The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Well I must admit I Do like watching my sims, just to see what they do! I usually only direct them to help fulfill wishes, although sometimes I admit to doing this creatively! haha
So my family, how did it begin? Starting in Moonlight Falls with Dante, Violet, and Argus, it was plain so see that Violet and Argus were getting to be an item. Dante was best friends with Belinda Crumplebottom, and they decided to move in together to my favorite house. (actually, the only house I like here!)
Belinda wanted a child with Dante, and it pained him to let her down as he felt he was too young, and he wanted a more traditional family when he matured. He loved Belinda as friend, and even though she was so kind and lovely personality, she was not 'the One' for him.
Belinda was swept off her feet by Don Lothario, they fell in love and married. When ever he would scare her she would retaliate by casting a spell on him! :D They enjoyed each other immensely! She has not had a child with Don so far though, she thinks an evil father would be, well, evil!
Moving Forward : Dante
Dante met a beautiful Faery named Tulip. The attraction was instant, and soon they fell in love. The more he was with her, the more he became convinced she was the One! And so, he convinced her to marry him. I say 'convinced' because She was a bit afraid that he was a Vampire. But, she did love him and she did say Yes! Dante was in heaven! He never drank from her, he only drank plasma orange juice. Their marriage was loving and solid, and then Dante wanted a child.
Tulip always dreamed of babies, but would never get the wish for it. The Watcher (me) became convinced she was worried that Dante might bite the baby! :o One day as they were on a date, Dante started spamming me with wishes to turn Tulip! Even though I usually fulfill wishes, I kept clicking his wishes off. He Spammed me 7 times in half an hour! He wanted desperately to turn her! mmm maybe Dante knows something the Watcher does not! I decided to let him fulfill this wish! I wanted to know! For Science!
"Are you sure, my love?" And Dante slips her a Potent Cure Potion, in case she wants to change her mind. "Yes, Dante, I'm sure." her voice was so enchanting, sounding like Elvan wind chimes to his ear. and it was done!
A few days later, Tulip went through the transformation!
And she got the wish to have a baby with Dante only a few minutes later! In fact she got many baby wishes! How did Dante know this would happen? I am so glad he told me with his thought bubbles and spammed wishes!
They are marvelous parents, there isn't a more devoted father, in fact Dante loves all babies & kids! 1st child Tula then and now
Tula's boyfriend Tristan--they live across the street in the family's other property, a 'Teen house', with a Chaperone
269 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Waiting for Emelie. ~~
Fabian tries his hand at making a potion. He keeps consulting the book to make sure he doesn't make a mistake! Ah! well he made something. Then goes back to the book, to make sure he's done it right!
"Why aren't you teens in school, Jed?" asks Jin. She works here at her Shoppe, but if one asks her what her career is, she will say she is a school teacher! crazy sims! "My Dad put it to town vote, and now the teens and adults who would rather work from home may do so, and so the school bus and carpools no longer come." says Jed. Ohh, so that's the reason! Watcher was wondering! ;) "Oh, that's right! I remember going to the polling booth myself, and voting in favor of that Bill!" says Jin. ''So boyo, now that you're a vampire, show me what you can do!" "ok" says Jed, they like each other. :)
Jed uses the vampire hypnosis on Jin. She only gets mildly stunned, Jed is new to this, and needs more practice. "Hey that's pretty good, kid!" says Jin.
"Hey kid, have you noticed anything different happening to you other than vampiric tendencies?" asks Jin. But since she is insane, and saying it with an amusing tone to her voice, Jed doesn't quite catch her meaning.
"Let me ask you this, doesn't it seem a bit Odd to you that the potion used to transform you was yellow, instead of Red?" asks Jin. Jed's smile disappears, he wishes she would be more clear! What is she getting at?
"Usually with those type potions, there is red smoke and bats swirling about! Don't you wonder what all Alfie put in that potion and Why?" asks Jin, her voice quite loud now. She is being very mysterious now, thinks Jed, a bit stunned.
"How do you know about it? What makes you say such a thing? Max told us to go to him, I trust Max! I think everyone trusts Alfie as the greatest alchemist there is! Don't they? Alfie wouldn't ever .. " says Jed, now a bit worried, and quite perplexed. "I know everything! Insane people can be anywhere and everywhere and see Everything! I just want to make you Think with that big head of yours!" shouts Jin. "Instead of accepting things at face value!" she adds sweetly.
"Oh, heh heh." says Jed a bit nervously. "Look kid, Alfie's eldest son is right over there, Jimmy was taught everything by Alfie, you could go ask him, if you want to know what other ingredients might have been placed in that potion." suggests Jin, motioning with her head over to Jimmy.
Jed looks over. Jimmy is dancing with Jazzy. There will be no interrupting them for hours! The Fae Love to dance!
Paulina gets the call from Emelie that she and Waylan are finally home now. They had been detained in detention after school, punishment for being caught smooching in the janitor's closet instead of studying in the school library like they were supposed to be! "But you four should come over now! Come hang out!" says Emelie. Jed glances back, as they are leaving, still feeling a bit uneasy at his talk with Jin. He tries to see if he can catch her eye, "Bye Jin." he says to the very strange lady.
The teens get to Emelie's and she welcomes them to make themselves at home, while she and Waylan finish their homework. They watch some TV and then Jed and Paulina decide to grab a work out upstairs on the machines.
Emelie comes in to chat with them as they work out. "I hope you all will sleep over! Hey do you want Waylan to cook you some dinner?'' Remembering the horrifying quality of his cooking this morning, they politely decline. Emelie thinks their politeness is amusing, she doesn't like Waylan's cooking either!
"Thanks for inviting us to sleep over, Emelie, I really like your Mansion!" says Jed and they chat and get to know each other better. They find they have compatible star signs, which makes them glad. Waylan comes in to smooch his sweetiepie. It looks from what he's wearing that Ayden made him dress up to look more proper! Jed contemplates the wonderfulness of smooching sweethearts.
Emelie is so busy applauding Waylan's kiss, she forgets where she was headed with him! ?
I look forward to these two! I've always liked them together! I love Waylon's perfect werewolf hair!
Hmm something is wrong with all the beds in this Mansion. I had to replace every bed for the teens to be able to share a slumber.
This house is kind of maze like! With secret moving bookcases, and weird stuff! It took me forever to even find Ayden! LOL Look at at him! Poor guy In this creepy attic room with this crummy bed! Pitiful! I don't know why he doesn't prefer the vampire altar beds in the basement?!
Ah it is Emelie, who likes the vampire alter beds! they are so cool!
In the morning, Emelie, takes out the trash. Oh I see what dominates her thoughts this morning.
Waylan comes to find her, dancing, when he wakes. He also thinks about similar romantic things. That is too big a diamond, Waylon, she won't be able to lift her hand! :D
Again their romance is interrupted! This time because Emelie needs to shoo out the other teens for misbehaving! (another Dante exit type of thing) ;) "Shoo! shoo!" says Emelie.
Out of time, Emelie and Waylan head to class. Well there is always the janitor's closet, but hopefully they will wait till school's out! ?
Yes I think character development and also conversations are probably what I find most interesting, but I can never put my finger on what it is exactly that is the most compelling, to me in a story. But my mind right now is being influenced because I just watched a Netflix series which my husband referred to as "Teen angst at Emo High" :D That one was filled with teen drama! maybe a bit overdramatic, as I saw him in my peripheral vision rolling his eyes and shaking his head. ;) hahaha
But a good story is also all about peoples preferences too. For instance I love James Michener's novels but I do skip pages of description (I think he is praised for this) of the landscapes or water. seriously there were 3 full Pages of solely describing the ocean! --ok, I get it, it was breathtaking! :) But then we finally get into the the story, and wow I am transfixed and teleported right into the story, I know exactly how the Hawaiian queen is feeling, I not only sympathize, I become her. So maybe the very most compelling is the character development. I love how Stephen King does his, he might be my very favorite for his characters, even though I hate getting so scared by many of his stories.
Oh super! thank you for your opinion of the Tesla parents vanishing!
Yes I love having the sims make the story, I always am interested in where it is going to lead, what ideas they are going to inspire! I wonder if the developers knew just how fun they were going to be, to just watch?
oh, :) thank you.
Ah that's right I forget that the game comes in different languages, She probably does have a different name! i think there are 2 burglars in each town, one male one female.
haha yes the ice bag! :D
Ah, to try to make more clear: Alfred talked to Jin's daughter at the teen party, and when he was thinking over what she told him, and had a dream about it, it made him want to check Jin's receipts, knowing that Jin sells potions and jelly bean bushes. He found that Mr. Tesla bought a jelly bean bush. Alfred knows that Sometimes eating those jelly beans can be fatal. It was just Alfred's idea in the moment, of a possible clue to the vanishing, so he is going to discuss this with Alfie.
Haha no, no rain in the town, it causes too much lag, and also I like for the weather to be like where I live. although right now it is a bit hot and there are the normal yearly fires in our state, making the air stinky, plus all the exhaust from the traffic 2 hrs away of the people evacuating. But the air currants have changed and the air is good now, for us. The Firefighters here are nothing like in the game, here they are exemplary and so many come from other states to help, it's extraordinary how wonderful they are!
HAHA! I see you gracefully backing away from another explanation of Max's timelines!?? ok I will spare you--Today!
Amscray! Do you have 'Pig Latin' in your country? it's a code language, that kids like to use. You take a word, for instance 'Run' and take off the first letter, so it becomes 'Un', then you place the first letter at the end, and add 'ay' so it would become "Unray". (If google translate is correct) In your language løpe would become øpelay. 'Scram' is American slang for 'get out of here!' Scram=Amscray! ?
''I hope the kids think thoroughly about this vampire thing.'' My Sims? Think things thoroughly? ?
Yes the potions Alfie made for the boys did not seem as dramatic at all! whoever heard of a yellow potion to create a vampire! B) >:) Oh I might have to look up that British vampire movie, Byzantium, sounds like I should watch it in the daytime, to prevent nightmares! lol
Yes I think the vampires who are born into the occult, have an advantage over the ones who are turned, they get their full powers faster. And the young ones will need to reach YA to get the full benefit.
I think Mr. VanGould was not only swayed by his daughter's pleading with him to let her boyfriend come stay, but because Waylan wasn't a werewolf any longer had a big effect. I think there was tension between the VanGould and the Wolff families.
LOL well my silly husband named that sim, Prince Albert Inacan. There is a tobacco you can buy in a pipe shop, called Prince Albert, It comes in a tin, a can. As a kid, he and his friends would make prank phone calls, one was to a tobacconist and they would ask 'Do you have Prince Albert in a can?' "why yes we do." "Well you better let him out!" lol silly little kids!?
Fabian is learning from the alchemy book. I have no clue what he found so fascinating! B) >:)
Oh, I don't think conflict in a story has to be a literal conflict, or someone fighting or something. It can be anything from the most minor thing, to something big like war...
I think you just need a character, that character wants something and has to overcome something to get what he/she wants.
John wakes up in the morning. John is hungry. John wants to eat. John walks over to the refridgerator, but finds its empty...
That could be a story... :P
I saw one of those youtube videos the other day, and the main point I got from that was to focus on characters. Give them personalities, different goals (major and minor), put them into a world and hopefully, a conflict and a storyline will follow.. :P Its always beneficial (and sometimes fun and interesting) to get into a characters head, and from there figure out their course of action. Or something like that. Then the characters write the story.. and it starts to feel like it gets a life of its own! A very fascinating experience. ^_^
The Tesla disappearance, and not revealing it right away is a good thing, because it makes me wonder and think what happened to them?? So I have to come back and read to figure it out....
Hmm, but sometimes, if the story (a.k.a the characters in it) wants someone to get arrested, that should probably happen. Not every conflict has to drag out, of course! Octavio poisoning the drinking water was a great addition to your story! If they wanted to get him, it would be strange if he could just get away, especially with being such a prominent person.
Oh, I think the Teslas is a perfect thing to have in the back of the story, because it adds some of that necessary drama and intrigue, and it makes your story feel more alive because different things are going on at the same time. It doesn't have to be upfront, but be where it wants to be. :P
"Thereby letting the sims make the story! " <--- There you said it. Of course they should make the story. They ARE the story. ^_^
"Yes it Is crazy Good!!! now just stop it and accept it!!! >:):)" <-- Alright, alright, I will try.. I just always sucked at taking compliments! :p You're such a sweet and lovely person for saying these things...
"Ah well her name is Selena Savage, In Bridgeport. if ever you want to make her come rob you! LOL Be sure to let me know!!!" <-- Aha, I'll be on the lookout for her when I load up Bridgeport (haven't played in that town yet... ), if she has the same name in my Norwegian language version.
"Yes that was 27 teen guests, and sleeping bags! And the amazing part was No lag on the lot!!! I couldn't believe how lucky I was! Now I have to probably feed them all before school!" <-- That is pretty amazing!
Now I will have to get that bag of ice cubes ready... ;)
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Party Aftermath ;) ~~
Hmm, why is Alfred going to hack Jins computer? Does he think she has something to do with the disappearing Teslas? Now it sounds like I'm talking about stolen cars... :P
Haha, there are all those sleeping bags again. Your sims should be happy it doesn't rain in your world. :smiley:
Oh, those different timelines again, but I think I get it now, without any further explanation. ;)
Amscray! Haha, thats a new word for my dictionary. :P
Wow, yeah, now that you mention it, Jed has a pretty big head, too...
Ah yes, probably true about intellect and wisdom.. no use in being intelligent if you're a fool! ;)
I hope the kids think thoroughly about this vampire thing.
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Les Vampires ~~
That evil gaze Miriam has towards Rocky and Sunny as she walks by....
..leave it to a nice toddler to soften everyones heart. ;)
Oh, here goes.. now they boys will be vampires. I find it strange, however, that they don't drink the potions, but have them smashed at their feet. :P
"Haha, for some reason I was envisioning bats and red smoke, but I guess that's a bit dramatic!" says Jed. <-- Hehe, excactly. This reminds me, I just watched this british horror movie the other day (called Byzantium... for inspirational purposes... well, it wasn't very horrific to me, but it was labeled as horror) with vampires that lived for centuries, bats and even streams of blood and everything...
Anyway, that was a quick and easy way for the boys to become vampires. No bites or blood or cave on a black desolated island necessary. ;)
268 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Just an ordinary morning. :D ~~
Hehe, thats one of the silly things of this game, how smashing something repeatedly with a hammer makes it upgrade. ;) If only I could do that in real life.. :P :P
But anyway, so it looks like the teenagers will need to wait until they are adults to feel the full effects of vampirism.
Oh yeah, I would probably leave the occult too if my mother turned to claw up the furniture (!) :P What a bizarre thing... Mr. van Goulds decision is understandable...
Prince Albert, hmm? What is he prince of?
"Ohhhh that's a rather nice sensation, actually" says the Prince. <-- I bet you Sunny also really liked that..
Oh yeah, thats some teeth their, Prince. Now, stay far away from me, will you.. :P
Hehe, Dot is weird but cute, going to the alchemy shop to dance. ;)
Now what could Fabian be reading thats so intriguing, hmm?
268 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Just an ordinary morning. :D ~~
The twins don't really feel all that different, being vampires now, but perhaps that changes as time goes on. They do know from talks with Sunny, that 'the thirst' doesn't come until after they age up to YA, so for now, their favorite food is still cookies! ?
Today they are invited over to hang out at Emelie's. They are looking forward to that, never having been invited inside that awesome vampire mansion of Ayden's.
Paulina and Dot are quite curious of this whole vampire thing , and of this alluring change, they see in their boyfriends! The girls both keep getting wishes to 'meet a vampire'. I guess already knowing several, isn't quite good enough!?
It's early morning, Fabian makes cookies then upgrades the stove, he thinks it should be fireproof.
Jed and Paulina play chess. They are all waiting for Dot to awaken so they can all go over to Emelie's.
Once they arrive at the old VanGould Mansion, they are quite impressed to see the inside! "Wow! Nice digs!" thinks Fabian, looking around. No one has come to greet them. It might be because they just walk right in, instead of ringing the doorbell. lol The only door bell ringers are the ones that come to the actives house, for some reason!
Watcher finds Waylon doing his homework, upstairs. I can't wait to play him, he is my favorite of the Wolff family.
Ayden is enjoying breakfast with his daughter Emelie. This is the first I have seen a teen drink Plasma orange juice. "Father, Could I please have my allowance so that Waylan and I can weekend in Transylvania?" "Yes of course, my child, but I thought Waylon shied away of such places?"
Jed and Paulina enter the dining room, interrupting the talk. "Oh excuse us! Hello, Emelie, Mr. Van Gould. This is my gf Paulina, I don't know if you two have yet met.' says Jed.
"Ah if only they had arrived a bit earlier, I might have breakfasted on fresh plasma." thinks Ayden. Jed picks up slightly on the gist of his thought, and furrows his brow. He will be able to read people better when his powers become full. Paulina heads over to meet Ayden.
"How do you do, Mr. VanGould." she says, and Ayden likes her immediately, since she is polite, which is a proper way for young ladies to act. Jed pauses and looks at me "Is it ok that I'm seeing her in her PJ's?" Yes, apparently so, Jed, just be cool and go on with your talk.? Jed talks with Emelie, he finds out is is excitable and a party animal, and they share some traits.
Waylon cooks his breakfast, Jed and Paulina are offered a plate, but since it's of horrifying quality, they politely decline.
"Waylan, I understand you gave up your occult, may I ask why?" "It was mainly because of my Mother, she was so crabby, and clawing up all our furniture in outrage, when I confessed my love for Emelie. Mother said no self respecting werewolf would ever be with a VanGould. I was so upset I forsook my occult and left home. Mr. VanGould finally took me in, at Emelie's persistent urging to have me here with her." explains Waylan. "Wow, that sounds intense Waylon! I'm sorry to have brought it up!" says Jed. "Oh that's all right, I'm very happy now." says Waylon, although he makes no mention of his long ponderings of his heritage, and his persistant longing to still howl at the full moon.
Before Watcher can find out more, Fabian decides to pull a 'Dante exit' and gets us all kicked out of the house! I guess it's just as well, Emelie and Waylon are about to head off for school and I see Ayden heading off to work. The teens can have a better hang out with vampires, later on today.
Back home we have a visitor. "Greetings! I don't know if you remember me, I'm Prince Albert." "How do you do, please come in!" says Fabian, then calls "Dad, Sunny, Mr. InaCan is here!''
"Greetings Prince Albert! Nice to see you again." says Sunny.
"Ah Miss. Pendragon, I have come to tell you how much I enjoyed the Gathering. What a delightful and interesting event. After thinking it over for these few days, I have come to you to ask to be turned, and become a part of your clan.''
Of course, Sunny is only too delighted to do the honors!
"Now don't worry Prince Albert, this will only sting for a moment!" *chomp*
"Ohhhh that's a rather nice sensation, actually" says the Prince.
"There! all done! How do you feel?" asks Sunny "I feel .. well I feel exactly the same.'' he says.
"Sometimes it takes a moment, to kick in." says Sunny. "Oh I don't mind waiting." says the Prince, then Sunny notices his incisors seems to be a bit longer.
"Oh! Let's have a look! Come on Prince, don't be shy, show me those teeth!" says Sunny. The Prince, very pleased at all the attention, shows off his impressive fangs!
"Oh! Yes those are coming along quite nicely! says Sunny.
The Prince must have lost all his wealth. While talking with Rocky, he tries to mooch some money. Rocky isn't into it, he declines to give him even one simolean. ?
Fabian, over hearing, comes in to ask the Prince what his career is. Fabian had thought everyone in town was rich, didn't Watcher make it so? ''Aha! Prince Albert is Party Dancer! No wonder he's a mooch, the poor guy, the bachelorette parties in this town have been broken for quite a while,'' thinks Fabian, "everyone knows that!" Watcher gives him a new profession in the fortune telling career, so he can make ends meet, and so that Fabian's faith in the Watcher is restored! :D Happy now, with his family funds increased as well, Prince Albert bids his farewells.
Rocky is excited, thinking of babies. I see He has his action set to woo Sunny, the tricky devil! But there is no official baby wish as yet. Sunny thinks she is too young, besides they aren't married yet, so her answer would be no, if he asked. ;)
Still, Rocky is ever hopeful! no chimes for you! :D
Fabian has a wish to turn Dot! But since teens can't turn anyone, this wish is only written in his bio, for safe keeping. Dot will need to decide for herself if she wants to be turned.
In the back yard, Jed gets a big thrill from lovely Paulina's suggestion. "Oh Heck yeah!" he agrees.
He is so smitten!?
The teens wait for school to be let out, to go back over to the VanGould's to hang out with Emelie. Fabian says "Dot, let's go hang out at Jin's Alchemy Shoppe, we can learn about all the different potions! Jin is always glad for new arrivals. it was getting boring for her, to watch Jimmy and Jazzy smoochin all day! She does love to people watch though!
Dot dances as Fabian reads this very strange intriguing book!
''Dot! You want to come see this? It's so interesting!'' says Fabian. "No you go ahead, I'll practice my dance moves!" she answers.
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Les Vampires ~~
Rocky gets off work looking mighty happy! He's thinking about marrying his beloved! Sunny really loves Rocky And his thoughts, that she's picking up on!
Uh-Oh! Marian! What is She up to? She exhibits her gleefulness in her no-good plans!
Just then Victor comes strolling by with his toddler, Valiant Thor. Miriam stops her evil laugh abruptly, seeing the baby. Val sings out his exquisite melodious tones, pointing at Miriam.
Miriam at once forgets what evil she was scheming, and is startled by a blissful sense of peace flooding through her entire being. She likes this feeling! The frequency of Val's melody was designed to break her current thought, and instead have her experience something different. It's somewhat like finger flick to the noggin you might give to an annoying sibling, to divert their attention. ? But Val's way is much nicer.
"Oh my precious baby, what wonderous things are you thinking about? Hm?" says Victor kissing his son's sweet little head."
"Shall we go in and speak with Falcon and Jakey? Oh yes, you like those great detectives, don't you my son!? "
"Da! Daytecktiff!" says baby Val.
Sunny gets the mail and collects the 4 potions sent from Alfie. "Rocky, these came for you, " she eyes him, with a questioning look. "We don't turn the younger ones... "
"Oh those must be for the boys, they have that wish." says Rocky, smiling at Alfie's thoughtfulness to send it addressed to him. ''Oh I see. Well, I wish they were older, I would love to be the one to initiate them into the Clan, but you're their Dad, that's a father's right." "Yes, well I have no objection, they said they want to see if it will increase their intellect, you know how they are, always experimenting." says Rocky. "I think it's a clever idea, this experiment of theirs, and now that I am increasing in my powers, I think it will give them so many more benefits, plus, it will be so nice to be of the same occult."
"Yes, I think so too! Well you know my feelings about vampires!" Sunny smiles, she is so proud of her occult. Rocky smiles at her, he thinks she is so cute.
"Honey, you're the one with the LTW of turning people, did you want to do the honors?"
"Yes!'' Sunny says without hesitation ''Thank you sweetie!" Sunny gives him a big hug, and rushes off to Fabian and Jed, knowing instantly their location. Rocky looks forward to the day when he can know such things instantly!
The boys are surprised by Sunny, zooming up to them, eager to perform their transformation! "I have your potions boys! Here goes nothin'!!!" she says, vial in hand.
"Wait! Wait a second, Sunny! Is it going to hurt? Are we going to go through stages of hideous morphing?" asks Fabian, a bit leery without the brave or daredevil trait that his father and brother share.
"Is it going to be instantaneous or take 3 days?" asks Jed. Jed prefers instantaneous results, he's excited to start making his calculations and measurements!
"I don't know, I've never resorted to using potions, So this should be fun for all of us!" says Sunny. giddy with excitement! "Now who first?"
"ME!" says Jed. "That way Fabian can know what to expect."
And Sunny smashes the first potion down at his feet! As the unique potion starts to take effect swirling through his system, he can hear Sunny say "Alfie also sent 2 potent cure potions. They cure everything."
"Haha, for some reason I was envisioning bats and red smoke, but I guess that's a bit dramatic!" says Jed. Sunny thinks Alfie has made a very different type of potion for the teens, because she was thinking the very same thing!
"Now for you Fabian! Are you ready?" Sunny asks. "I, I .." Fabian sees the vial smash down at his feet!
The potion takes effect.
"Oh that was way cool! I wasn't nervous one bit!" says Fabian.
"Yes you both were very brave!" Sunny thinks the the guys are so cute in their excitement and new occult! "You both look Great! Let's go show your Dad!" says Sunny.
Rocky is delighted how well it turned out, and glad to see his son's happy faces!
267 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Party Aftermath ;) ~~
The partiers awake at odd hours. Alfred, One of the 3 of 'The Golden Ones', is up first. He contemplates the weird dream he had. It was about the odd circumstances of the Tesla's vanishing. He gets an idea to research something that occurred to him, while speaking with Jin's daughter, at the party. He's off to find a computer to hack into Jin's computer.
Alfred finds Joy to tell her, "I'm going to take off early, sweetie, I need to talk to your Dad about Jin's sales receipt of a jelly bean bush sold to a Mr. Tesla." "Oh ok Alfred, I'll save you a seat in class!" Joy says. It doesn't sound suspicious to young Joy, everyone buys those cute little trees. But Joy is used to Alfred having deep conversations with Alfie. Alfie is his mentor, his protector. Alfie knows of Alfred's coming greatness one day, when he will be aligned with his son, Reverie and Valiant Thor.
Chad asks Luc what he knows of Makani, since he knows they're friends, both like the arts. "Oh, He's a really great guy, he's into surfing and painting landscapes." says Luc. Luc's gf, Leelu decides to take over Chad's sleeping bag. She didn't like to sleep with the huge crowd of kids, some snore so loudly, besides Chad's sleeping bag smells so nice, like Chad!
Well, Chad is thinking of someone. aww bad timing! One wakes as the other goes to sleep.
Tristan wakes all the teens, with his fantastic rock and roll at 3 am! Bjorn is very displeased about this!
Cute Fawn and Bjorn play on the water slide. --- Hey Bjorn looks like Ari and Adan somewhat! I guess it's the hair!
Ari, Amelina and Aiden's son, and Fawn, Pip's daughter, have fun before heading to school. They are already engaged, like some teens in the 50's! The engagement was the result of an overemotional moment of Fawn's. Ari really doesn't want to marry until he is grown up.
Sunny and Rocky like to talk with the teens, Sunny really likes Dante's daughter Tula. Tula and her bf, Tristan, canoodle and flirt, He's so cute!
Max's son, Quigley and Fern love to pillow fight. :smiley:
Finally the teens say they have to 'be somewhere else', and that it was an Awesome Party! I guess Fire at a party, must be awesome! LOL
Waylan Wolff is one of the few good teens who managed Not to lose his nice sports car! Good boy Waylan! I should give you more nice things!
Bye bye, teens, have fun in school! But as to our house, the teens decline to get ready for school. Well, they don't actually decline, they just don't do it! :D I guess if they don't get in trouble for skipping class, Rocky, and the school board must think it's ok. Paulina decides to clean up the party mess, and dirty dishes.
Fabian and Jed head to Max's house to find out what Max thinks about 'Forced vampirism on human teen's intellect.'' Max really likes Rocky's teens, he has viewed their timelines and they are always doing something interesting! They have not had a timeline yet where they were Vampires, so this intrigues Maxfield! "Well that has not been researched as yet, the only research has been done on those born of that occult! You and your brother could conduct such an experiment.'' suggests Max, "But I would talk with my doppelgänger, Alfie for help with the potion though, I don't trust any from the Alchemy Shoppe! One never knows who made them, and consigned them to Jin!" says Max. "Thank you Mr. Parrish" says Fabian. Jed only nods their goodbyes, he is in a hurry, he shares a thought to his brother, "Let's amscray out of here quickly, because I just remembered Dad said to not bother Max in the mornings!" "Oh! Yes! I don't want Max to think we are wrecking his love mood!" Heaven forbid! The boys are right!
Alfie already senses that the boys are on their way!
''Hi Mr. Helmquist-Steinsson!" says Jed. Alfie is at first taken aback by the kids size, Max had told him of this height and growing problem the boys had, but he didn't say anything about the size of their heads and faces.
"Mr. Parrish suggested Fabian and I come to you for a vampiric potion for teens, if their is such a thing! We don't know anything of alchemy, sir."
"Oh, of course, son, I can create just the thing! Now these potions need to be in the possession of your Dad or Sunny. You are not to drink it on your own, or throw them at each other! This is very important! Hm?" says Alfie. Alfie is charmed with the boys impetuous creative process, he finds it amusing as long as no one gets hurt! He wants to make certain that Rocky and Sunny are aware of what the boys are up to, so he adds "I will send them to your Dad, as soon as they're completed!'' ''There is a reason vampires can't bite the younger ones, it's an adult decision."
"Oh we didn't know that!" says Jed. "We just wanted to see if it would increase our intellect." "There is Intellect and there is Wisdom, son, the former is not that great without the latter.'' says Alfie kindly. "I'll also send over 2 potent cures, in case you change your minds.
''Son, you have a lifetime to make these types of decisions, there is no hurry." says Alfie, understanding the boys desire, understanding the urgency that teens can feel, when excited by an idea.
@Silverofdreams30 Oh Yay! that will be great to see your update! :)
Yes Sunny was nice to have them move in :) I was a bit concerned for Rocky because he just wanted it to be the 4 of them, but duty calls, when it comes to kids! Plus now I know for sure where to find them lol
hahaha Yes the fires are exciting, but it was so Smokey there for a minute, yikes! I was a bit scared a teen might catch on fire! :#
hehe yeah they covered the front lawn so many sleeping bags!
Thank you for saying you thought it was a great update! :)
@ergo_slum :D HAHAHA well put!!! Well What was that jelly fish even doing there? If you have any clues please tell!!! :D
YES! Peanut is so, so strange in my town! What is the matter with him? He Looks like he is really sweet. Well hopefully I can figure him out when I go play over at Rainflower's house! In my other Moonlight Falls game he was so cute and sweet and one of Dante's girls married him!
''Maybe he's jealous of his awesome sister in your world. I would be too if my sister got to hang out with Poor Eddy and his amazing faces.'' :D lol I do love Poor Eddy's faces he makes! <3
Yes I was wondering if Chad was going to find someone at the party! I do like that Island Boy, even though he is skinny as a twig, his face is sweet and he has nice traits! Anyway there were 3 guys he could choose from, Bjorn, Basti, and Island boy, Makani. I'll see if anything happens in the morning! I wonder if he wants to wait until he's a YA?
Yes that was fun to see Sunny being all happy about the fire! I get such a big kick out of her! I tried to get her closer to the fire, because she had a wish to be IN a fire! ? I had never seen that wish before! But she wouldn't go over there. She probably wants something more grandly unique! :D
So happy to see you here! :) Thank you!
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