sims 3 service initialization failed (0x065d0274)
I not long ago switched from a laptop to a Pc, which I used to play sims 3 and 4 on. I was able to play sims 3 on my new Pc until it asked me to download something so it could run. Stupidly i cant remember what it asked to me to download otherwise i would of deleted it to see if it solved the problem. Sims 4 works fine on my Pc however every time I load sims 3 it says service initialization failed with a black screen. I had tried lots of threads on here, however, none of them seem to work.
Wondering if anyone can help..
@liza116906 This error usually doesn't have anything to do with user content, downloaded or otherwise, but just in case, try moving or renaming the Sims 3 folder in Documents > Electronic Arts. When you open the launcher, if it opens, a clean folder will spawn with no content. Don't add anything to it yet; just see whether you can play.
If that doesn't help, please clear the EA App's cache:
and repair the game (EA App > Sims 3 > Manage > Repair).
If that doesn't help either, what antivirus do you use? Your dxdiag doesn't show any Sims 3-related errors, so it's possible the game is being blocked rather than crashing.