the sims 3 (64-bit & metal) release
The last we heard about it is in October. I have been waiting to see if the release has been posted. The catalina update for mac has been released and you guys said you would release the 64 bit in early 2020. Well the time is here it is January 10th, 2020 and I just want to know when the release date is. I am beyond excited to play the sims 3 again but I cant seem to find the release date Im looking for. Every time I go to search it, it just pulls back up the announcement of that they will be releasing a 64 bit. EA if you could please respond to my question. Im sure there are thousands of mac users out there who are waiting just like me. We love your game! We just want to play it. Thanks for taking the time to read it.
(Boy, I sure to want to "@channel" this. That tells me I need to get away from Slack some more.)
Hey peeps!
Here's the news! It's fresh, it's hot, the pixels are still steaming. THAT'S HOW FRESH THIS IS!
Headline 1: ROOT CAUSE
We now know with very strong confidence what the root cause of the problem is. Without getting too far into the weeds, it has to do with how entitlements work within our publishing system, and tying together our modern system with some legacy systems. Long story short, something broke at the very last step that none of us anticipated AND was really, really hard to track down. You should see the size of the Zoom call I just got out of.
Headline 2: Get-well plan
We are actively deploying a fix. This is a thing that is almost 100% invisible to you. You do not need to download a new Origin client, or a new build of The Sims 3. It will just ... work. But here's where a challenge happens. The fix will take some time to roll out. It might even take as long as a few days. I don't have good data on this yet. There are two ways you can tell if it's hit your account. The most obvious is "did you get that error?" The less obvious way will be to right-click (or Control+Click) on the game art in "My Library" and select "Game Properties", OR open the game page in Origin and click on the "gear" icon and select "Game Properties." If you do NOT see a CD Key entry then your account hasn't been fixed yet. If you DO see a CD Key entry - happy simming! It IS possible to circumvent this process by contacting the Support team for help. As you've all noticed, they have helped some players get working again. Unfortunately people have not had a 100% success rate, and evidently some of you have to call a charge-by-minute line to do it (Me? I always use the chat option. I hate talking to people on the phone). So ... there's that. I'd really ask that you hold off on that option if you can.
Sub-headline 1: When does the Get-well plan start?
Right now! In fact it started a few minutes ago.
Sub-headline 2: Other stuff?
I'm not sure. I've seen a lot of sporadic reports of other issues people have seen that, honestly, I haven't had any opportunity to spend time on. I know that @Bluebellflora and @puzzlezaddict have been doing a lot of experimenting, so hopefully they'll have some pointers for all of us on how to make sure things are working at their best.
Other questions? Post them here at AHQ. If/when I can I'll help where possible. The community here is awesome, though, and I fully expect all the really meaty and juicy questions will be answered long before I see them.
Exciting times! Thanks for going on this ride with me everyone!