The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Well I must admit I Do like watching my sims, just to see what they do! I usually only direct them to help fulfill wishes, although sometimes I admit to doing this creatively! haha
So my family, how did it begin? Starting in Moonlight Falls with Dante, Violet, and Argus, it was plain so see that Violet and Argus were getting to be an item. Dante was best friends with Belinda Crumplebottom, and they decided to move in together to my favorite house. (actually, the only house I like here!)
Belinda wanted a child with Dante, and it pained him to let her down as he felt he was too young, and he wanted a more traditional family when he matured. He loved Belinda as friend, and even though she was so kind and lovely personality, she was not 'the One' for him.
Belinda was swept off her feet by Don Lothario, they fell in love and married. When ever he would scare her she would retaliate by casting a spell on him! :D They enjoyed each other immensely! She has not had a child with Don so far though, she thinks an evil father would be, well, evil!
Moving Forward : Dante
Dante met a beautiful Faery named Tulip. The attraction was instant, and soon they fell in love. The more he was with her, the more he became convinced she was the One! And so, he convinced her to marry him. I say 'convinced' because She was a bit afraid that he was a Vampire. But, she did love him and she did say Yes! Dante was in heaven! He never drank from her, he only drank plasma orange juice. Their marriage was loving and solid, and then Dante wanted a child.
Tulip always dreamed of babies, but would never get the wish for it. The Watcher (me) became convinced she was worried that Dante might bite the baby! :o One day as they were on a date, Dante started spamming me with wishes to turn Tulip! Even though I usually fulfill wishes, I kept clicking his wishes off. He Spammed me 7 times in half an hour! He wanted desperately to turn her! mmm maybe Dante knows something the Watcher does not! I decided to let him fulfill this wish! I wanted to know! For Science!
"Are you sure, my love?" And Dante slips her a Potent Cure Potion, in case she wants to change her mind. "Yes, Dante, I'm sure." her voice was so enchanting, sounding like Elvan wind chimes to his ear. and it was done!
A few days later, Tulip went through the transformation!
And she got the wish to have a baby with Dante only a few minutes later! In fact she got many baby wishes! How did Dante know this would happen? I am so glad he told me with his thought bubbles and spammed wishes!
They are marvelous parents, there isn't a more devoted father, in fact Dante loves all babies & kids! 1st child Tula then and now
Tula's boyfriend Tristan--they live across the street in the family's other property, a 'Teen house', with a Chaperone
@Sprottenham lol I don't know how to make a meteor happen. that just happened in the game. Every now and then the game tries to kill one of my sims. the game is really mean sometimes!
Oh yes Waylan & Emelie are still teens. I just have these lingering remembrances, when my husband and I were in highschool there were 5 pregnant teens during our 3 years there, that was way back in the dark ages! So I thought someone in the story needed to have the consequences. >:)
Yes! it looked like Izzy's icon was right there in the midst of all that fire and smoke! I tried to cancel the school and have Izzy teleport out, but the game wouldn't let that happen. I didn't know the game was waiting for school to be over, That is just crazy!
haha I know it looked like Teddy was letting JoJo look into the hole! I know, these sims will run towards danger and disaster every time! ?
Yes! It really said 'expire'! this game is for teenagers but I don't think teens really think of the word expire meaning death, it usually means your milk has gone bad :#
''One died of woohoo (so its not just a rumour..) '' WHAT?!?!?! :D lol that can happen? which EP or mod does that come from? that is hilarious and I wish it was in my game! what were the circumstance's to have that happen? TY for the spoiler, I have seen a fireplace death before but never even heard of the death by woo!?
''the "I did not expire" celebration dance'' hahahaha
''Wow, thats majorly unlucky! What kind of meteor does that?'' hahaha meteor mixed with witchcraft from a crazed witch no doubt! ;) B)
Thank you for thinking it was an exciting update! I like the surprises in the game and usually go with the flow, except the act of expiring!!! ?☠ I try to stop it all the time! ;)
Great update! love how the kid talks babies like that with the adults so sweet hehe. wow, a meteor, I never had one at all in all the years I have been playing sims!.
276 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Meteor! ~~
I hope you're not planning to throw a meteor at them.... (actually I already skimmed through the images before reading, so I saw it down there before reading the headline!)
Haha, before Ayden and Tristan clunck their juice boxes together it almost looks like a kiss between father and son..
Oh, of course Waylan and Emilie actually are teenagers, I knew they looked young! I'm just not used to thinking about sim teens being parents.
And oh, uh oh, there comes the meteor, almost right bang into the school building! It really looks like it landed right on top of Izzy there...
Its kind of funny how everyone runs towards the crash scene, but..
..what are you doing Teddy?? Don't drop the kid into the meteor hole! :smiley:
Izzy is set to expire.. does the game really call it that? I think in my game it just says "die", but then again I have never had anyone expire from a meteor before. All of my sims so far have died of old age, except two. One died of woohoo (so its not just a rumour..) and another burned to death when he fell asleep on a cabin trip after forgetting the fire in the fireplace....
It's in my Sunset Valley save. His fiery ghost still haunts that cabin, its just that it is placed in such an inaccessible location, most sims never go there...
Sim Nobel Prize to the sim that invented the reset lot device! ;) That must be the "I did not expire" celebration dance..
277 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Chad ~~
"But I was in class, Grandfather! I was reading my book report in front of the class, when all of a sudden I became surrounded by magical diamond-like sparkles, and then I was whooshed outside, and then the meteor fell down upon me!" says Izzy. <-- Wow, thats majorly unlucky! What kind of meteor does that? :P
Hmm, I wonder if these dreams about the future will come true.. must have been a really special meteor there...
Yeah, Izzy is probably going to need some extra care and attention now after almost expiring.. Heh, that word makes me think about food. Bad and gross food, that is. :P
Oh yes, of course, the meteor would stem from a witches magic.. must be a powerful witch, to send meteors crashing down!
That was an exciting update! I am happy to not see anyone de.. umm, expired!
277 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Chad ~~
Ayden was searching for his grandchild, and felt a pull to the mansion. ''Oh my darling child, Here you are! You are safe and not dead! I'm so glad!" he says as he embraces Izzy warmly. "Grandfather, that meteor was so frightening today, being trapped under that humongous rock!" says Izzy. "Yes my child, you were so very brave to go through that ordeal! Luckily there were so many on the scene, and Alfred spotting you in peril and running to tell Victor, who could save you! I hope Rocky gives them both hero trophies in recognition!"
"But darling child, why were you on the playground instead of in class with the other children and teachers?" asks Ayden, wondering why his grandchild was the only near fatality. "But I was in class, Grandfather! I was reading my book report in front of the class, when all of a sudden I became surrounded by magical diamond-like sparkles, and then I was whooshed outside, and then the meteor fell down upon me!" says Izzy. Ayden's thoughts flash back to his talk with the Crumplebottomed witch, Beatrice, and her awful spells! He will need to talk with Victor and Dante and many of the others, about what she told him. Ayden wonders if the entire town has been effected by what she has done!
Ayden encourages Izzy to speak more of this day, to talk it all out. And says "I am always here for you Izzy. It is good to talk about this day with me and others, it will be helpful to you."
Meanwhile Waylon and Emelie were terrified for their child during the entire fieldtrip! The fieldtrip chaperone wouldn't let them leave, to try to find Izzy, but luckily Tristan kept them up to date on the happenings via text. They were so glad when it was over, and they could return home! Neither learned one thing on the field trip, being so upset!
There was a school friend, that was very worried about Izzy, and zoomed over to the mansion, right after school. "Hey Chad! Hiya Chad!" says Emelie and Waylan as they pass him to go inside the mansion to talk with Ayden. Chad is waiting for Izzy.
"Izzy, I am so glad to see you Alive and unhurt! I was really worried when I heard you vanished from the school, :o and Alfred said he had seen you underneath that meteor just minutes before!" says Chad. "I was frightened nearly out of my mind, worried about you! The fear made me pass-out and I woke up in the nurses office! The nurse told me I was delirious and in shock, I had been having all kinds of weird dreams when I was passed out." says poor Chad, visibly shaken.
"What were the dreams Chad?" asks Izzy "Well they were about You! ... but you were my age in the dream!... and I think we were married!! :o Sorry if that freaks you out, I don't blame you, it really freaks me out, but in the dream it seemed so normal." says Chad, still in a bit of shock and confused about his weird dream, where he saw Izzy as a teen. ''That's ok Chad. Grandfather says we should talk about today, the talking is supposed to help us." says Izzy, heart warmed that someone would care about him/her/shim/they/us.
"What else happened in your weird dream, Chad?" Izzy asks. "Well I don't want to say, because I know you think mushy stuff is yucky." laughs Chad, nervously. "Ya I do!'' laughs Izzy "Just tell me the normal parts." "hm. Ok, well we went on a long walk, in a beautiful forest. Then you gave me pink flowers." "Oh yeah, I do like Pink flowers!" says Izzy.
''And then suddenly we were on a date, and then we kissed, But not the gross yucky kind, it was like ..." "A Cinderella kiss?" wonders Izzy. "Yeah." says Chad and looks very embarrassed.
"That's ok Chad, I don't think it's too totally yucky. I do like Cinderella!" says Izzy, and hugs him. "Yeah. ... I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm just glad you're not dead! Let's play catch!" "Yeah!"
Emelie and Waylon come to talk with Izzy and Chad about the strange day. They are both good friends with Chad. Chad has the nurturing trait so it makes him super likable to kids and teens alike. He's very easy going and kind, a good listener too.
The family is aware that Izzy's feelings are a bit hurt that none of the school kids came to Izzy's party. They were probably too shook up from the meteor to remember, they guess. The family stays close to Izzy, who is playing video games in the living room, they chat and have fun.
Grandfather orders pizza, and they all have a good time eating dinner together. The dinner is joyful, Izzy decides to sit right next to Chad. Everyone enjoying family time.
"Tell again about your dream, Chad, When you fainted." says Izzy. Everyone looks at Chad in interest. Chad, a bit uncomfortable, tells the strange dream. He's a bit embarrassed, but Izzy asked this of him, so he won't say no.
With diner over, Chad gets up intending to speak with Izzy, but Emelie starts telling him something, so he sits back down. "Chad, that meteor might not have been a natural phenomenon. If witches magic were involved, those sparkles could have hit everyone in school! Tristan texted me about this today, he and Alfred were discussing this very thing. " says Emelie "Also it was Very strange that only Waylan and I and the one chaperone were on that field trip, no one else from school!" says Emelie.
"Yes that is very strange! I've been wondering Emelie, Is your house still protected from your Mother's spell a century ago? hm, do you think that's why Izzy was found here at home and why Grim couldn't get inside?" asks Chad. "Yes, I do know this mansion is still protected. That's one of the reasons Daddy wants Tristan back home.''
"And that's what Waylan and Daddy are talking about. Daddy thinks you should live here with us." ''oh gee, what next?" thinks Chad. ''the day is getting stranger and stranger!''
Ayden comes to talk with Chad. "Chadwick, I think your dream was a foretelling. I want you to go see Dante, and have your fortune told, or you can go to Max, and ask him to look at your timeline~~but he is kind of confusing to listen to. " says Ayden. "I want you to know that you are welcome here, welcome to join our family."
Chad doesn't know what to think! Today has been much too strange! Stranger still is this family's reaction to the meteor, their 'knowing', and their reaction to his strange dream! He feels a bit faint again. All he can muster is a polite "Thank you Mr. VanGould, that is most generous!"
276 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Meteor! ~~
In the morning Ayden comes downstairs to bore Tristan back to sleep. "Father, do stop, please! This is something none of us likes." say Tristan, yawning. "Ok sorry son, I thought it might be useful to get you to stay here, with us." says Ayden. "I do want you home to start preparing for your role as heir. I know how you feel about Tula, Bring her with you."
"Dad, I don't think my godfather will allow even me to bring his daughter so far from his gaze. Dante is too over protective. He likes to be able to see her from his home, and comes over almost daily." explains Tristan. "But if you could ever convince him, then I would stay. It makes me happy to be with you and Emelie, and having my Tula here as well, would be just Fantastic!"
"Alright my son, this will be my new focus." Ayden says as he gets a big hug from Tristan. "Have you had your breakfast?" "Yes Dad, I had my plasma OJ for breakfast!" says Tristan. "Oh yes, I love that stuff!" and they clink their juice boxes in cheers.
"Alright my dears, I'm off to hold meetings, enjoy your day at school!" says Ayden. Emelie and Tristan are busy chatting but Waylon says a very warm enthusiastic "Right Dad! You have a good day as well!" Ayden just can't seem to get used to this over familiarity from this boy... "
Waylan has a plan to win over Ayden, by declaring his love for Emelie, maybe asking for his Blessing! He asks Tristan for his opinion about the plan. Of course Tristan is all for it, He's a romantic and traditionalist, just like his Godfather Dante is. Tristan thinks they should have gotten married before Izzy was born.
Waylan comes in to talk with his handsome child. "Dad, is it ok to ask some friends from school for a sleepover?" asks Izzy. "Of course Izzy, that's all part of a happy childhood!" says Waylan, so happy that Izzy seems to be accepted from so many. "Hurry and call them before the school bus comes!"
The school bus Honks, and they all set out for school. Tristan leaves to drive to school with Tula. Cabana's house, where they both are living, is just down the street.
When the bus arrives, Izzy sets off for the door, while Mama cheers Daddy's plan.
We're all looking forward to your sleepover, Izzy!" says Jet, Victor's son. "Want to play pirates in the tree house at recess?" "Sure! " says Izzy. Jet's really nice and let's Izzy be Captain Blackbeard when they play pirates."
"Hi beautiful." flirts Waylan. He has babies on the brain almost as frequently as Joy does! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT!!! A loud shrill whistle sounds from the playground monitor, and the shocked embarrassed teens break apart and run away to class.
A half hour later, the bus Honks for the field trip. Emelie and Waylon file out to the bus.
Once seated, Emelie gets the pop-up ''Emelie wonders why it suddenly got so dark!'' :o That means a Meteor is rapidly approaching! This is my 3rd meteor, since I got Ambitions! I save, just in case the game tries to kill some kids! :#
Poor Zack Durwood runs out and is scared out of his wits! The meteor hits the back of the building.
That green dot is Izzy.
Is he is somehow spared and in the school? I don't see Grim.
Grandfather Ayden and Dante are on the scene immediately. Others come to see if their kids are safe!
Adan brings his baby, concerned another meteor might hit his house! He wants to make sure Amir and Terek are alright! Little Fina thinks it's exciting. Alfred comes out of class in shock, and looks at the damage.
Teddy and Victor are on the scene, Teddy very very worried and Victor is calm, surveying all.
"Teddy! Be careful of JoJo, even if he says he wants to look into the hole!" warns Dante. Dante understands that JoJo is fearless, like his Daddy Adan, but still....
In the front of the school, Javon is very concerned about his son.
Ayden talks to the old Crumplebottom witch. The only one who looks a bit singed. During their chat she lets on that she has always thought the school was over crowded. "You got here so quickly Beatrice, were you already driving nearby?" asks Ayden. "Oh no, I was brewing a spell at Jin's, around the corner, trying to remake the spell I conjured so many moons ago! Do you remember that fateful night of the full moon? When that very loud howling could be heard that shook the town? That was my best spell!" she says. Ayden's face falls. "Yes I do remember that terrible night." He wonders what Beatrice is up to.
Zack tells Rocky all he can remember, the dark shadow of the meteor, blocking out the sun. The firefighters Zoe and Sebastian, talk about if they should send all the pupils on home. While Octavio and Miriam, the evil mayors, smooch on the premises.
Alfred, the Golden one, becomes aware that Izzy will expire as soon as school is let out! :o
ok I saw it suddenly appear, when I clicked back onto Izzy. He is set to expire as soon as school is let out, upper left hand corner.
Alfred tells this to Victor, the town hero. (Since Alfie and Max both decided that wooing their wives was more important than showing up here at the school for my story, they don't get to save the day!) :D
"I will take care of this Alfred. Go home now and tell Alfie what's occurred. We may need some healing potions.'' says Victor.
Victor heads to City Hall, to activate the Invention that Alfie and Max made for such emergencies! Everyone loves the town hero! Even other hero's! ;) Victor takes it in stride.
The invention called 'Reset Lot', is activated and sweet lil' Izzy is found at home dancing, perfectly not dead at all!
Today everyone in the town is happy, except for 2. Grimmy and the one who told him to come reap Izzy's soul. :o He may not come through the back door of the old mansion. He leaves in a cloud of smoke, thinking how very boring his job is.
@Silverofdreams30 Hurrah for the final day! I'm glad you got to see your King! I am googling him right now to see! :) that must have been very exciting! I love Royality.
LOL yes Jed liked Paulina's strong girl moves! :D Those teens are so fun!
@Sprottenham you're welcome re " Pater Straub, there is also H. P. Lovecraft, those stories are very creepy! :# ?
ahahha I don't know why they love cake so much! The wedding cakes don't work for me unless I use the alter for the wedding. So it is a one time alter then automatic cutting of the cake, type use. I've also set birthday cakes to feed hordes, It just makes me sad to see a disappointed little sim when the cake runs out.
Well yes, I will play with this one hermaphrodite, Izzy/Aziz. I have played this char before and little Izzy is actually that sim, from a long ago adult Waylon and Emelie. As soon as I plunked him down into my current game, the currant Emelie and Waylon woke up and rushed to hug him. They recognized him as their child immediately. It was really weird and beautiful. <3 The whole 'birthday at the stroke of midnight' was just story, it didn't really happen.
Oh dear well the Tesla case and another hint of a clue, haha--I do have the ending already set lol it's the in between that gets a bit tricky. I did like when you injected suspicion in your story about the limo driver! I thought it did fit! You can always circle back to it if you want to. I thought it was adding interest.
Ah well Waylan was a werewolf who then forsook his occult, when he was so very angry. But even forsaking his occult did not remove the occult from his genes, and that occult was passed to his child Izzy. Right now Waylan thinks he is human, but does miss howling in the night. thank you about the band Sonata Arctica, I will have to go have a listen!
I have never ever completed the LTW of heartbreaker. Just the thought of it makes me mad! lol So we might see Ayden going through many relationships. I hope he doesn't screw up his LTW by falling in love until the very last GF, but it will be his choice if he wants to complete his LTW or settle down. I think it would be easier for a teenager with that LTW, because during those bad moods they frequently wish to break up!
LOL I think Dallas didn't like Ayden visiting his umm harem? They all just act like that in that fire station. I was so surprised that TheReal refused Ayden's kiss, that was a very unusual happening!
lol Tristan does think he eats enough. Ayden just is sometimes an over protective parent at times, though he needn't be. He really has a lot of wishes with Tristan.
I really like having Emelie and Waylan as teens, yes they are the only teens in the town to already have a child. We can think of it as Consequences finally happened!
Oh well, the non active sims will just sleep in a sleeping bag, if they have one. I don't know who gave him the sleeping bag. When he would come over to Dante's house they even had a room made just for him. He came over all the time. everyone in that house just loves him to bits.
That's so sad about your old lady with back pains. Good of you to make her sleep in a nice cosy bed!!! :)
Finally got the energy to comment, had my final job day today! ended it with seeing our king drive-by while waiting for the bus really cool, he had a visit in town it seems representing.
Haha, Paulina yes you have strong girl moves! I think Jed is very impressed!
Peter Straub, thank you for that tip, I'll try to take a note of it and hopefully remember it for later!
Haha, yes I am sure about the cake. :P I wouldn't consider it to be among the daily food groups. But of course, for sims it can be all the same, as long as it fills up their stomach, it is food. ;) Nutrional value apparently has no meaning for them. :P
"Oh yes, I used retuner to set the wedding cake to serve 50, just so everyone who wants some can have it!" <-- Oh, of course, but wouldn't it be possible to buy more wedding cakes or will they only it from "the one"? Its to long ago since I have had a sims wedding... and I don't think I have ever had one with so many guests...
274 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ HermAphroditie ~~
Yikes, are you going to play with hermaphrodites now??
Oh, I like the disappearing Teslas case. Though I am hesitiant to put that kind of story into my main game, because it would disrupt the natural flow of it... it has to flow... only then can it happen.. I can't just put a waterfall in there "just because". :P (I had the opportunity to inject crime and mystery with the strange car-limo by the park, but I didn't want to go further with that... but there are definately criminals around in my story too, so who knows...)
Oh, poor Waylon (maybe? I probably shouldn't say "poor everyone", but.. :P) but he was denied to express himself by his mother, and doesn't know that he is a werewolf? Hmm. This reminds me of a pretty good band, Sonata Arctica, that have a thing for making songs about wolves...
Its a bit of an oddball thing for me to listen too, because they also have a lot of songs about feelings, love and romance... but mostly always with something tragic about them... I still like the band, though..
Oh, that must have been a most dreadful night back then..
Oh, didn't her parents know that it was Izzys birthday? Really? :P Letting their kid age up like that with no party or cake! Poor kid...
Haha, those properly improper vampires. ;) Oops, they broke up.. but Ayden doesn't seem to bothered by it, he might just find another one...
275 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Ayden ~~
Haha, isn't that the most important part of any job? To hold and attend meetings! ;) Nevermind actually, you know, getting anything done.. nope, I think we're gonna have another meeting about that.... :P :P
Oh, yes, TheReal (and not Thereal.... :P) she was the childish one. Haha, so weird seeing her in the fire fighter outfit and playing with toys next to that.. colorful uhmm plaything (?). Google translate says its called playpen in english. I have come to think that there is something endearing about the childish ones..
Haha, and then the boss comes over to give flowers tot he childish one. This is highly improper and goes against all rules of work ethic! Oh, why dost thou behave in such a reprehensive way? :P
Hehe, cute kids with the building blocks. I have never paid attention to what they are doing with them, but they are actually building something. Neat. ;)
Hmm, ok, Tristan is Aydens son. And he doesn't eat enough.. hmm?
I like the meal photos where everyone sits down at the table, it looks so familiar. ;)
Emelie looks so young with her pink clothing, I think of her as a teenager, yet she has a daughter already.
Oh, why couldn't Tristan sleep in his room? Those sleeping bags right on the floor looks so uncomfortable...
I had an old human lady from the poor part of town in my "Red Winged Angels" game that loved the outdoors, and even though she had a a bed, she always slept outside in her sleeping bag. I felt so bad for her, because it gave her back pains, so before she died I forced her to sleep inside for the last days of her life...
275 The Watcher Watches: Emelie & Waylan ~~ Ayden ~~
Ayden has a good day holding meetings. Nevermind he doesn't own the business any longer, that doesn't stop him from holding meetings! Today he earns a big fat raise! This must be his satisfied happy face.
He gets a call from TheReal, his vampire friend, inviting him out. ''Oh that's a weird place to meet up, what a lazy girl, not even leaving work! This is highly improper!'' Ayden thinks.
"Good afternoon, TheReal. what's going on? Are you still on duty?" "Yes I am, but I just heard you and Victoria broke up, so I wanted to see how you were doing." she says. Ayden never approves of the towns gossiping, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like to partake in it!
"I've always liked how dignified you are, Ayden, I find it very attractive." TheReal flirts, and then goes on to tell him of her school girl days and playing on the playground and going on fieldtrips. Ayden understands that she is somewhat childish, and gives her a gift of a Teddy Bear.
Zoe comes over to chat too. She is a bit more grown up and forward than TheReal. Zoe makes the flirting look fun, so TheReal joins in. I have no clue why, but both girls seem to think he's the bees knees, and begin to flirt with him. At the same time! ?? Ayden just must have that playboyishness about him, that they find really fun and attractive. Watcher just watches, in amazement.
Some kissing action begins.
Suddenly Dallas, the Boss, comes over. It seems like from his thoughts, that he's having a blast, but the look on his face doesn't seem all that happy. Ah ok, Dallas is very close to TheReal! Dallas shows Ayden who's Boss, when Ayden tries to get a kiss from TheReal. ? lol sims! Ayden doesn't seem to mind, because Zoe's got him in her clutches now.
They head upstairs, Ayden notes that his good friend, crazy Gail, is here. Gail is pretending to be a police woman at the moment. She is talking to a new firefighter named Crystal. LOL Her Shoes! She must be very posh!
Ayden and Zoe have fun. Sian has a pillow fight thinking about Ayden. I guess he does know many single girls.
"Pardonnez Moi, Zoe, wouldn't you like to come kiss me some more?" Ayden likes more romance after woo, so he tries to stop Zoe from scaring TheReal, to come kiss him instead. Zoe doesn't object but it's hard to get her mind off scaring TheReal, lol.
Ayden is being romantic to Zoe, and she likes it a lot. This makes him happy! He prefers responsive fun girls, to the dismissive, hard to get kind. And also, to the ones who Say they are single, but are actually already spoken for.
We leave Ayden on his own, to now go see little Izzy who's been invited over to play with Ace McGraw after school! :) My favorite house in the entire town, of course, is Dante's house, who the McGraw's live with.
Izzy finds Ace really easy to get along with. Izzy finds out he loves jokes! ''Ace, How did the soldier fit his tank in his house?'' ''It was a fish tank!" hahahahaha they both laugh. Ace's Dad, Aiden, comes home and heads to the water toys. "Remember your homework, kids!'' Aiden says.
Little Tana gets home, Dante's young one. Izzy finds Tana very friendly as well. Izzy is impressed that she is rebellious. "I'm going to pull a prank at school tomorrow!" she tells Izzy. ""Wow! where do you get your ideas from?" "Mostly TV" Tana says.
Izzy and Ace do their homework together while Tana watches TV. She must have already done hers, she is a very good student. Izzy has bats flying about while doing homework, and it is finished in a flash.
Ace is very interesting to listen to, while they play with the blocks.
"I made a bridge!" says Izzy clapping.
"I made an alien compound!" says Ace, very happy with his creation. "Wow Ace! That looks like the sphynx!" says Izzy, ''Nice job!''
Ayden has a wish to hang out with his son Tristan. He misses him terribly, ever since he gave his permission for Tristan to live over at Cabana's teen house. Ayden calls him "Son, let's meet up, I miss you!" "Sure thing, Father, I look forward to it"
Ayden approaches Tristan, his # 1, his favorite, his heir. He looks him over, he is thin, probably not eating enough over at Cabana's house. "Hello my son." "Father! you're looking fit!" says Tristan, thinking he should probably have eaten something before the meet-up. Dad will undoubtedly think his vegetarian diet is starving him.
"Have you been eating enough? Getting all your vegetables?" "Of course, Dad.'' Tristan smiles. "Son I'd like you to come over, stay for dinner, talk with Izzy, have some nice positive vampire influence over the child." Ah! Tristan knew this was coming. Dad will try any excuse to get him to come back home, it will start with dinner, then a sleepover and finally, Dad will ask him to move back home. Tristan doesn't want to disappoint Dad, but there is no way he will leave Tula's side. "Sure, I'm happy to come for dinner, Dad." he smiles.
As soon as they enter the mansion, Ayden starts in. "Son, what about your grades? You probably need a fathers influence, I can tell your homework isn't done yet. Maybe you should sleep over tonight." "Dad, I'm on the honor roll, a straight A student. But of course I'm happy to stay the night, thank you for asking me." "And you'll spend some time with Izzy?" "Yes Dad, of course I will." It is nice to be so loved. His good ol Dad! <3
Izzy calls everyone to dinner, of course it's autumn salad in Tristan's honor. Everyone has a pleasant time at the meal.
After dinner, Uncle Tristan is told of what Izzy knows, that something happened at the fire station today! "Uncle Tristan, Grandfather was flirting with the fire women this afternoon!" Tristan laughs with delight, Izzy's powers are so strong already, it's uncanny. haha what a cute kid!
Izzy sees Mama tease her big brother about vampire fangs. Izzy already knows that Uncle Tristan's fangs are bigger and sharper, well he's older! Tristan plays along with the game.
Then Mama reads Izzy a story about Vampires tonight. A teen romance about a vampire who fell in love with a wolf! It's full of mushy, kissing parts, but Izzy likes it anyway!
Izzy falls asleep to Mama's tender kisses and her soft whispers "Sweet dreams my darling child."
Uncle Tristan sleeps in his sleeping bag instead of his old room. Grandfather sleeps in Izzy's room, and Mama sleeps with Daddy in the guest bedroom. Izzy of course, has taken over the parental bed, again! It's just so Pink!
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