Forum Discussion

crinrict's avatar
11 years ago

[HOW TO] Find and remove bad custom content (CC)


What is this thread about

What is bad CC?

How do I get rid of that CC ?

How can I avoid CC I don't want?

Where is the CC installed that I see in my game


Disclaimer: All links and tools mentioned in this thread are not supported by EA and you'll be using them at your own risk. 

What is this thread about?

A lot of Households/Sims/Lots contain custom content (CC) that is either bad or that you don’t want. Some of them are very hard to find in the launcher for they look nothing like the picture you see in CAS and unfortunately you can delete them in CAS directly.

There are methods, tools and lists around that can help you find and avoid this CC .
The intention of this thread is to give you links to those and help you if you have problems understanding them. This thread is not for spoon feeding you every step that has already been stated. If you have trouble understanding something, be specific in your questions.

This thread is also for helping you with CC that is not listed anywhere and that you can't find. Please check the available lists first before posting and if you feel up-to it, try the method described below to find out yourself.

My time is limited and I have many other projects, so please do me the courtesy and READ before posting. Thank you.


What is bad CC?

Bad CC is Custom Content that harms your game. One should distinguish between unwanted and bad CC. Unwanted CC is CC YOU don't like but others very well might want while bad CC is content no one should use for it can harm your game.

There are the following kinds of bad CC:

There's also CC that likes to attach to everything you upload whether you use it or not but there are so many of those that I can't list all of them 

When putting CC in your game, always remember that corrupt CC can crash your game, slow it down and maybe cause your launcher not to work properly.


How do I get rid of that CC ?

Please refer to this blog post for information on that


How can I avoid CC I don't want?

When you download something from the Exchange, always use the Add To Game button and not Save as. Save as corrupts the thumbnails and you can't install the stuff. Add to Gamewill no longer install the content automatically so you can check it before installing.

Check all Households/Sims/Lots before you install them. There's a tool called Custard/CleanInstaller by Delphy that can help you check your stuff.

Instructions can be found here: Delphy's Custard

For Package-Files there's another tool called Dashboard, also by Delphy that can pinpoint you in the right direction: Delphy's Dashboard

Both tools can only help you with some errors. There are many errors that can't be detected. If the tools say it's safe, that isn't necessarily true.


Where is the CC installed that I see in my game

All CC can be found in Documents\ElectronicArts\TheSims3.

There are two different kinds of CC. Packages and Sims3Packs. Sims3Packs are the only ones that show up in your launcher. Packages are installed a different way. Please check this thread for details: How-To-Install CC/Mods "The New Way" Guide

This thread is mostly about Sims3Packs.

Sims3Packs are containers for package files. When you double click on such a file a few things happen:

- The Sims3Pack gets copied to the Downloads folder and then shows in Downloads in the launcher
- The Package-Files inside (they all have long numbers) get unpacked to the DCBackup folder. They do almost nothing (see FAQ below)
- The Package-Files inside get compressed together and installed to the files *.dbc (or *.ebc for Store). Files that are installed here, show up in your Launcher.

For further info on your user files, check this: User Files Explained

You could, in theory, move the Package-files from DCBackup to the mods folder and use them like package files but a lot of Package-Files are bad for your game performance so if it weren't for the launcher, Sims3Packs are actually better to use than package-Files.



2 Replies

  • I can't find the Custom Content in my launcher. I've looked many times.


    Make sure that

    • You're checking INSTALLED CONTENT and NOT Downloads
    • There's no filter active (choose the infinite sign tab in the launcher)
    • Go slowly through your launcher. It tends to jump

    The symbol you see in CAS is a little plumbob sign and NOT a folder or a flower/star 

    If you have verified that all of the above is true and you still can't find it, it might have something to do with the number of downloads you have in your launcher. It seems that the launcher can only display so many of them.

    To limit the number of downloads move all of the *.ebc files in your DCCache folder to the desktop. Since those are store items, they can't get installed with houses/lots/Sims.

    If it still doesn't show up, use this method by Mell: For those of you having trouble uninstalling cc through the launcher..

    I have so much bad CC and it would be so much work to go through all my downloads. Is there an easier way than to uninstall them all?

    You can simply remove all of the *.dbc files from your DCCache folder and ALL CC except Store, households/Sims/lots will be gone.

    I found one or more of the numbers you provided in my DCBackup folder and deleted it but the CC is still in my game.

    Deleting the files in your DCBackup folder has one purpose only: That you don't spread it any further with your uploads. To get rid of the Download itself, you MUST look for it and UNINSTALL from your launcher. Make sure to check the Installed content tab and NOT the Downloads one.

    My Sims have long arms and look like Monsters. Do I have bad CC?

    Yes, you do. This is CC that is categorized for the wrong age groups. Check this list for known files that have this problem: BAD CC: Clothing

    My babies are all invisible. Do I have bad CC?

    If you see long sticks coming out of your house and they are not really invisible, yes, you do have bad CC. Same as the error above. If they are truly invisible it's mostly because you uninstalled bad cc and now they have no mesh anymore. Age them up with the birthday cake (have mom/dad click on the cake to get the option to age up the baby) and they are fine again.

    My Sims are wearing cloth while taking a shower. Do I have bad CC?


    Most likely. There are some that are categorized for naked that have that effect.

    Check the following list for known files:

    When you have removed the CC, you will need to reset the Sim to naked. You can do this with the MasterController Mod or with this method: Game Help:Showering with clothing on (Reset Sim to Nude towards the end) 

    If you are sure it's not the CC, simply try the reset to Nude method mentioned above or through MasterController.

    My sims are all <insert color here>. Do I have bad CC?

    This error has two reasons. The first one is bad mapping. That can also apply to part of the clothing showing on another part of the clothing (like shoes on dress). A list to a few of those can be found in my German blog: BAD CC: Kleider färben ab

    The other reason is a little trickier. Unlike Sims 2, Sims 3 recolors normally come with the mesh. There are a few exceptions to that and if you don't have the original mesh, you will either get an invisible body or an all <insert color here> Sim. Check the site where you got the download from if the mesh is included or not. If you got it through the exchange, uninstall the CC.

    My Sims Hair is all messed up.

    There are two errors here. Hair that floats high above your Sims head is usually because of wrong categorization. Check this list: BAD CC: Clothing

    If they look all strange, it might be of a missing mesh. A lot of recolors from Newsea hair don't have the mesh included (cause the mesh is at TSR which costs money) and the creators usually don't want to anger them. Get the original mesh and the hair will look fine. Also sometimes you either need the male version or the version from another age group as well. If you got it through the exchange, uninstall.

    My Sims lost all his hair and is bald now.

    This is usually a Mac only issue and I don't know if there's a solution found for this yet.

    What about that Girl Dressed Doll everyone is talking about. 


    I don't want to go into details on this issues. Fact is, it's not attaching to every upload anymore but can still be found in the Exchange. It will crash your game and should therefore be removed. It's not better or worse than any other bad CC that crashes your game. 

    Just use google to find more info on it.

    What about that Arezzo Counter?


    The counter has attaches itself to Sims and Houses/Households whether you actually use it or not. It's very important that you remove it from your game and the Exchange is invested with it.

    It has yet to be proven that it does anything bad to your game.

    Just use google to find more info on it.

    I have CC that is not listed and simply can't find it.

    If you feel up to it, try this method to find the launcher pic you need to look for: How to find a certain download in your Launcher, if not, feel free to post in this thread. 

    Either provide me with a picture (will only work if I know the Download) or upload a Sim with the CC to the exchange and provide me with a link. Make sure you warn people about the CC and state that it's a testing file for Crinrict. Delete it after I get back to you.

    I have a download that I checked in Custard and it says naked in the description. Will this make my Sim naked?

    No. If a cloth is categorized for Naked this just means it can be worn while taking a shower. It has nothing to do with the NKD cloth floating around that make your sim walk around naked. Those are normal cloth that show everything.

    I got a new skin tone in my game. Where did that come from?

    Non-default skin tones are always package files which come with Sims. They don't show in Custard and the only way to get rid of them is finding the Sim that has them and uninstall those.

    Custard says something about Corrupt (Not a DBPF) / Bad Download / Bad Index. What is that?


    Those are probably uploads that either didn't get uploaded or downloaded properly. See more details here: CUSTARD: Corrupt (Not a DBPF) / Bad Download / Bad Index. Check the Custard tutorial for other errors that Custard shows.

    If you use the save as method on the Exchange, you will also see this error. Use Add to Game instead.

    Are there any bad patterns out there or are they always safe?


    There are a few older patterns that were not made with the EA Pattern Tool that don't seem to work properly anymore. Usually you see long loading times in CaSt, especially when you try to access the Misc patterns.

    There is also an issue if CAP patterns are converted into Package files. See this for details: CaST does not load – Materializing Materials

     Sometimes a simple reinstall will work, other times you have to get rid of them. If you stick to newer patterns, you should be fine.

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