Forum Discussion
Letter N-The Non-committal Nectar Maker
- Teen+ Skills-Nectar making
- Teen+ Aspirations-Expert Nectar-Maker, Neighborhood Confidante
- Aspiration Rewards-Never Weary
- Reside In- New Appaloosa
- Lot Traits and Challenges-Natural Light, Natural Well
- Visit-National Park, Nightclub
- Other Gameplay-Change into Nude. Successfully implement a Neighborhood Action Plan.
Now that we’re finished with Melody’s challenge, Nagami can move out on her own. She picks a starter home in New Appaloosa. The lot has the Natural Well trait, which provides refreshing water and saves her from having to pay for water utilities.
The house also has the Natural Light trait, which helps her with her woodworking business, but she bought Nectar-Making equipment as another income source. Devin comes by to check out her operations. After a hard day’s work, Nagami sometimes likes to have fun at a Nightclub.
Nagami is getting to know her neighbors, including horse trainer Sierra Grove. She decides she wants to be a Neighborhood Confidante and help people talk through life’s problems. She also pushes through a Neighborhood Action Plan to promote eco-friendly appliances. She uses her handy trait to upgrade her computer in the cellar so that it’s more energy efficient.
After a lot of practice, Nagami masters the Nectar-Making skill, ensuring that her nectars are even higher quality. This is also the first objective in the Expert Nectar-Maker aspiration. She hasn’t forgotten about being a confidante. After advising several friends about their social lives and careers, she meets up with her cousin Bruno and encourages him to pursue his dream of becoming an astronaut, completing the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration. With all of this progress on her aspirations, she finally has enough points to purchase the Never Weary trait, so her energy never goes down.
Nagami invites her friend Dune from the Magical Realm to her house and changes into Nude. He gets the message. In due time she has a baby girl with a strong magical bloodline and names her Oriole. Oriole has the following goals that she can work on before she grows up:
- Final Traits- Outgoing, Child of the Ocean
- Likes-Orange
- Dislikes- Latin music, Latin Pop, Lullabies, Luxe Decor
- Teen+ Aspirations-Outdoor Enthusiast
- Careers- 5-Star Odd jobber
- Aspiration Rewards-Observant
- Collections-Omiscan treasures
As a child Oriole is Outgoing and enjoys making friends. She uses the points she earned from the first few levels of the Social Butterfly aspiration to purchase the Observant trait, so that she can get to know people more easily. She doesn’t introduce most of her new friends to her hex doll familiar Otis. She only summons him when she’s in the Magic Realm. She also loves the color Orange and hates Latin music and Lullabies.
For her birthday weekend, when Oriole ages up to teen, Nagami takes her on vacation to the National Park in Granite Falls. Oriole enjoys all the outdoor activities and realizes that she wants to be an Outdoor Enthusiast. When they return home, Oriole gives her bedroom an Outdoor Retreat makeover, preferring the rustic cabin feel to the pretentiousness of Luxe décor.
Both ladies are progressing in their careers. Oriole is taking odd jobs, such as helping with beach clean up, from the Odd Jobs app. Nagami finally finishes the Expert Nectar-Maker aspiration after earning $68,000 in one day selling nectar to the Mysterious Rancher. Nagami is finished with her part of the challenge. I moved death by Night Wraith from N Gen to W Gen. I put all that effort into giving Nagami the Night Wraith curse, only to realize that it's actually impossible for the Night Wraith to kill someone with the Never Weary trait.😒
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