Sims 3 64 bit not showing in Library on EA App
After origin was discontinued and i was forced to download EA app to access my games i noticed the Sims 3 64 bit version was not in my library. After speaking with an EA agent they said they had added it onto my library but i could still not see it. After 3 hours and 4 agents i tried everything from safe reboot, reinstalling the app, clearing my cache and writing a code through my mac terminal. Every single ticket or case i raised was marked as 'fixed' despite the issue not being resolved. I have been trying to contact EA Help via twitter (X) for months and have been given 0 response. I was told by one agent to keep an eye on socials. The sims 3 is an old game i dont think EA will be updating this issue on socials when the churn out a £35 dlc for the sims 4 every month.
I am now left with a game i cannot access, 0 help from EA and no further way to access live chat as after clicking start chat it says ' 0 agents available' . How are EA allowing this ? very dissapointed.
Can anyone help me with this please.
I have a mac book pro 2019, Intel core i5 and ventura 13.6.6...