Since I last commented I have added another new World: Hidden Springs, however, I haven't played in that World yet (I will do once I finish the Oakley Legacy and the Saves in Riverview and Twinbrook: the two Saves in Riverview and Twinbrook are Saves I play on when I want to give the Oakley Legacy a break), so to summarise:
Worlds I have fully explored: Sunset Valley
Worlds I have played in but haven't fully explored: Riverview, Twinbrook, Appaloosa Plains, Moonlight Falls, Starlight Shores
Worlds I haven't played in fully yet: Bridgeport, Hidden Springs
Worlds I don't have but like to own: Isla Paradiso, Sunlit Tides, Lucky Palms, Lunar Lakes, Midnight Hollow, Aurora Skies, Roaring Heights, Barnacle Bay, Monte Vista, Dragon Valley (I'll get those four eventually)
So all in all, it depends on which World I want to play in at the moment (I don't want to have more than three ongoing Saves at the moment due to a crash I had in June which basically caused me to lose three Saves), so for now I will play in Sunset Valley, Riverview and Twinbrook