2 years agoSeasoned Ace
Click Baiting in The Gallery
Hello everyone! Custom posing in the gallery was always a thing to make sims more visible and to attract the people to download your content. However these days the issue is even deeper. People use default replacements to share their sims as Base Game and NoCC content. If I'm honest I'm done with this unhonesty in the community. A lot op people do a great job and follow the rules but they are totally unvisible because a part of community workarounds Gallery system. It's even more unfair that a lot of people as we, console players can not even download CC or replacements. As the result Galllery thumbnails are totally different than the reality. To show you an example, I created really short video to compare The Gallery and the reality:
Is it possible to fight somehow with this practice or hide this content?
Is it possible to fight somehow with this practice or hide this content?