I got Genius – Builder – Musician – Haunted House and fell in love with this combination. My initial plan was to play a violinist, who wants to craft his own instrument. He still wants this, but things got a bit more complex.
I plan to put 1-3 visible screenshots per post and hide the rest under spoiler tags for easier loading.
Everything begins, as it always does, in my Detroit starter save, January 2039. It’s a world of sentient robots, aliens and cyclically awakening magic, but for the most part is inhabited by regular people with everyday problems. Like Carrow Barrett here…
♪♫ Just a small town boy, livin’ in a lonely world ♪♫
“The name’s Carrow, Carrow Barret. I always liked the sound of my name, it has a certain musical ring to it. Music is my passion, but I had no audience in my small home village, so at the age of 21 I took my life savings of 643$ and moved to the next big city. Detroit, here I come!”
♪♫ He took the midnight train goin’ anywhere ♪♫
Carrow’s traits are Genius, Maker, Music Lover and Business Savvy from his starting aspiration, Mansion Baron. I want to complete it, if possible, but will aspiration jump a lot.
For housing I demolished the premade warehouse until a starting sim could afford it.
The lot type is, of course, Haunted House. The lot traits are Homey (boosts Mixology) and Party location. Lot challenges are Earthquake zone, Volcanic Activity, Cursed and Haunted.
These traits represent the place’s history (see next post), not actual volcanos and earthquakes.
“I figured my funds would allow me to rent a cheap apartment in one of the, uh, less contested districts of the city. Turns out all of those were already taken. I asked the landlord whether I could rent one of the more expensive apartments unfurnished, maybe? She stared at me, then laughed: What do you think I’m going to do with the furniture? Toss it out for your convenience?
Okay, that was foolish of me. I’ll think about a place to stay later. Still can afford meals and a hotel room for a couple of days.”
“The local busker scene was very welcoming. I met Danny Shino-Miller and Jordan Mayer, who were only too happy to let me play along. Maybe I can crash with them? It’s still too early to ask, though. We may “vibe” just fine, but barely know each other.”
“Normally I’m content to just play my music, but I have that one big dream: Craft my own, personalized violin. To that end I learned carpentry for my trade. Although I lack actual workplace experience, I’m good enough that the simple woodcrafts I make at the local community workshop sell for a nice penny. Meals will be nicely covered in the near future. Housing… I’ll have to think of something soon!
Hey, isn’t this the same woman I already saw at Spice Market? Must be Fate!”
Nope, wasn’t fate, after all. She disliked him talking about music, so she’s out of the running for spouse. She’s a townie anyway and I’d like to pair Carrow with one of my own sims.
♪♫ A singer in a smokey room ♪♫ ♪♫ A smell of wine and cheap perfume ♪♫ ♪♫ For a smile they can share the night ♪♫
When Carrow visited the nightclub to practice his crowd appeal, all of my favorites trickled in. There was the entrepreneur Amanda, interior architect Caroline, DPD detective Hank, museum curator Connor, private detective Gavin and Daniel, who ran a kiosk at a bus station. (And also a townie in red shoes, just ignore him, even though he was the first to tip Carrow.)
Caroline: “Yes, Daniel, we know. You won the curry contest. All of Detroit knows, please stop parading the fact in front of everyone and dress weather appropriate like sensible people!”
Daniel: “If I wanted to be a sensible person, I’d wear a t-shirt saying so. But I’m wearing the shirt that’s saying I’m the curry contest champion, so that should be a hint!”
On second thought, player’s favorites or not, Carrow didn’t want to associate any closer with those fellows…
“When the bar closed, I returned to Spice Market beneath Ambassador Bridge. With no official place of residence, this place was as good as any other. But I admit it was already special to me. Maybe because it had been the first place I had spent significant time at after coming to Detroit? Anyway, living under a bridge is iconic for city life, especially when you’re a starving artist! Let’s give it a shot, so that we can later say we did it!”
Carrow rolled out his sleeping bag in the ruin of a warehouse. He had chosen it for the glaring absence of graffiti or rats – for the standards of abandoned ruins, that had to count as “cozy”.
Sheltered from the harsh weather by three and a half walls Carrow wouldn’t be too comfortable, but not in danger of freezing to death either. He snuggled down, closed his eyes…
…only get woken up by the sound of a police siren.
However, when Carrow jumped out of his bedroll, there was no patrol car in sight. The square lay silent, peaceful. Only a green light was gently bobbing up and down just outside the ruin. Carrow approached it.
“What the… is this?”
The blob looked like industrial goo dripping down from the upper floor, but was clearly detached from the building’s wall. In fact, it swooshed once around a wall and then right through it! Carrow felt his innards tense up. That wasn’t normal! Not even for Detroit could that be called normal!!!
After a while the good vanished. It left behind a grimy trail on the wall, leading Carrow to believe that had been all there had been to this encounter. Surely in his half-asleep condition he had only imagined the floating ball.
"Back to bed!"
♪♫ Streetlight people, living just to find emotion ♪♫
“No, strange noises, I don’t hear you!”
♪♫ Hiding, somewhere in the night ♪♫
“Good night!!!”
The next morning Carrow walked on shaky legs to the nextbest food vendor. There he grabbed a serving of burrito – the whole menus was full of burritos: cheese & beans, spinach, tomato and chicken and Carrow intended to sample them all. His spirits were lifting a little, enough to pull the police officer sitting at the same table into a conversation:
Carrow: “’morning, officer. Busy night, yes?”
Alexander: “No, calm night, actually. What makes you think differently? Did something happen to you?”
Carrow: “Uh-uh. I was just woken up by your siren, is all.”
Alexander: “Strange. None of our teams was active in this district tonight. I don’t think anybody even passed through Spice Market, least of all with an active siren.”
Carrow: “Then what did I hear?”
Yes, what? Or – whom!
♪♫ Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard ♪♫ ♪♫ Their shadows searching in the night ♪♫
Carrow spent the day playing for tips and looking (without success) for affordable housing. When he returned to Spice Market, the warehouse ruin once again sported a strange light. This time it was blue… and vaguely human shaped.
I had two ghosts in this save, but deleted them both to ensure that the game would grab the one I custom made for Carrow. Meet Godfather Burnstein (Insider/Maker/Foodie/Aspiration Leader of the Pack)!
Carrow: “Oh, wow, a hologram! I mean, you’re just a sophisticated ad, but still pretty cool. – Hello! Can you talk?”
Burns: “Hello... Call me Burns… Are you the new landlord? I saw you snoop around the warehouse last night. What’s left of it, anyway. It’s such a shame!”
Carrow: “Why’s it a shame?”
Burns: “Ah, right. I always forget how much time has passed. This place may look like nothing, and didn’t in the days of its glory, at least not on the outside. But on the inside? Ha! It was the fanciest speakeasy during the prohibition. People came to the Old Saltwater House to make merry, and, believe it or not, roughly half of them came for the atmosphere and the music, not interested in drinking or gambling. It was a place outside time, where people from all walks of life met.
Until the razzia, of course. Lt. Barrett made more arrests that one night than in his whole career before and after. Can’t even fault the man, we all hustle to the best of our abilities, right? But then Barrett had the “bright” idea of kicking the distillery. Somehow that caused a chain reaction and by the time the sun came up, it found only a burnt out ruin. That was the end of Old Saltwater House.”
Carrow: “Did you say “Barrett”? I… Oh, shoot…”
Burns: “No, he didn’t shoot anybody. You need to learn to listen better, boy, if you want to go places! This one burnt down, though. Oh, the glory… but that’s in the past…”
With a final moan, “Burns” dissipated, leaving Carrow to ponder the twist of fate that had brought him here. Or was it… destiny?
A place outside time where people from all walks of life met… listening to music… That sounded like a worthy goal. The ruin was looming over Carrow, almost an entity of its own.
Are you up to the task, kid?
Will you be the one to return Old Saltwater House to the world and its old glory?
Surprisingly the journey from realizing that ghosts were real to taking active steps to manage your haunted home was short. After asking around a little, Carrow was the proud owner of a séance table (what put quite the dent into his saving up for a woodworking bench) and started on getting a feel of Old Saltwater House in the ether.
By then the news of a violinist from the countryside making his home in the ruin had made the round at Spice Market and a local couple even organized a “Welcome to neighborhood” party for Carrow. Since it was a spontaneous gathering, the Millers didn’t have time to bake the real thing, and resorted to bring a store bought fruitcake.
Carrow placed it on the séance table, the only available surface. The fruitcake being a gift, he couldn’t throw it away, but there was no way he was going to eat that!
The evil fruitcake came through the next night already, when a blue spectre disturbed Carrow’s sleep. A true scion of Lt. Barrett, even though the family didn’t even remember this particular ancestor anymore, Carrow offered the spectre a simple deal: “Get off my lawn or taste my fruitcake!”
At first the spectre just pulsated, amused by the mortal, but one hit with a tossed slice of fruitcake later it squeeked pathetically.
“Take that! Ha! Begone!”
The spectre vanished, but not before leaving behind enough spirit wax to form into three protective candles. Not bad for a fledgling Medium!
(Gameplay note: Fruitcake counts as handmade offering for purpose of placating spectres.)
A gameplay picture, showing Carrow being miserable. With the walls up the ruin looks atmospheric, with walls down it’s just a sad sight.
My goals are to level Violin, Woodworking and Medium, craft a violin and rebuild Old Saltwater House. Not sure if I can manage that last one on normal lifespan. Some gardening abuse might be required.
“My parents always said I was their little “Genius”, but truth is, I’m not that smart, after all, just studious. But I prefer intellectual activities over physical and social ones, I guess that added to my “nerd” image back in the village. Here in Detroit I was able to start fresh and… meh. I still don’t feel attracted by the bowling alley or the basketball hoop in my neighborhood, not even to the karaoke bar nearby.”
“After settling in at Spice Market, I coughed up the money for a bus ticket to the local Galaxy’s Edge theme park.
There’s a full blown regular LARP going on there. My neighbor at Spice Market, Susan Miller, is one of the active players. She gave me a few pointers and helped with the first quest. Everyone wants to be the cool smuggler or maybe the dashing rebel, but I decided to be the oddball and grab the First Order starting package.”
“See, I had done a little research into my ancestor, police lieutenant Clive Barrett, and felt the urge to walk in his boots for a while. The rebels’ cantina became the Old Saltwater House during the prohibition years in my imagination. As a First Order goon I was on the side of the law, but also the bad guy, kinda like Clive had been.
Oh, and I also found something neat during my research: Apparently Clive had rescued documents from the burning down speakeasy. And among those had been a certain recipe that ever since had become our family legacy. So I guess our vitalizing “Barrett Brew” village beer really is the “Burnstein Brew”. Speaking of… Burns hasn’t shown himself in a while, but I feel he’s still around.”
Leaning how to mix the energy restoring Black Spire Brew was my original reason for sending Carrow top Batuu, but he also made out like a bandit when he converted 2,700 credits into 2,600 simoleons (by buying and re-selling souvenirs).
“After the trip to Galaxy’s Edge I found myself a steady job. Saying “I want to rebuild Old Saltwater House” is easy, but without a solid grasp of architecture my willpower alone won’t get me far. So I applied for an internship in the city planning department. If I do well, Mrs. Phillips (the sim in the green sweater) has promised to get me into interior architecture next.”
“A Séance with my friends… Kim really got into the spirit with her costume!” (It’s her game assigned party outfit). “Yes, she’s still keeping close to me, so it may be fate after all? But there is also Rico now, a fabrication mentor from the community workshop. He’s as cute as Kim. And I’m not completely certain Danny and Jordan are a couple, so they may be on the table, too.
Ah, why can’t I be a werewolf! They know beyond doubt who is their fated mate.”
“The Spice Festival was held at – where else? – Spice Market. Uh… I’m not going to de-throne Daniel as the Curry Contest champion anytime soon. Public toilets are great and that’s all I’m saying about this.”
The sim to the left is Orochi, yet another single to add to the list of potential partners for Carrow. I suffer from serious decision paralysis in this regard.
“Spring at Spice Market! The snow is thawing and the residents are holding the first flea market of the year, a more local event than the Spice Festival, that had pulled tourists from the whole region.”
“And something else has changed. See the little shack at the corner of the warehouse ruin? Yay for four walls and I even installed windows! The style is all wrong, but I can always correct that later. For now having light in my weather proof shelter – or should I say “home” already? – is more important than looks.”
A look inside the house. Note the planter pot Carrow is working at – I purchased a single rose at the Finchwick fair that will help with funds.
“And then I was back in my village, playing the fiddle at the Chicken Festival. I was only visiting, of course, and the villagers understood this well. As a parting gift the greengrocer sold me a rare golden egg cheap. Too bad it’s only a single one. With a pair I could have cooked something neat… Maybe if I store the egg in a basic fridge, it will keep fresh long enough for me to procure a second golden egg?”
A refrigerator had not been on my list of essentials to buy, with Spice Market being full of food stalls. But with two golden eggs I can make golden egg on toast that will allow me to raise the rose to perfect quality.
Statistics at the first day of spring:
Builder – Civil designer career, Handyness 5.
As a side effect I’m bumbling towards the “Indoorsy” lifestyle despite spending enough time outside. The woodworking workbench is vicious in this regard. An unwarranted Indoorsy lifestyle could represent Old Saltwater House holding a powerful sway over Carrow, though, so I may roll with this development.
Musician – Still playing for tips, Musical Genius aspiration tier 2 completed, Violin 5
I avoid the Entertainer/Musician career for now, since a fulltime job eats away too much time, especially at low levels. To the contrary Civil Designer is work from home and Interior architect happens almost exclusively in build mode while time is paused, so both careers leave me more time to also work on the other three aspects.
Haunted House – Medium 4
This aspect nicely synergizes with Builder, since woodcraft figurines can be used as offerings to the spectres.
Genius – I, uh, played cards once? And refrained from performing too many non-Genius activities? I’ve yet to make Carrow read a book or earn Logic points. This is the hardest aspect to integrate into the character concept, for the most part it manifests as a small boost to skilling handiness, either from the trait kicking in randomly or from “Browse simpedia” (what represents genealogy and local history research).
One night Carrow didn’t want to sleep just yet, so he mixed a glass of the energizing “Burnstein Brew” beer for himself. As if the smell had pulled it from the afterlife, an angry ghost appeared right next to the squatter.
It was GLARING at Carrow.
Ghost Lady: “STILL with the drinking in this house? Will it never end? Even after this den of depravity got razed to the ground?”
Carrow: “And who might you be…?”
Ghost Lady: “Temperance.”
Carrow: “Oh. With a name like that, of course you’d say what you said.”
Temperance: “Pfft. What’s YOUR name, young man? Well?”
Carrow immediately rued having introduced himself with his surname. The mention of him, who probably counted as an irredeemable drunkard for having enjoyed a single beer, being related to the upstanding paragon of policework, Clive Barrett, caused Temperance to throw a fit. Worse – she called upon help from the spirit realm, spectres of the same color as herself. Never before had Carrow seen such spectres!
Carrow: “Can you look your best, please? Show me your chocolate side?”
Temperance: “Huh? Why…”
Carrow: “Thank you!” *click* “I once scared a nasty spectre sway with fruitcake. Those red ones of yours look even meaner, so I’ll have to step up my game. Showing them a photograph of YOU should do the trick. You’re worse than the fruit cake!”
Temperance: “I’m better than fruit cake, you say? Aw! Now I’m flattered! I love fruit cake!”
Carrow: “And you seem to only hear what you want to hear. Oh, well…”
Carrow: “Good evening, Burns. Could it be that you decided to leave a certain detail out when you briefed me on Old Salt Water House’s history?”
Godfather Burnstein: “What detail? Oh, now I see. You met Temperance, did you? Yeah. She’s the one who tipped Barrett off about alcohol getting served in the warehouse. She was also the only one to die in the fire… poetic justice, maybe?”
Carrow: “No! That’s sad!”
Sad – and exhausting. The ruin had no toilet, so Carrow had to cross the street to reach the public one. He didn’t make it back before morning and only by a stroke of luck he didn’t get run over by a car that night.
Or was it really luck? Maybe someone was watching over the young man…
In the morning everything in the shack that could break was indeed broken and spooky objects and puddles where everywhere. Fortunately by now Carrow had settled into a routine removing those.
And there was something else: a shimmering disk, that emanated an unearthly glow. The flickering wasn’t steady. It seemed random at first, until Carrow realized that it actually reacted to him.
Researching the object brought to light that it was called a “soul fragment”.
Carrow: “Uh… Lt. Barret? Great-gramps Clive? That you?”
Part of the man, anyway. It seemed as if everyone who had been involved in the explosion was present to watch Carrow’s progress, either to help or hinder him.
Not everything that went on at Spice Market directly concerned Carrow. He was a good enough violinist now to use the official busking platforms provided by the city, just like Danny and Jordan. From this observation point, to the background of Old Saltwater House patiently waiting for its wounds to get dressed up, Carrow could watch the big and little scenes that made up the tapestry that was city life.
Like a protest from environmental activists. A single officer, Tina Chen, stood close by, to prevent attacks both from and at the protesters.
Tina wasn’t looking happy. Why, Carrow wondered? By now he had learned at least a handful of facts about the residents of Spice Market and also of those non-residents that stopped by the square regularly. Tina was a passionate fisher and sailor. The Great Lakes ecosystem should mean something to her, one would think…?
On second glance I (although not Carrow) understood what Tina’s problem was – look at the protesters! They are Jess and Leslie from Strangerville. Those aren’t protesters, that’s the cult of the Motherplant! The only piece of flora they are interested in is their cult leader. And the creature keeper, Michael Bell, apparently is part of it, too. At least he quickly joined the "protest".
Carrow’s story most likely will not bring him into contact with Strangerville Mystery (that wasn’t solved or even started yet in this save). But it was nice to see a little glimpse of the larger world beyond Spice Market and even beyond Detroit.
“One day in spring I returned home to actual mail being stuck in the mail box. I hadn’t expected this postbox to still be registered, let alone get served! Who could have written me an old fashioned letter?”
“Oh. The city of Detroit. Maybe it came from the city council, with a raise and a promotion? That would be nice!
I opened the letter, only to find a bill over 400$ in there.
Wait, what? I’m just sleeping under this (conveniently on the grid) roof! I’m not the tenant!
It was true. As far as the city council was concerned, I wasn’t the tenant. From their demand it became clear that I was considered to be the house owner. And as the owner, I had to raise the property tax somehow as well as cover utilities.
The phone call that solved my financial problems also pushed me to sort out my love life. Or get it started in the first place. Turned out I stood to inherit wealth from a distant relative. (Not Clive this time.) 2,500$ guaranteed, or 12,000$ if I was married or would marry within a certain time frame. It wasn’t a week or so, I’d have enough time to properly date someone, and so I agreed to the condition. So now it’s either 12K or nothing!”
In the upper left Carrow’s potential marriage partners: my sim Orochi Person, premades Danny Shino-Miller, Jordan Mayer and Morgyn Ember and townie Kim without a surname. Two of those made advances towards Carrow in the romantic department: Jordan and Orochi.
“Sparks had started flying between me and Jordan, but the more serious that relationship got, the more I felt I was missing out… making a mistake… With Jordan it was all fun and games, whereas a certain beat cop was shyer, but always there… with an ear, a hot cocoa or just her smile from across Spice Market.
Long story short, at the end of spring we kissed in a park and soon after she brought a bedroll and some of her stuff. We called it “moving in together”, but in truth Orochi was still living in her flat across the street.”
After I had decided on Orochi for Carrow, I went on pairing the remaining sims of Carrow’s friendship circle. Kim wanted either Danny or Jordan. Now I like Danny with Jordan, but she had rejected him earlier during an attempt of Carrow’s to hook them up, so he got Kim.
From Jordan’s many friends I chose my sim Leo, thinking two photographers might make a nice couple. A quick double engagement later…
…Kim x Danny was fixed, but Jordan had rejected Leo. When she also rejected Morgyn, I cas.fulledit-paired her with the evil SWAT captain out of frustration.
I then enabled “Have baby” for chosen households and returned to focus on Carrow again.
Orochi turned out a natural at the Medium skill. Or maybe it only felt like it, compared to Carrow, who had to juggle several skills. At the moment Orochi is in the detective career, but she may switch to the Paranormal Investigations Department later.
Orochi is only a very minor sim in my Detroit multiverse and on top of my head I don’t even know her traits (Loner, Dance Machine and something else.) She is always in the background, always doing her job, never seen doing crazier things than the rest of the police co-workers. One time, when the DPD set a trap for a group of aliens, Orochi had successfully played bait. She definitely is brave and I want her to have that trait in this save. Much of what she will do as Carrow’s partner will shape how I’m going to play Orochi in the future, and that is the main appeal of playing in a multiverse: how the sims grow and change between the individual saves they’re in.
Burns didn’t like the new addition to the household AT ALL. He started out playful, but seems to have identified Orochi as a police officer pretty quickly, because he turned angry.
Burns: “Cops! The kid is filling the house with cops, as if he didn’t know that this was what destroyed Old Saltwater House the first time around! He’s a good for nothing Barrett, for sure!”
Burns: “There you are, where you belong, little cop - with the trash!”
Orochi: “Yeah, it’s floating right above my head.”
Godfather Burnstein nodded generously. At least this detective knew how to exchange niceties.
“Lacking funds, we decided to book Myshuno Meadows park for our wedding. It only cost the basic thousand dollar for the ceremony, the cheapest option we’d find in Detroit. Maybe that choice was what killed Caroline’s mood even worse than the weather. My boss and me are on first name terms now, and although we both value nice homes, she is way more materialistic than I am. Status symbols are everything to her, and watching one of her subjects (friends?) settle for less might infuriate Caroline. I might need to find a way to apologize tp her...”
“Being friends with Caroline has its perks: She is one of the few licensed owners of a weather machine in Michigan!
Too bad neither of us could correctly handle that thing and Caroline was too grumpy to help us. The downpour kept going and now lightning struck, as a sort of proto-fireworks, too.”
“I was a bit anxious to pass down my surname, Barrett, since it seems to come with a curse that ties members of my bloodline to Old Saltwater House. What if Orochi and me condemned our future children to that fate? But then again, she was named “Person”, and had been at the bottom of many a joke because of that. Long story short, Orochi was even less inclined to pass down her surname than I was, so “Barrett” it would be.”
Carrow: “Ooof. I’m so sorry, sweetest! All I have to offer is a cursed legacy, it’s raining cats and dogs, Caroline is casting a death glare our way, Danny somehow arrived in his track suit and…”
Orochi: “Uh-huh. Wanna know how we at the DPD would call this?”
Carrow (thinking): Desaster.
Orochi: “A slow day. - Where are Burns and Temperance, by the way? Are they mad at you?”
Carrow: “You think I should have invited our ghosts?!”
Orochi: “Ey, I can take them or leave them.” *smiles* “What I can never leave is YOU!”
“That was the moment I realized that I wasn’t destroying my love’s wholesome world by adding her to my household and to Old Saltwater House.
Imagine: compared to policework in this city, my situation had to count as ordinary! The last, subconscious, reservations vanished and I could fully embrace our union and the life together we were about to start.”
The weather improved naturally, as if mimicking my sims’ mood!
Too bad the very moment the sun came out again, the game informed me that it believed Carrow to be an Indoorsy person (=lifestyle gained).
What the plum? Carrow had tried so hard to make this outdoors wedding happen, first with the weather the machine and then by refusing to just plop a wedding arc down inside the building. That’s not the hallmark of an indoorsy person, an indoorsy sim would have jumped to the opportunity to marry indoors! (I don’t view Carrow as being particularly outdoorsy, either, I think he is neutral in this regard.)
I can interpret the new lifestyle as Old Salt Water house once again exerting its influence over Carrow, but, yeah, every time I give lifestyles a try, I regret it later. Such a good idea in general, but so off in many cases.
On the upside, with Orochi by his side now, Carrow was able to accept his situation as, of course, tough, but not strange anymore. He didn’t have it easy, but he wasn’t weird in any way. That change of perspective really did the young man good. He now had the self confidence to interact with the other city dwellers on the same level, no longer as the oddball or the wide-eyed country boy.
Technically still a young adult, Carrow matured a lot in the time right after his marriage.
With the inheritance money the Barretts were able to restore the lower floor of Old Saltwater House! They opted against the historic look and for a more eco-friendly finishing on the inside, while keeping the façade unchanged.
The furniture was still sparse, only the bathroom already gave an inkling of the splendor that Carrow envisioned for his and his family’s new home.
Longterm the room to the right will be an office and the Barretts will live on the upper floor.
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