do It (Bronze)
Description: Have your Bed Pan Cleaner Sim clean 5 toilets
Career. Sim specific. Have a sim reach level two of the medical career clean five toilets.
Something to Write About (Silver)
Description: Have your Epitaph Writer Sim get mauled by a bear
Career. Venue. Sim Specific. This one is tricky. The only way your sim can get mauled by a bear is by “Exploring the Catacombs” on the “Mausoleum”. Over the expansions, EA added more outcomes, and to make things worse, many of those new outcomes include being mauled by bears/zombie bears, yet only the original one triggers the achievement. Even worst, it looks like this specific outcome can only be attained by an “Adult”, so a “Teen” “Epitaph Writer” cannot fulfil this achievement until aging up.
Spacious Curiosity (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Analyze a Space Rock
Gathering. Sim specific. Find a “Space Rock” and “Analyse Space Rock” (the “Science” skill “Analyse” do not count). Alternatively, grab a bunch of them and “Analyse All”
Spellslinger (Platinum) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Participate in 50 Spellcasting Duels
Skill. Social. Sim specific. Requires you to have a “Witch” reach level three of “Magic” hidden skill (same level that allows you to magically upgrade stuff). Little word of advice, by the fiftieth, you’ll be bored...
Spooky Day Shenanigans (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim smash a Pumpkin.
Item. Sim Specific. Here, “Pumpkin” refers to one that has been “Carved” and placed, not one to be harvested...
Spooky Sculptor (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim carve a Pumpkin.
Item. Sim specific. Move a “Pumpkin” out of your sim’s “Inventory” to a valid surface. Then you’ll be able to “Carve” it.
Spring Training (Gold)*Limited Time Only! Expires August 12th, 2012
Description: Is your Sim fit enough to run a marathon? Your muscles may be saying no, but your willpower says YES. Remember to hydrate and stretch!
Skill. Sim specific. I think I got it when my sim went for a “Jog” during “Spring”. I *think* your sim needs to “Jog” over fourty one kilometers during the Spring season, though I am not sure. But pay no attention to the expiry date, as it still can be awarded. (Note: A fellow Simmer pointed out that he got this badge without owning "Seasons".)
Stage Magic (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have a Magician Sim perform at least once at each venue type
Career. Venue. Sim Specific. Have a “Magician” perform gigs at a “(Performance) Park”, “Coffeehouse”, “Liveshow Venue” “Private Venue” and “Big Show Venue”. (You may have to set the latest one yourself, at it does not appear naturally in most worlds).
Star Crossed Lovers (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim meet an Alien, woohoo with an Alien, and have an Alien baby.
Social. Sim specific. Self descriptive... It seems that when “Trying for a Baby” with an alien, the odds of the baby being alien is slightly above the usual fifty percent... Personally, every time my female sims tried (about ten times), they ended up with an alien baby.
Steadiest of All Hands (Silver)
Description: Have your Sim fulfill the World Renowned Surgeon Lifetime Wish
Lifewish. Career. Sim Specific. Have a sim lock this lifewish then reach topmost level of the “Medical” career”.
Steal with Style (Gold)
Description: Have an Evil Sim become a Master Thief in the Criminal Career then steal candy from 20 babies
Career. Traits. Self descriptive, though candies can be stolen off “Toddlers” too.
Sterling Scholar (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Graduate with a perfect GPA.
LIFEWISH. Sim specific. Lock the “Perfect Student” lifewish, then fulfill it by reaching a perfect GPA for a degree.
Store Run (Bronze)
Description: Have your Sim visit the Grocery Store
Venue. Sim specific. Self descriptive.
Strange Joy (Platinum)
Description: Have a ghost baby
Social. Household specific. Create two “Ghost” sims through CAS, then have them have a baby.
Street Artist (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Fulfill the Street Art Skill Lifetime Wish.
Lifewish. Sim specific. Lock the “Street Credible” lifewish and fulfill it by reaching topmost level of the “Street Art” skill.
Sturgeon Surgeon (Silver)
Description: Have your Trauma Surgeon Sim prepare Great Sushi
Career. Skill. Have a sim reach level six of the “Medical” career reach level four of the cooking skill cook “Great” “Sushi”. Best way is having a sim fish out some “Great” or better quality fish and use it.
Sun Worshipper (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim get a sun tan.
Sim Specific. You may either get “Spray Tan” at the “Spa” or “Face Painting Booth” or lay in “Swimsuit” under the sun.
Sunlight and Water (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Have a PlantSim photosynthesize and absorb 20 puddles.
Super Friendly Badge
Description: There's no doubt that you're the Simmer-about-town. Unlock this badge by adding 25 friends.
Online. Self descriptive.
Supporter of The Arts (Bronze)
Description: Have your Sim visit the Art Gallery
Venue. Sim specific. Self descriptive.
Swan Dive (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: As a non-Supernatural female, Make Out with your Vampire Partner, then break up and Make Out with a new Werewolf Partner, break up with them and marry a Vampire
Social. Complex. Sim specific. Self descriptive. This achievement is annoying yet functional. You need a “Human” female sim get a “Boyfriend” “Vampire” “Make out”, “Break Up”, then you need her to get a “Werewolf” “Boyfriend” “Make Out”, “Break Up”, and finally, she needs to marry a “Vampire”, which, in my case, was a fourth sim, not the “Vampire” from earlier on.
Ta-Da! (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have your Singer Sim perform each Sing-A-Gram 15 times
Career. Social. Sim Specific. Have a sim reach level three of the “Singer” performing profession then sing each of the four Sing-A-Gram fifteen times. You can spam them all on the same victim, and I pity him/her ;)
Tag (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Tag 10 walls.
Item. Skill. Sim specific. Have a sim acquire a graffiti kit, then you’ll be able to “Tag” the walls.
Take a Break from those Monsters (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Have a Witch Sim with a Vampire Spouse and a Ghost, a Fairy and a Werewolf as children ride their broom to a Community Lot
This achievement has been removed by EA.
Talk to the Palm (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: As a Palm Reader have your Sim Conduct 2 Private Readings
Career. Social. Sim specific. Have your sim reach level four of the “Fortune Teller” career perform two private reading, which, by the way, is a performance modifier...
Rising Star (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have a Magician Sim levitate themselves 20 times
Career. Sim specific. Have a sim get to level nine of the “Magician” performing profession. Then have him/her “Levitate Self” twenty times.
Rocker (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Collect 5 Rocks
Gathering. Sim specific. Here, “Rocks” means “Space rocks”
Romantic Photos (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Take a romantic photo with someone 20 times.
Item. Social. Sim specific. Require the “University Life” photo booth.
Salt Water Fish Monger (Silver)
Description: The sea is teeming with exotic and colorful fish. Brag to your friends when you catch anchovy, jellyfish, tuna, clownfish, and swordfish.
Skill. Sim specific. Forget the so called expiry date, it still can be unlocked. Catch those fishes, preferably in the correct unbroken order. To “Brag” about it is optional.
Saving for School (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Complete 5 Day Jobs.
Complex. Sim specific. Unless using mods, ”Day Jobs” require you to be attending “SimUniversity”. Go to the mailbox board, "Look for" "Day Jobs", accept and complete any five of those.
Savviest Scanner (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: As a Savvy Scanner, scan 5 works of art.
Career. Sim specific. Tricky part is to first become level ten of “Rebel Influence”. You will then be offered the “Art Apraiser” career at the local “Criminal Hideout”. You then need to reach level two of it, and you’ll be able to scan stuff.
Savvy Builder (Bronze)
Description: Place a blueprint using Blueprint Mode
Household Specific. When editing homelot, open the sparsely used blueprint menu, select anything in it and place it. Use “Ctrl + Z” to “Undo” and never touch blueprints again.
Scientific Sim (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Earn a Degree in Science & Medicine.
Complex. Self descriptive. You may either “Purchase” the degree using the honorary degree reward or attend university.
Seasonal Woohoo (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim woohoo in a leaf pile and an igloo.
Social. Self descriptive. Though it is clear when the “Igloo” is Woohoo worthy, the leaf pile, however can sometimes require a large terrain to be big enough to have two sim woohoo in it.
Seeding (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Collect 5 Seeds
Gathering. Sim specific. Self descriptive.
Seeker of Signs (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Have a Sim become a Horoscope reader then ask 5 other Sims what their Sign is
Career. Social. Sim Specific. Have a sim get to the first level of the “Fortune Teller” career “Ask Sign” to other sims five times.
Self-Salving (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Throw 5 Elixirs at yourself
Item. Sim specific. Note: Not all sim can be thrown at your sim, those that are drank do not count.
Send in The Clones (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Clone 24 Sims from scientific samples.
Skill. Item. Social. Complex. Sim specific. This achievement is not exactly hard, but has a tendency to ruin a game, as you suddenly overload your neighborhood. You need a “Science Station” on your homelot or home neighborhood, and at least twenty four DNA samples * not from occult sims*, a sim with the “Science” skill at level nine or ten and a household of fewer than eight sims (the fewer, the better). Have your sim clone a first sim (will result in a baby being born off the cloning machine with either the matching traits (or opposing matching traits) of the sims who’s DNA is from. Chain clone until your household is full. Have the babies eating cake up until you can kick (again, they are more or less guaranteed to have the original sim matching traits) out the clones and repeat. Progression is listed in the “Science” skill journal.
Serenity Now (Bronze)
Description: Have your Sim get Stressed Out
Sim specific. Have a sim get a very very low “Fun” need meter.
Shark Shmark (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 Island Paradise
Description: Beat 3 sharks in a fight
Complex. Sim specific. Two important notes: first, there are two kind of sharks, the small ones that can be fished (I’ve never seen or heard of a small shark attacking) and the large ones, and “Mermaids” are immune to sharks, they will not be attacked no matter what! Sharks are some not-so-powerful opponents, and the usual skills and traits are taken into consideration when fighting them (though the “Martial Arts” skill has a significantly reduce influence here). Sharks spawn randomly on designated spawners, though “Evil” “Mermaids” can summon them at will. If your sim is near a large shark, the odds of the shark attacking your sim is cumulatively affected by the amount of fish and meat in your sim inventory (poultry, patties, steak and all fish you will have just caught, fished or bought, I believe that tofu has no impact). The more you have, the greater the odds that the sharks will be attacking you. Another boost is if you click on the shark and “Watch Shark”. At some point, the shark will be attacking. There are four possible outcomes: Epic victory will result in your sim leaving with a “Fended off a Shark” positive moodlet and one or more very valuables shark teeth. Normal victory will result in your sim leaving with the positive moodlet. Defeat will result in a drastic loss of oxygen, and other needs, and the “Mauled by a Shark” moodlet. Epic defeat will result in your sim dying “Mauled by a shark”.
Shocking Dismount (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have your Sim get Singed while riding the PlasmaPunch Gyroscopic Conductor
Item. This achievement can actually be fulfilled by NPCs. The “PlasmaPunch Gyroscopic Conductor” is a very very expensive item. To get “singed” your sim only need to “Ride” it while it is broken. A “Fire” may or may not result too is trying to ride it while it is broken.
Silly Shots (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have a Sim take a photo with another Sim in the Photo Booth 10 times
Item. Social. Sim specific. Here’s another achievement requiring the “University Life” “Photobooth”.
Silver Tongue (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: As an Agent of Truth, negotiate 3 contracts.
Career. Sim specific. Have a sim reach level five of the “Sport Agent” career, and then “Negotiate” three contracts using your smartphone. If you want your negotiation to be sucessfull you need to have “Analyzed Statistics” at least five times prior each negotiation, otherwise, you either you either lose a lot of job performance, or get demoted. “Sport Agent” career is unlocked once your sim reaches level ten of “Jocks” influence.
Sing it Again, Sim (Platinum) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Earn §20,000 in tips as a Singer
Career. Complex. Sim specific. Tied with the other performing professions §20k achievements, this is the second achievement that take the longest to fulfill. I’ll be writing about those a little latter.
Singing Mischief (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Collect a Lounge Lizard Gnome
Career. Gathering. Sim specific. Each time your “Singer” gets a “Legendary” or “Epic” review”, there is a chance a “Lounge Lizard gnome” shows off in his/her inventory. You only need then to move it on your homelot, and, the achievement will be yours either right now or in the following night.
Slacker! (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim Call in Sick.
Career. Sim specific. Have a sim either get “Sick”, “Germy” or “Allergy Haze”, and then use his/her smartphone to “Call in Sick”
Sleeping with the Fishes (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have your Magician Sim perform the Watery Grave trick 30 times
Career. Item. Sim specific. Have a sim reach level nine of the “Magician” performing profession, then perform the “Watery Grave” trick on the “Box of Danger” thirty times. Expect your sim to nearly drown couple times on the way (getting the “Too Close for Comfort” achievement”). Note that your sim way even actually drown attempting it, so have couple spare “Death Flowers” ready.
Smoocher (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim kiss under a mistletoe.
Item. Sim specific. Set a “Mistletoe”, then have your sim have a kiss under it. Cute! ;)
Snick Snacker (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have a Sim place 10 Snack Bowls
Item. Household specific? (not sure) “Snack Bowls” can only be set on some “island counter” top, those you can set “Bar Stools” on. Set ten of them. Throw previous ones if you have to.
Snow Sculptor (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim make an igloo, snowman and snow angel.
Item. Sim specific. Wait until there is “Deep Snow” on the ground, then have your sim make one of each. Can be done on any public lot too if your backyard is too small.
So Irresistible it Hurts (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Have a Sim with the Irresistible trait boast about their good looks and talk about being irresistible 3 times.
Trait. Social. Sim specific. Have a sim with the “Irresistible” trait do both interactions thrice.
So Rad (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Have a Sim with the Avant Garde trait describe 10 radical ideas.
Trait. Social. Sim specific. Self descriptive.
So You Want a Revolution (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Announce 20 protests from a Podium.
Item. Sim specific. You only need to “Announce” the protest, you don’t need to attend them.
Socialite Badge
You will definitely have someone to share your Simming experiences with! Unlock this badge by adding 100 friends.
Online. Self descriptive.
Sole Survivor (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Island Paradise
Description: Make it across a scorching fire walk pit
Item. Sim specific. Self descriptive, though you better have your sim “Walk on” coal of lower heat levels first.
Someone’s Gotta Do It (Bronze)
Description: Have your Bed Pan Cleaner Sim clean 5 toilets
Career. Sim specific. Have a sim reach level two of the medical career clean five toilets.
Something to Write About (Silver)
Description: Have your Epitaph Writer Sim get mauled by a bear
Career. Venue. Sim Specific. This one is tricky. The only way your sim can get mauled by a bear is by “Exploring the Catacombs” on the “Mausoleum”. Over the expansions, EA added more outcomes, and to make things worse, many of those new outcomes include being mauled by bears/zombie bears, yet only the original one triggers the achievement. Even worst, it looks like this specific outcome can only be attained by an “Adult”, so a “Teen” “Epitaph Writer” cannot fulfil this achievement until aging up.
Spacious Curiosity (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Analyze a Space Rock
Gathering. Sim specific. Find a “Space Rock” and “Analyse Space Rock” (the “Science” skill “Analyse” do not count). Alternatively, grab a bunch of them and “Analyse All”
Spellslinger (Platinum) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Participate in 50 Spellcasting Duels
Skill. Social. Sim specific. Requires you to have a “Witch” reach level three of “Magic” hidden skill (same level that allows you to magically upgrade stuff). Little word of advice, by the fiftieth, you’ll be bored...
Spooky Day Shenanigans (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim smash a Pumpkin.
Item. Sim Specific. Here, “Pumpkin” refers to one that has been “Carved” and placed, not one to be harvested...
Spooky Sculptor (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim carve a Pumpkin.
Item. Sim specific. Move a “Pumpkin” out of your sim’s “Inventory” to a valid surface. Then you’ll be able to “Carve” it.
Spring Training (Gold)
Description: Is your Sim fit enough to run a marathon? Your muscles may be saying no, but your willpower says YES. Remember to hydrate and stretch!
Skill. Sim specific. I think I got it when my sim went for a “Jog” during “Spring”. I *think* your sim needs to “Jog” over fourty one kilometers during the Spring season, though I am not sure. But pay no attention to the expiry date, as it still can be awarded. (Note: A fellow Simmer pointed out that he got this badge without owning "Seasons".)
Stage Magic (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have a Magician Sim perform at least once at each venue type
Career. Venue. Sim Specific. Have a “Magician” perform gigs at a “(Performance) Park”, “Coffeehouse”, “Liveshow Venue” “Private Venue” and “Big Show Venue”. (You may have to set the latest one yourself, at it does not appear naturally in most worlds).
Star Crossed Lovers (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim meet an Alien, woohoo with an Alien, and have an Alien baby.
Social. Sim specific. Self descriptive... It seems that when “Trying for a Baby” with an alien, the odds of the baby being alien is slightly above the usual fifty percent... Personally, every time my female sims tried (about ten times), they ended up with an alien baby.
Steadiest of All Hands (Silver)
Description: Have your Sim fulfill the World Renowned Surgeon Lifetime Wish
Lifewish. Career. Sim Specific. Have a sim lock this lifewish then reach topmost level of the “Medical” career”.
Steal with Style (Gold)
Description: Have an Evil Sim become a Master Thief in the Criminal Career then steal candy from 20 babies
Career. Traits. Self descriptive, though candies can be stolen off “Toddlers” too.
Sterling Scholar (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Graduate with a perfect GPA.
LIFEWISH. Sim specific. Lock the “Perfect Student” lifewish, then fulfill it by reaching a perfect GPA for a degree.
Store Run (Bronze)
Description: Have your Sim visit the Grocery Store
Venue. Sim specific. Self descriptive.
Strange Joy (Platinum)
Description: Have a ghost baby
Social. Household specific. Create two “Ghost” sims through CAS, then have them have a baby.
Street Artist (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Fulfill the Street Art Skill Lifetime Wish.
Lifewish. Sim specific. Lock the “Street Credible” lifewish and fulfill it by reaching topmost level of the “Street Art” skill.
Sturgeon Surgeon (Silver)
Description: Have your Trauma Surgeon Sim prepare Great Sushi
Career. Skill. Have a sim reach level six of the “Medical” career reach level four of the cooking skill cook “Great” “Sushi”. Best way is having a sim fish out some “Great” or better quality fish and use it.
Sun Worshipper (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Seasons
Description: Have your Sim get a sun tan.
Sim Specific. You may either get “Spray Tan” at the “Spa” or “Face Painting Booth” or lay in “Swimsuit” under the sun.
Sunlight and Water (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Have a PlantSim photosynthesize and absorb 20 puddles.
Super Friendly Badge
Description: There's no doubt that you're the Simmer-about-town. Unlock this badge by adding 25 friends.
Online. Self descriptive.
Supporter of The Arts (Bronze)
Description: Have your Sim visit the Art Gallery
Venue. Sim specific. Self descriptive.
Swan Dive (Gold) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: As a non-Supernatural female, Make Out with your Vampire Partner, then break up and Make Out with a new Werewolf Partner, break up with them and marry a Vampire
Social. Complex. Sim specific. Self descriptive. This achievement is annoying yet functional. You need a “Human” female sim get a “Boyfriend” “Vampire” “Make out”, “Break Up”, then you need her to get a “Werewolf” “Boyfriend” “Make Out”, “Break Up”, and finally, she needs to marry a “Vampire”, which, in my case, was a fourth sim, not the “Vampire” from earlier on.
Ta-Da! (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Showtime
Description: Have your Singer Sim perform each Sing-A-Gram 15 times
Career. Social. Sim Specific. Have a sim reach level three of the “Singer” performing profession then sing each of the four Sing-A-Gram fifteen times. You can spam them all on the same victim, and I pity him/her ;)
Tag (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life
Description: Tag 10 walls.
Item. Skill. Sim specific. Have a sim acquire a graffiti kit, then you’ll be able to “Tag” the walls.
Take a Break from those Monsters (Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: Have a Witch Sim with a Vampire Spouse and a Ghost, a Fairy and a Werewolf as children ride their broom to a Community Lot
This achievement has been removed by EA.
Talk to the Palm (Silver) *Requires The Sims 3 Supernatural
Description: As a Palm Reader have your Sim Conduct 2 Private Readings
Career. Social. Sim specific. Have your sim reach level four of the “Fortune Teller” career perform two private reading, which, by the way, is a performance modifier...
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