5 years ago
Sims 3 white lines
I’ve been playing sims 3 on my new laptop! It’s nvidia GeForce gtx 1650 but in the game, my furniture has white lines that flicker and those lines can be seen on clothes as well. I don’t know what to do :/
I’ve been playing sims 3 on my new laptop! It’s nvidia GeForce gtx 1650 but in the game, my furniture has white lines that flicker and those lines can be seen on clothes as well. I don’t know what to do :/
@Bts152 Have you taken steps to limit your in-game framerates? If fps is too high, it can cause the kinds of lines you're seeing, as well as a number of other inconvenient or even harmful effects. Aside from the game itself, it's better for the long-term health of your graphics card and the laptop overall if you cap framerates while playing.
To see your in-game fps, bring up the cheats console (ctrl-shift-C) and enter "fps on" without quotes. A number will appear in the upper right corner of your screen, and it should never go above the refresh rate of your screen, which is probably 60 Hz but may be higher. If framerates are consistently high or fluctuate wildly, they need to be manually limited.
Depending on how new your graphics driver is, you can probably set a framerate limit within the built-in Nvidia Control Panel. Right-click on the desktop, select the CP, then Manage 3D Settings, and you'll see this:
Turn on Max Frame Rate and set it to 60, click Okay, then Apply, and test in-game.
I’ve done what you said and the lines are still there- and I’ve put the FPS on and it keeps saying 29 then 30 then 29 then 30
@Bts152 It's weird that fps would be capped at 30, instead of something higher. Do you have another program that might be interfering? And are you playing on battery? If so, please plug in the laptop and test again. Games require a lot of power and should never be run while the laptop is drawing from battery: it hurts performance and will still drain the battery very quickly.
If the above doesn't help, please try switching between fullscreen and windowed modes, and let me know whether things look better. If not, please run a dxdiag and attach it to a post.
my game is already on windowed mode and my laptop is always charging when i play the sims 3. I don't there's any other program interfering with the game but thank you for your help!
@Bts152 I meant that it might be helpful to switch back and forth between fullscreen and windowed modes, to see whether the game looked better in one than the other. It's possible fullscreen mode will take care of the issue.
If it doesn't though, please try playing with the Alienware Command Center disabled. You can just kill it in the Task Manager: hit crtl-alt-delete, bring up the TM, find anything with "Alienware" in its name in the background tasks, and End Task. It will restart the next time you reboot your computer, but in the interim, it shouldn't affect how Sims 3 runs.
Origin is also throwing errors, so it's a good idea to clear its cache, uninstall it "the hard way," and reinstall. This shouldn't affect any of your installed games.
When I use the full screen, my screen would always flicker so the windowed mode helps with that. I’ll try to disable the Alienware command center but what should I do if that doesn’t fix my game problem?
@Bts152 Did you have a chance to test this? Please let me know how it goes, or how it went. There are plenty of other things to try, but it's easiest to go in order: the Alienware Command Center is throwing errors, so it should be disabled at least for now.
Hi! I’ve uninstalled it but the lines are still showing up on furniture and clothes :/
@Bts152 Please try playing in a clean boot, and test both fullscreen and windowed modes, just to see whether the issue is present in either one.
When you've rebooted, be sure to check the Task Manager's list of background tasks for any programs that might not have been disabled in a clean boot, for example more Dell software or an app like MSI Afterburner, and shut down anything you find. It's important that your laptop only be running critical services, like the graphics driver, not anything else that could interfere.
i did it before and the lines are still there- what else should i do?