The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Well I must admit I Do like watching my sims, just to see what they do! I usually only direct them to help fulfill wishes, although sometimes I admit to doing this creatively! haha
So my family, how did it begin? Starting in Moonlight Falls with Dante, Violet, and Argus, it was plain so see that Violet and Argus were getting to be an item. Dante was best friends with Belinda Crumplebottom, and they decided to move in together to my favorite house. (actually, the only house I like here!)
Belinda wanted a child with Dante, and it pained him to let her down as he felt he was too young, and he wanted a more traditional family when he matured. He loved Belinda as friend, and even though she was so kind and lovely personality, she was not 'the One' for him.
Belinda was swept off her feet by Don Lothario, they fell in love and married. When ever he would scare her she would retaliate by casting a spell on him! :D They enjoyed each other immensely! She has not had a child with Don so far though, she thinks an evil father would be, well, evil!
Moving Forward : Dante
Dante met a beautiful Faery named Tulip. The attraction was instant, and soon they fell in love. The more he was with her, the more he became convinced she was the One! And so, he convinced her to marry him. I say 'convinced' because She was a bit afraid that he was a Vampire. But, she did love him and she did say Yes! Dante was in heaven! He never drank from her, he only drank plasma orange juice. Their marriage was loving and solid, and then Dante wanted a child.
Tulip always dreamed of babies, but would never get the wish for it. The Watcher (me) became convinced she was worried that Dante might bite the baby! :o One day as they were on a date, Dante started spamming me with wishes to turn Tulip! Even though I usually fulfill wishes, I kept clicking his wishes off. He Spammed me 7 times in half an hour! He wanted desperately to turn her! mmm maybe Dante knows something the Watcher does not! I decided to let him fulfill this wish! I wanted to know! For Science!
"Are you sure, my love?" And Dante slips her a Potent Cure Potion, in case she wants to change her mind. "Yes, Dante, I'm sure." her voice was so enchanting, sounding like Elvan wind chimes to his ear. and it was done!
A few days later, Tulip went through the transformation!
And she got the wish to have a baby with Dante only a few minutes later! In fact she got many baby wishes! How did Dante know this would happen? I am so glad he told me with his thought bubbles and spammed wishes!
They are marvelous parents, there isn't a more devoted father, in fact Dante loves all babies & kids! 1st child Tula then and now
Tula's boyfriend Tristan--they live across the street in the family's other property, a 'Teen house', with a Chaperone
@Sprottenham Oh well I'm very glad your english teacher wasn't that bad! I don't remember any other creepy teachers, we were very lucky and had many teachers with a lively sense of humor which would make their lectures come to life, they were gifted and knew how to capture an audience! Of course we had boring ones as well! Ick! lol
I thought Nadia, was a Russian name. :) I'm more familiar with Russian names, but I really do like Scandinavian, French, Irish, Scots, German, as well as down under the equator! I think it's the sound of the languages that first grabs me and then when I hear my language spoken with their accent I , well I really like that, a boring sounding language suddenly sounding exotic and lovely! so pretty! I look for movies made in other countries on Netflicks and Prime so I can hear it, and read the subtitles.
Ah, Yes I understand you saying there needs to be a conflict or something bad, but that is hard for me to write for this little bubble town, where every face looks so angelically innocent! LOL :D Even the Evil ones will give a cute innocent look when idle, and I think ohh see, he's really not so bad after all! :D
I think for Rocky's family the conflict or 'thing to solve' is the boy's size because it gets them in trouble at times and how to get them normal sized again, and to be vampires to see if it will increase their intellect, or go wrong, but they are too young to be bitten so they need to find help from someone willing to help them.
The matter of the Tesla's disappearance, yes it will eventually be solved ---- I mean we didn't find out about Professor Snape until near the end of the book! :D More clues will be coming as I go from playing one household to the next until all the residents have been played. I was going to have the poisonings as the main conflict, but it was not well received, except for Joy, the family oriented teen, becoming suddenly barren did have a surprising response. When Octavio poisoned the concession drinks, and planning to poison the towns water supply, It was met with the wanting him to be caught and done away with or locked up immediately. Not all, of course, but I was influenced by some reactions. so that type of reaction, for me, it was like ohhhh This Octavio fella is not welcomed or wanted in the story, so this was a bad idea of mine! So, I felt I couldn't let that be my ''main conflict until the end,'' as I wanted to, even though I saw it being 'ok' , in others stories, without such complaints.
so it was another mysterious happenstance for me to try figure out why. I have an autism that makes it a bit hard for me to know what people mean, and especially why they are saying certain things, and I know it's also sometimes hard for me to be understood. so Anyway, I finally just figured, let it go, it's just yet another thing that's not liked, so what else is new?! :D Just go play a different house! :D But then, Luckily for me, Ergo mentioned she could envision the town hero Victor saving the day (She has great ideas, and is very encouraging, and funny) so I thought that was pretty brilliant and apropos to the town story, and had him do it!
Oh that ^ was toooo long! OK so my point, lol yes there was actually a Point! Was to ask your thoughts about the missing Tesla's. Would/Could the vanishing of the Tesla's be a big enough mystery or conflict, even though it is in the back ground of the story? I don't want it to be the foremost thing in the story, because he main focus is the different families and their lives. each having something they strive for, but only some get to achieve it. My idea is to keep the vanishing more as a mystery in the background with just a few new clues, as time goes on. My original purpose is to play the entire town, and each sim is watched, studied and their personality developed according to their facial expressions, thoughts, wishes and crazy things they do, with as little of my direction as possible. Thereby letting the sims make the story! Not tremendously exciting, since they all are so nutty, but really really fun for me to watch! :D
Yes it Is crazy Good!!! now just stop it and accept it!!! >:) :) :smiley:
sorry editted because I somehow forgot how to do a spoiler LOL
Oh I think it must also be fast typing. I have to still hunt and peck and look at my fingers and I Still make so many typos, even while ?Looking at them! my fingers must be sneaky devils and have a mind of their own!
Ah well her name is Selena Savage, In Bridgeport. if ever you want to make her come rob you! LOL Be sure to let me know!!!
Yes Hetal looks very similar to her Mother Jin, they are both EA made, green faced homeless in Moonlight Falls!
Max gave (in the story) the boys the Mad Scientist career reward as a gift! haha so the guns pop out of thin air when you click on an object and choose 'perform experiments '! That fire outcome luckily doesn't happen often! Usually it will make a pleasing or displeasing outcome to the object being experimented on! It's really fun!
hahaha I don't know why they took so long to notice the Fire! The teens were too busy dancing and having a good time, I guess! Priorities!!!
Yes that was 27 teen guests, and sleeping bags! And the amazing part was No lag on the lot!!! I couldn't believe how lucky I was! Now I have to probably feed them all before school!
It was a fun party for them but not wild-wild like the parties my teens have in Riverview, they would stay up All night, and also be rowdy in the house, playing guitars in the parents bed room :D
Thank you for your comments and especially your thoughts on story writing! I really appreciate it!!! :)
I only work two more days this week, So I will work on the story on Wednesday afternoon.
How nice of Sunny to let the girls live with them, they need a proper place to stay. oh whoa, a fire!, I do not have a lot of fires so when they happen I get excited haha. wow, so many sleeping bags! Haha great update
Well, that was a teen party for the history books! From now on, I won't count my teen parties as a success unless something catches on fire and a brave teen saves the jellyfish. :) Plus everyone passing out, of course.
Peanut is so, so strange in your save! He's always such a sweet kiddo in mine, just strumming on guitars and plopping himself down in front of the nearest television. Maybe he's jealous of his awesome sister in your world. I would be too if my sister got to hang out with Poor Eddy and his amazing faces. :)
Chad is adorable as always: I'm hoping for some real romance for him soon.
And Sunny with her happy fire moodlet is peak Sunny. I love her, that wild child!
@DivaDoodle Oh, well, the english teacher wasn't that bad. She never did anything as far as I know, she just had this creepiness to her.
Aha, interesting story about Nadia. You really do like your Scandinavians! And yes, when I saw her in your game, she does actually look like someone I went to school with, so she could easily pass for a Swedish or Norwegian person! 3 year age difference is nothing. Wow, you actually went to war protests! That makes you cooler in my book! I have never really protested anything in my life, atleast not anything beyond just a peaceful march through town..
Ah yes, the necessary of something bad in a story! Lately I have been consuming youtube videos about writing stories and novels, and even screenplays like mad, to learn about the writing and story telling process, and one of my main conclusions is that a good story needs to have some kind of conflict, or that something needs to be at stake for the characters, or else it won't be interesting or exciting. So there's going to be a goal, and something or someone that gets in the way of the goal, to fight against.
"Btw that's one of the main reasons I love your story about the red winged angels! NoBody has a story like that! it's crazy good, and I always wonder if you know that, or don't even realize it!" :grimace: :grimace: Oh no! I always get scared almost when I get compliments! My story isn't crazy good, don't elevate it that much! It's umm... but thanks, if you really think so! :open_mouth:
Haha, I don't think I can write that many words a minute... I do take some time to go throught the posts..
"Yes they are from Serbainia (named so because it made my husband laugh when I was trying to think of names) They were given a large political contribution because they are a sister country. Then they vanished! >:)" <-- Hehe, I like the name Serbainia too, but now you have to tell where these people went! >:)
:open_mouth: I have Late Night, but no one there has been burgled so far, so I don't know.. but having one that can't be beat doesn't sound to good.. like a super burglar..
Haha, thanks for the ice pack, I'll put it on my keyb.. uhmmm.. next to the keyboard of course! :P
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Teen Party! ~~
Oh a teenage party, this should be fun! Yes, I undestand that you really like the teenage life stage! ;)
Hetal has a very unique look, she looks a bit scary.. I can understand Chad being a little uneasy dancing with Hetal. I know, its kind of wrong to judge someone by their looks, she could of course be a very nice person inside, but immediately she looks a bit scary...
Haha, that smustle dance is so strange and cute. ;)
Haha, well, I feel bad for Peanut having that strange father talking about feeling the love and things like that! Could make anyone a little snubby, maybe.... :P
Whoa there, careful with those strange gun things there boys! I don't know what they can do with those, because I have never seen them in game before, but apparently they work just fine for setting things on fire...
Hehe, and nobody seems to notice.. we don't need no water, let the.. umm. dining table burn.. Burn, dining table, burn! :naughty:
Oh, wow, haha, thats a lot of sleeping bags, perfectly arranged on the lawn. ;)
Looks like the teens had a great party, with lots of dancing and even a festive fire... and people falling asleep in random places around the lawn. ;) Good times...
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Teen Party! ~~
"Shouldn't we help Paulina get ready for the Teen Party, Fabian?" asks Dot, as they hang out on the swings. "No, I think Watcher will see to it! Look our garage is gone and a dance floor is here behind us!" "Oh!" "But maybe we can go cook something! Will you exchange recipes with me?" ask Fabian. He had discovered that Dot is a natural cook!
Some of the classmates unknown to Watcher, come over before the party starts. The spoiler shows these teens.
These are the new kids I saw that the game made, but I never see them in town. This is Bastian, He likes gardening. This is his brother, Bjorn with the brown hair. No need to know these new people, or remember them, I'm just putting their pix here in case someone wants to know who they are :)
This is Bonnie Doon. She is eco friendly. Jed tries to make her feel welcome by talking about going green. I haven't a clue why Jed would know about going green! :D Maybe Max told him.
Oh! Did you know that green faced Jin, from the alchemy shoppe had a daughter?! Me either! This is Hetal, her daughter! The boy is Makani Keola, and the girl is Alice Blainstreet. Hopefully that is all of the unknown Homeless teens! Now they get a chance to come out of the other dimension and party down!
Finally the party starts and gets in the groove! There a lots of pink hearts fluttering about, but that's par for the course! The teens seem very happy to have a fun place to hang out, once they discover there is a dance floor!
Haha Chad the baby sitter, looks like he has never seen Hetal before!
Yay! Even my other favorite babysitter came! She is the one with the braids and thick glasses, Nikki Sticher. she is so good with kids! She is always in Moonlight Falls. Well! That dastardly Peanut, is smooching her! Oh, I see, Mara dislikes him now, they are in the red! What. the. heck! Peanut just now started snubbing Paulina and Dot Tesla! :o :# He doesn't even Know them! Why is he such a brat?! LOL
Rocky to the rescue with a scolding, for being a mean bratty baby! "If you can't conduct yourself civilly young man, then you will be asked to leave!"
"I'm sorry Mr. Doran, please don't tell my Pa, he will make me try to feel the Love, again!" says Peanut. "Well maybe you Should be trying to feel the love, instead of snubbing your classmates!'' says Rocky. OK Rocky, looks like Peanut has learned his lesson! :D
"Hey Luc! Great dance moves!" says Dot, pointing at him.
I guess Peanut might be feeling the love after all! Maybe not Nicky though. Oh What in the World! I see in her moodlets she is Snubbed, what the heck is wrong with that kid?!!
Alfred Hopcraft and Leelu (Luc's gf) dance the smustle. Mary Youngman thinks it's so cute! The Teens have a good time! The chaperones too!
Tristan and his sister Emelie are good dancers! Rocky's boys are having a blast but they can tell that Dot and Paulina are having bad moods because of being snubbed! :( They want to help!
"Let's surprise the girls! It might help their mood, and everyone else's bad mood from being snubbed!" says Jed. "Yes brother, that's a great idea, I will help you!" says Fabian. The boys are going to attempt to make the party table and chairs imbued with sonic pleasing sounds! Rocky keeps his glowing eyes on the lads, and is glad no guests are near them! So far their experiment seems to be going OK!
Uh-Oh crossing the streams again!? Ooops mistake! Use the un-do button boys! The green circle means its good and the yellow circle means the experiment failed!
Oh No! Something caught on fire!
lol Nobody even noticed yet!
I can't even see Rocky because of all the smoke! But we need a Fireman! or former fireman! And what, may I ask, is a jelly fish doing in all the fire?
Oh Good! Jed, the brave twin, automatically knows how to use a fire extinguisher! Poor Fabian is freaking out! They both have a bad moodlet 'Horrified from experiment gone wrong!" Hetal seems to like fires!
"OMG save the jelly fish!" cries Peanut.
More and more teens crowd around watching, so Rocky can't even get through to help his son! Rocky is horrified, and has the horrified moodlet! But some simmies Like fire! Daredevil simmies!
Finally Jed gets the fire put out! What an ordeal! Good thing the party table was outside!
Rocky sees that all the teens are ok, and is able to quickly make it over to Jed, to make sure his boy is alright. He is! He's just a bit shaken up.
"Good job putting out the fire son, that was fast thinking! umm, maybe next time, just experiment on One chair at a time, 8 feet away from everything else." says Rocky. "Yes Dad, whew I'm so sorry it went so wrong! Maybe I will take a break from experiments for awhile!"
Once the burnt up party table is replaced everyone forgets all about their fire, and continues to have a good time!
Chad looks happy dancing with Makani.
"Kids, I put some sleeping bags out if you *thud...thud* ... oops, well when you wake up you can use them! They're on the front lawn." Sunny says. The smarter teens find them right away! "Thank you Miss Pendragon" they murmur sleepily. It's only 23:00, it not even that late, for teenagers!
Sunny has gone on to bed, but Watcher feels really sorry for these teens that can't seem to walk a few steps to a sleeping bag! lol Poor Luc has gotten up, and fallen back down 3 times already! so I put one right next to him! :D Might as well do it for the others!
@Sprottenham Hi hi! :) Oh your story of your english teacher there, reminded me of my high school, there was a psych teacher that was way too friendly to the boys in the class. it went on year after year and was talked about, but no charges made, I think back in those cave man days, no kids knew that they could make charges against a teacher or something, I'm not sure and my husband isn't either. Finally before our own kids went to our same high school, we read in the paper that one boy's parents made charges and then, many boys came forward, the teacher was eventually convicted by a jury. but that is like almost 30 Years of his bad behavior and getting away with it!
Nadia was my re-play of our best friend's teenage escapade, as we had just been talking to him on the phone and he was reminiscing again about this wonderful amazing girl! He still loves to talk about her, she was his first love. (we are all old farts and talk about all kinds of stuff LOL I told him I should make his teen story as one of my sims and he laughed and said 'well be sure to say how handsome I was!' LOL ). He was a grade younger than my husband and me, but they combined different grades for some classes so we all knew each other. So, he had a very pretty Swede come live with them as an exchange student, She was in her last semester of her high school, his mother was hosting her there at their home. She wanted to stay in the states after graduation, so his Mom said she could do housekeeping and go to the community college if she wanted to. In the r/l version they both were aware of the age difference, but like I've said before, in our little rainbow bubble of a college town way back in the day, no one cared about 3 yrs age difference, and many teens had college steady's, it was just normal for our town, we met each other at war protests, and college parties, and be-ins, as the rock concerts were called in the day.
Oh my sims toddlers are 3-5, kids are age 8-13 and then the teens are instantly 16-17yr/old, but then they have to stay that same age seemingly forever LOL because it is my favorite age to play! I know everyone likes to have different ages in their minds for their sims.
oh yeah, it's wonderful to ask questions about characters, and I like to try to improve, so when I see someone has gotten the complete opposite impression of a character than what was intended, I try to clarify, and ask why.
Oh! It is easy for me to agree with you here since I share your views of stories where all is good, or the bad guys are always found & locked up forever---wait! I take that back, I love all the super hero's movies and comics, and LOTR! I really like the concept good vs evil!
But I agree, if everyone in town is either actually a monster inside, or the opposite, so good and sweet I start to get cavities, or the Saddest thing taking a very Splendid idea, and working it to death, so that it gets too Over done, so the once fantastic thing has now been ruined and become trite. Well, that's a crying shame. But we see it a lot in so many TV shows, movies and stories. The TV people probably are thinking 'well we got a Hit lets do another exactly like it $$$ hahaha. I feel this 'trite' dislike strongly, because I really Do like romance & romance comedies shows and books, so when it's so over the top, it kind of wrecks it for me! But to each their own, I bet I'm in the minority, there are probably more people who Do like the trite poop, and after all, it's only a matter of preference! Btw that's one of the main reasons I love your story about the red winged angels! NoBody has a story like that! it's crazy good, and I always wonder if you know that, or don't even realize it!
Oh HAHAHA :D OK! I will try to make my titles reflect immanent mushy stuff, so you can skip it and not get your eyes burned out of your head! LOL
Hmm, well, I Especially welcome suggestions and questions! I have gotten such fun ones that can translate easily to this nutty town! Some of those have sparked new ideas for part of the story. Some are so funny I just can't Not use them! ---> ''But thats just me.... but don't let that change how a story is written. If a story turns out to be light and bright coloured, or dark and gloomy.. I think the most important thing is that the writer/player enjoys it, otherwise, whats the point? :P We're all different, and probably all like different things.... I would hate to have my opinion change how someone plays out their story.. I have my own stories for that.... '' I really appreciate you sharing your views! There is so much I agree with here! But I have been and do get swayed, sometimes, and so I try warn with spoilers or do something like that. But LOL it's what happened in the Game, so it's not like I can leave it out of the story altogether! ???
Wowie! Are you just a prolific writer and can type a zillion words a minute? I am so impressed and jealous! And I thank you for all your comments in advance!
oh gee, About the teens in the fire house, I was initially very Mad when the ladies started to come on to the teens because my Whole idea of them being there was working on the fire engine and I was going to create a huge fire emergency, to see them in action and put out the fire! So those girls got me in a mad dither, and I forgot what I was going to do, keeping the game on pause, deciding. then my husband who'd heard my vocal outrage, came over and said 'Oh leave them alone, that's funny! what teen boy filled with hormones wouldn't want that!' LOL he cracks me up! so I just let it go, for him, and made Rocky come. :D I only finally remembered about my wanting to do the fire emergency after they were already home!?
hehe That is a nice memory of your crush on your music teacher! I'm glad it wasn't icky! My husband had a huge crush on the baby sitter when he was 12, he told me 'I even combed my hair! And he dressed in his sunday best clothes to go pick her up with his Dad. Well it turns out, she locked all the kids in the downstairs, and called her boyfriend to come over! He nearly fell down the stairs in outrage, when he saw they were locked in! I can just see him in my minds eye! Oh! the nerve and the gall! :# :D
hehehe I'm glad you like the name! Nikola Tesla had a nephew, son of his youngest sister, named Sava, Sava N. Kosanović. I was running out of Names! lol
Yes the Tesla daughters Paulina and Dot (Dorothea) are teens, the same age as Rocky's teens. Thank you! These teens have a lot in common an are curious about different subjects because of their traits, athletic, genius, handy etc. Yes Dot has crazy purple colored eyes!
Fern is one of my favorites, whenever I see her smiling face, I am instantly calmed!
hahaha I couldn't get Rocky a matching mad scientist outfit, so he had to be bundled up in outerwear! LOL he didn't like it, it's summer time, is why I think he didn't like it! He looks AWFUL :D
''I imagine that the science center must have really big fish tanks, like swimming pools...'' I remember that great science center in Sunset Valley with the big fishing place in the back. I really liked that one!
''Aha, so the Tesla people are from a different country, with political unrest.. or something fishy going on.. hmm...'' Yes they are from Serbainia (named so because it made my husband laugh when I was trying to think of names) They were given a large political contribution because they are a sister country. Then they vanished! >:) B)
Oh Nadia left Jed because in r/l it happened to our friend. It wasn't because of an age difference though, it was because she met a cute college boy, and they shared more interests. But in the story Nadia has always thought of Jed as a young man, because of his unusual height, like many of the towns folks do. And that bothered her that he would keep such a secret, and also that he was still in high school. For Some people, like Nadia and Eddy, the age difference bothers them.
I do like the burglars to come to see who, if anyone, will knock his block off! I read a story once that the burglar in Late Night, has never been beat and always gets away! I don't know if it's true or not, because I don't have that EP! But wouldn't that be Great if were true?!
''Oh, the beautiful Countess, she is not actually bad looking. ;) A vegetarian vampire must be a strange thing to be...'' I'm glad you think the countess is nice looking! Yes she and that other vampire Dayvid are Vegetarians! Isn't that weird? The first time I played this town I didn't know how to keep Dayvid alive, I don't have the EP that has plasma fruit, and he was never smart enough to walk to the fridge to show me he could drink the plasma orange juice, so Poof! off he went to to meet Grim, the big dummy! :o
Ah well I don't know if most girls like tall guys, if it's true then I feel sorry for all the tall models! I don't think about it because most everyone is taller than me! lol I do feel sorry for Rocky's teens though, because they can't kiss a girls lips being so tall---oh I think I remember maybe in a hot tub!
''Haha, in Serbainia bed pillow fights you... :grimace: '' hahaha yes! Looks that way! What a terrific glitch!
omg in this town love happens so quickly, it's like they all think they have only a short time to live or something! it is super fast!
''Careful what you say there, lest you become an actual frog!'' LOL well luckily no witches live in the house to cast that spell!
''is it a good idea to let the experimental teenagers go rampant with those? ;) '' Well Max said it has a safety button on them .... :o
''Oh yes, "The possible Unknown effects of forced vampirism in teens!".. who knows what that could be? Certainly not me...'' Ha! well Max might know! ?
''I think the mystery of what happened to the Teslas need to be unraveled! Surely, they must be somewhere.. unless... :open_mouth: '' B) >:)
Yeah Sunny is that young, she spent a long time not being interested in a partner and just liked to be pals, and of course, bite the unsuspecting townies LOL
Thanks for saying you think the teens are cute! and thank you so much for such lovely and interesting comments. here is an ice pack for your fingers, they must be all sore now from all the typing ;) hehe, I love it and appreciate it!
@DivaDoodle Huh, what happened here? Did I see some drama in this thread? I must admit I don't usually read to much on the inbetween comments that other people make, but it looked like something was going on here..
I didn't get a to bad impression of the teenagers, they're just teenagers. And not every person in a story has to be 100 % likeable. Real people are not perfect, and I wouldn't like a story where the fictional people are all perfect either..
And as for the romantic relationship, Nadia being only 19 and Jeb being 17 makes it ok in my book. Technically they are still both teenagers. I don't know how strict you are with ages on sims, and for a lot of things it is not important excactly what age a sim is, but I appreciate you could tell me this detail!
If not, I probably would have made Nadia out to be older, and she would feel like a much more icky character. Almost reminding me of an english teacher I had in high school.. She, in her late 30s/early 40s, probably never did anything wrong, but there was something about her demeanor and the way she sometimes dressed, just ugh. English was one of my favorite subjects in high school, but I left it after the first year when it was no longer mandatory...
I ask questions about characters sometimes, but by doing so I hope I am not influencing the story in any way. But isn't ok for everyone to have their own interpetation of a character? I don't know.. as long as it is not so bad that they lose interest in the character.
Honestly, though, the kind of story I would struggle most with appreciating is a story where everyone/everything is perfect, everyone is always happy and everyone is good all the time and so on... but if I consider someone to be a friend, I will try to read and make comments anyway. Also, I'm not to big on romance. A little bit is ok, but if it gets to much... and if everything is all bright and pastel coloured.. then maybe I'm out. ;) Like over eating sweet candy and getting sick... I never really had a sweet tooth.... but strangely enough, I have always liked cake, though!
But thats just me.... but don't let that change how a story is written. If a story turns out to be light and bright coloured, or dark and gloomy.. I think the most important thing is that the writer/player enjoys it, otherwise, whats the point? :P We're all different, and probably all like different things.... I would hate to have my opinion change how someone plays out their story.. I have my own stories for that....
A good story is probably one that is balanced, with a mix of both. If it tips over to much to either end...
And also, feeling and emotion are vital ingredients. I like emotions and feeling things. The older I get, the more emotional and softer I seem to get...
"Delivering Pizza's! grr The very idea! Why not teach them to learn how to Make a pizza? They could then at least know how to feed themselves and their friends!! grrr " <--- Or that, yes. It's best to teach the kids something practical and have them do something that may spark their interest in other things. Maybe one of them could have ended up being a chef or restaurant owner in the future? If they had gotten that chance. All the paths one life can take, and the things that can influence it...
I like Rocky here. :P
I don't know, I guess some older women can be hot, but its not really all about age, also how they carry themselves.. I used to have a crush on a music teacher when I was 14. She was probably in her mid-twenties. She was not icky... :P
Anyway.. I like the teenagers in your story here, too. So eager to learn and try out different things. I think that sounds pretty healthy. And I wouldn't be to concerned with interested in older ladies, it will likely pass. ;)
Mr. Sava Tesla..hmm? And he's a diplomat.. nothing to do with electricity and cars? :P Haha, just kidding, I like the name.
""I think I do prefer athletics but there are so many things I enjoy, including astronomy and the sciences!" she answers." <-- Paulina is also a teenager? I like the curious and eager teenagers with many interests.
Oh my... she's got the most intensely purple eyes I have ever seen!
"'Dorothea you are so tiny and cute! I think I shall call you Dot!" teases Fabian, obviously already stricken by this charming little cutie pie. Dot laughs, and finds his words complementary. "Oh I never had a nickname before! I like it!"" <-- Haha, and I misread nickname as inkname. :P
264 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Interning with Max! ~~
Hehe, family conversation by the dinner table. Yeah, it sometimes was just like that.. don't speak with your mouth full!
Ah, this Fern is such a cute teenager. Long time, no see. :P
Hehe, the science gang, but Rocky looks more like some secret agent/undertaker or something. :P None of them look mad, though, which is good. ;)
(Of course, when I make comments like this, I am not trying to offend, just saying what I am thinking.. <_<..>_>..)
I imagine that the science center must have really big fish tanks, like swimming pools...
"The Tesla teens were never picked up by their parents! :o Sunny had awoken at 2 am, and found the poor girls shivering in the living room. Sunny told them not to worry, and gently guided them upstairs and gave them sleeping bags, a hug, and wished them sweet dreams...." <-- Oh, poor kids.. Tesla parents must be a bit absent minded....
265 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ The Missing Tesla's. ~~
Aha, so the Tesla people are from a different country, with political unrest.. or something fishy going on.. hmm...
"Uh-Oh, But when the call ends, Jed is sad again. Nadia has found out that he is not a young adult as she had thought, but is a teenager! And told him she won't see him anymore, and to not call her again!" <-- That's a sad development! 17 and 19 is only a two year difference.. what's the problem? I see none... but yeah, its probably always best to be honest from the get go about anything...
Hehe, a kiss on the forehead, but thats cute. ;)
"Now that Jed has fully realized and accepted that Nadia is out of the picture, he starts looking at Paulina in a new light." <-- Hmm, not so bad then.
Oops, a burglar. Who will kick his ass? :P
Nice job, Jed!
Oh no, the burglar got an infatuation..
266 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ The Vampire Gathering! ~~
Oh, the Teslas went missing. Somehow I didn't catch that from the reading above, must have been to caught up thinking about something else, but that explains why the kids didn't get picked up!
And the vampires are plotting to take over.. :naughty: Humans, beware.... :P I would be nervous if I was a human in that town....
Well, the deserved to get bitten, though. ;)
Oh, and he was a werewolf, so then he can't be changed, hmm..
Oh, the beatiful Countess, she is not actually bad looking. ;) A vegetarian vampire must be a strange thing to be...
""Dot, if you don't mind having such a big lug looming over you, will you go steady with me?" "Oh, I don't mind you being so tall, Fabian!, I think you're wonderful!" ? " <-- Well, of course she doesn't. Isn't that what they say, that girls like tall guys. ;)
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ 'Love Day' in the Middle of Summer. ~~
Poor Tesla kids, who is gonna find their parents? Rocky and Sunny are good people vampires for letting them stay in their house.
"Jed does notice that Paulina seems to pillow fight unlike anything he has ever seen before! She hits the bed instead of him, over and over again! ''I guess they do things differently in Serbainia!" he thinks." <-- Haha, in Serbainia bed pillow fights you... :grimace:
And Paulina says she loves Jed already, that escalated quickly. ;)
"I will go by any name! You can rename me Kermit the frog for all I care, as long as I get to have you forever by my side, Sunny! Care to try it on?" <-- Careful what you say there, lest you become an actual frog!
Hmm, I have no idea what those strange guns do, but is it a good idea to let the experimental teenagers go rampant with those? ;)
"I don't think I have ever seen Love? said so many times, in one room/instance!!" <-- Wow, yeah, that was a whole lot of love! ;)
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Teen plans! ~~
Oh yes, "The possible Unknown effects of forced vampirism in teens!".. who knows what that could be? Certainly not me...
I think the mystery of what happened to the Teslas need to be unraveled! Surely, they must be somewhere.. unless... :open_mouth:
Oh yeah, that would be awkward definately, if Rocky decided to adopt the Tesla sisters.. but Jed is still young, he could find love elsewhere, too...
"The only 'mothering' she's ever practiced, was her dolly she carried around upside down." <--- Hahaha, probably by the hair, too. ;)
Oh, Sunny is that young.. of course she would accept the idea of a teen party. I mean, why not? :P
Hehe, Paulina getting a little anxious there about JEd before the upcoming party with all the single teens... ;) Yup, better catch him when you can.... ;) Such cute little teenagers. :P
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Teen plans! ~~
Fabian has been contemplating the idea of how vampirism might increase intellect! 'Will this always happen? Is it an idea, or theory or well known fact? Has actual research been done on this, and if so, was the research done only to those born into this occult? Or can any ol schlub be turned and then become magically enlightened?!?' It's an idea he wants to discuss further with the great genius, Max. He applauds in anticipation of this lively conversation with Max!
... Or Hm, he might be applauding the realization that Dot is in his bed. It looks like she is dreaming that this was a pretty good idea of hers, her choice of where to sleep! Teens! whatcha gonna do! :D
Fabian heads off to read "Why do Vampires Suck?'. It is much too early in the morning for phone calls or visiting with Max!
Dot wakes, and after looking through the wall to see what Fabian is up to, she decides to read "From Dead to Mummy-The History of Healing". Interesting, her choice of reading material! Where did she even get such a book? Dot ignores the closest comfortable seats, instead she prefers to go through 2 doorways, then down the hallway, and climbs the little ladder to her bed! Dot enjoys her book!
Uh-Oh! Someone wakes with hideous teen mood swings! Poor Jed! "argh! Norbs!" he says in exasperation!
Jed has something that has been on his mind to contemplate, 'The possible Unknown effects of forced vampirism in teens!'
"AH! Eranka!" Jed happily exclaims! He wants to discuss this idea with Max as soon as possible!
Fabian comes in to speak to his twin "We should start exploring further on possibly enhancing our intellect with vampirism! I just can't stop thinking about it, since learning so much at the Gathering, Jed! I am assuming we will have to use chemicals instead of asking Dad to turn us, since we are not of age to receive the Bite."
"Yes, I think you are probably right about that. Fabian, I have been thinking about the telepathy you and I share, what if that can become enhanced as well!? I'm excited with the possibility of our telepathy becoming enhanced with vampirism! And Can our telepathy go beyond us, to others as well? I wonder how much Max knows of this? He is the greatest mind in the world, so I doubt there is any thought he hasn't already pondered about!"
The boys are very excited about all their ideas! Their conversation is overheard by Rocky, since His vampiric abilities grow daily. Rocky knows how his sons can get too involved with their new ideas and especially their excitement in speaking with Max! They might just forget that today is a field trip day! He best go in to talk with them! "Ah my sons! I can feel your excitement from the other side of the house! That is wonderful! I just want to remind you to get ready for school, and to please not disturb Mr. Parrish until After school!
"Oh. Yes, ok Dad!" they say in unison. "I have some happy news to share! I've asked Sunny to marry me!" Rocky says. He just couldn't wait to tell his sons, he wants to shout it from the rooftops, actually! The twins are really glad of this news! They really like Sunny very much, she is such a good pal, and they think she's Amazing and so cool! They are in awe of her, she is unlike anyone they know!
Fabian runs off to the sprinklers, being called from the back yard by Dot. Jed lingers, He loves time alone with his Dad. Dad has always been really easy to talk to. He really listens, and is never judgmental, like some of the other parents in town. Dad listens with empathy, and his love is unconditional.
"Dad, what if there never is news of the distinguished diplomat Mr. Tesla? What if they are never seen again? What would happen?" "Well, Jed, as sad as that would be, the residents of Serbainia would just have to muddle through and find their way. With political dissent, I imagine the people will make a choice. Sunny and I would of course continue to give loving care to Paulina and Dot!
"But Dad! That's not exactly what I mean! What if I, err, I mean, what if some guy were to fall in love with Paulina? Who would I, um, I mean, who would the guy ask for her hand in marriage? How is any future with her going to work out? And also ... well, um .. uh, .. You're not thinking of adopting them are you?! I don't want to marry my sister!!" lol poor Jed has many worries, with his mood swing making all sorts of thoughts in his head!
Rocky listens and looks with love to his young one. 'Such worries my boy has!' he thinks. "I'm glad you found love, Jed, that brings such happiness, it makes life so much more full! Don't worry, my son, I can assure you, You don't have to worry about any adoptions, or worry about marrying any sisters, when the time comes to marry!" Rocky smiles.
"Thanks Dad! You're the Best!"
Downstairs, Sunny's new thoughts are interrupted by Paulina asking her a very important question! "Sunny would it be alright to have some classmates over for a teen party?"
Sunny doesn't know much about parenting or chaperoning. She's the baby sister in her family, the apple of everyone's eye. The only 'mothering' she's ever practiced, was her dolly she carried around upside down. Now she is grown up, well, just barely an adult, 3 years older than the teens. Sunny thinks it should be perfectly Fine to have a hoard of teens over for a party, on a school night!
"Sure Paulina! I think it's a great idea for you all to hang out with your friends! I'm sure Rocky won't mind! Go ahead and plan it, let me know if you will need anything special!" Sunny feels so great that she has done such a good job of making the girls feel at home!
"Wow! Thanks Sunny!" and Paulina gives her a big hug, then is on the phone, inviting every single teen in the town!
When Paulina hangs up, she thinks about Jed.
She thinks about the party, then has a sudden worry that the other teens might have a crush on Jed! Her too sweet, too tall, too hairy, too wonderful guy, that makes her heart pound so! Oh! This will not do! "Oh Jed!" she calls to him. "Yes my pretty love bug?
"Well, I was wondering if you would want to be my boyfriend?" Paulina has to look away because if she looks in his eyes then she can no longer think.
"Yeah I Do!'' ''I want to marry you! I was just telling my Dad!' says Jed.
This makes Paulina so happy she jumps into his arms, making him laugh with surprise. Jed thinks he's the luckiest boy in the world.
The school bus Honks, and the kids rush off. There is much excited whisperings on the fieldtrip about the party tonight!?
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ 'Love Day' in the Middle of Summer. ~~
Still without news of the whereabouts of Mr. & Mrs. Tesla, Rocky and Sunny think it's high time to invite the girl's to move in, until their parents are found. Being a family oriented man, Rocky's first order of business is to register the girls in school, and get their school records transferred over from Serbainia.
Sunny creates a proper bedroom for Paulina and Dot, so now they only need their sleeping bags for slumber parties. Sunny wants to make the girls feel more at home! The teens eagerly check out the new room! Paulina, as usual, following Jed all about!
Jed tells Paulina "Now that you live here, we should christen the room with a proper pillow fight!" Paulina is up for that!
Jed does notice that Paulina seems to pillow fight unlike anything he has ever seen before! She hits the bed instead of him, over and over again! ''I guess they do things differently in Serbainia!" he thinks.
Paulina changes the subject to flirting. Then tells Jed something he has only dreamed of someone saying to him! "I love you, Jed!"
Watcher is so glad that Jed's happy smiles are truly back! His faraway looks of despondency yesterday had me concerned.
The teenagers get home from school, and if there is one thing to wipe smiles off faces, it's Homework!
Dot hates it so much, it makes her think of punishments! So she sits in a corner to complete hers!
Somehow Jed finishes his homework first even though he was the last to actually get home! He stands there looking at Paulina thinking of love and attraction. He decides to contemplate this love and attraction! He comes to a very nice conclusion which makes him smile.
Paulina is very sweet to Jed, and now he likes pretty much everything about her! Even her following him around with her strong girl poses! ? This afternoon, Paulina does not let up paying attention to him! Jed sure likes this! After hours of joking around, and flirts, and posing all strong for each other, Jed whispers "I've fallen in love with you, Paulina!" They make themselves romantic interests without needing Watcher! Haha, since Youngman broke my mod, some sims can do that without me now.
Paulina is super happy about this! Gosh she is cute!
"Rocky, I don't like that Watcher seems to be stalling to fulfill our important wish!" says Sunny. "Watcher! Sunny is right! Why do we have to wait so long! We don't Like that!'' Rocky says, giving me his annoyed look!
"Hon, Maybe we can break another mod and just do it ourselves, I mean Youngman was clever enough to do that! What do you think?" "Yes! I do like that idea, Rocky, I'm all in favor of teaching Watcher a lesson!" says Sunny. Uh-Oh! Well, as long as she doesn't think to bite ... ?
"Ta-daa!" Rocky presents a huge Grandiderite, one of the rarest gemstones in the world. Rocky chose this gemstone, because his Sunny is truly like no other! "Oh Rocky! That is beautiful! But I think I was supposed to propose, to keep the Pendragon name!" says Sunny, thinking of her Mother's wish, that she maintain her royalty on the island of the Amazons.
"I will go by any name! You can rename me Kermit the frog for all I care, as long as I get to have you forever by my side, Sunny! Care to try it on?" "Oh Yes!" Sunny says, eyes gleaming and heart racing.
Rocky opens his arms for her sweet embrace, and Sunny flies into them, very happy with her choice of the perfect mate! Rocky is so very happy!
While Dot and Paulina workout,
Jed and Fabian play with their gift from Max! They are having loads of fun 'performing experiments' on the chairs, but sometimes it looks as though they are 'crossing the streams'! ?? This is something many of us Know is 'bad' to do, from having watched the movie, Ghostbusters! ?
Fabian wants to try a different angle. 'I should improve more objects, like the shuffleboard!' thinks Jed.
Fabian gets an even better idea! ''I should improve all the beds in the house!'' Hahaha! The chairs are now improved to provide a pleasing sensation to all who go near them!
As night falls, Rocky and his darling fiancé, slow dance. Oooh, that Rocky! He's a smooth dancer!
Fabian and Dot decide to watch the stars.
? I see Jed has been looking out the window, thinking of his moodlet First Love, First Romance! ? Jed and Paulina, don't stop professing their love to each other, I don't think I have ever seen Love? said so many times, in one room/instance!!
@ergo_slum LOL Yes Dante is allowed to do what ever he wants, always! I thought for certain that the High council had outlawed propriety! I think neighbors houses must be the only exception! But some sims are crafty and do go back inside after they think an appropriate amount of time has elapsed! And no one seems to care!??
I'm so glad you think Sunny is so adorable! Yes, she was a mystery to me too for the longest time, only watching her from afar! I couldn't tell what kind of personality she really had, other than she really liked biting people! LOL
Oh that is so interesting and valuable, my boys and I really could have used those books! Everything was such a challenge back then! I bet testing is done at an earlier now too, I wish we had had that!
I will look up Kazuo Ishiguro! thanks for the recommendation! I hope they might have it on kindle I can't read type on paper as each letter has two colors, back ad grey, and it's too weird when the words try to jump around. but for some reason, online reading seems fine!
Ahhh Thank you, I'm so glad you like it! <3 These little simmies are just so fun! I always feel like I'm an anthropologist in this other world watching them, taking notes! LOL
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