Forum Discussion

KcGold3908's avatar
10 years ago

Divorce and joint custody of children!!!!

I have always thought that it would be very realistic if there was a joint custody arrangement if parent sims got divorced or split up. You could even set the arrangements. The kids would go to said parent every other weekend, 3 days a week...whatever. You could even take the kids to your ex or have your ex come pick them up!
Also, I know it is probably a debatable issue when it comes to the topic of teen pregnancy, but it is realistic. There could even be an option for the teen to choose adoption for their baby or keep it. Haven't really thought that one through, it just came to me, I may feel differently about it with more thought. Lol.
I miss the private school option too!!!
  • Skyjd's avatar
    New Spectator
    I like your ideas and think they would make a great addition to gameplay :)

    Yes private school and boarding school too please.
  • All of y’all ideas would be awesome if the sims were to be divorced
  • i fully disagree with this and i find this a very bad idea and i clearly do not went this in the sims4 i do not went the sims4 to be base on reality some players play to escape reality not to relive it.
  • Frn0731's avatar
    New Spectator
    You can do this by forming a club and include all the children. Set their activities to whatever you would like them to do and in the evening set the activities to sleep. I've done this often you just have to play with the activities . Sunday evening I end the club meeting and they all go home.
    This does not work for toddlers as they cannot be in clubs.
  • I love that idea. I made a mum, a dad, and a kid but daddy ran away with a mermaid >:) It would be good to implement this once he realises that he did a bad thing and wants to be involved with the kid's life. It would be good to use this with the parenting pack in terms of the qualities the parents are teaching the children (whether the parents get on or not for example)
  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    I prefer a widow & she can marry her devoted brother-in-law & making sure the family drinks the moodlet potion so the don't have to mourn the cheater.