Forum Discussion

AlwaySimming's avatar
7 years ago

End My Suffering Challenge

My friend Jenn over at asked me to share her legacy here so:

"If you’re like me you probably never finish a full challenge, but what if there were a challenge for those who can only finish portions of challenges? a meme gone too far.

Generation One: 26 Baby Challenge

Like the 100 baby challenge that you can find here. However seeing as that in itself would probably take a year. I have shortened it to just 26 kids. You will have finished this generation once your last kid ages up to a teen. Think of it as the A to Z baby challenge.

Generation Two: Runaway Teen Challenge

Being the youngest of 26 kids means you probably don’t have much of a relationship with your parents. So you pack your bags and leave to begin the life of a runaway teen. In this portion of the challenge you will start with literally nothing and only earn money by digging up rocks and searching for frogs, eventually you can earn money by painting, writing, etc. you cannot have a job.

Generation Three: Black Widow Challenge

Growing up in poverty certainly made you realize the worth of money. And to you, it was worth killing over. You grow up to be what they call a Black Widow. The challenge is of course shortened to five husbands/wives. And it only required to have two ghosts of your past spouses in your household. (but why stop at two?)

Generation Four: Asylum Challenge

Being raised in a home of the notorious Black Widow and witnessing the deaths of her victims, one could understand why you went insane. Your mother sent you to an Asylum to cover her trails. You are only required to complete this on easy mode but you can attempt it on the other modes.

Generation Five: Dine Out Challenge

You grew up in a happy home, your parents pushed you towards business but you have other plans. You’re a foodie at heart and plan to live out your dream of owning a five-star restaurant. You start of with only enough money to buy the plot of land your restaurant will sit. If you have Get to work but do not have dine-out you can create a bakery instead.

Generation Six: Bachelor Challenge

Your parents basically handed you everything in life. Your name is well known amongst the upper class sims. You are soon confronted by a director of a reality show called the bachelor. You may play with 5 contestants to shorten your gameplay.

Generation Seven: The Seven Toddler Challenge

Pay some homage to your great great great great grandmother by having seven toddlers. You may use a cheats to have seven babies at once, create them in cas, or adopt. Go nuts. I mean if you actually got this far I’m sure you already have.

Generation Eight: Hermit Challenge?

Growing up with six other siblings and having the loner trait is not ideal. After aging up to a young adult you decide you want to live in the great outdoors, much like a hermit. You move to granite falls and live out your life in a tent. You live off the land and eventually build a wooden shack and marry another hermit. Rules: Must have two kids. May not have a job. If there’s a challenge like this please feel free to link me and i’ll credit them.

Generation Nine: Big Sister Challenge

Your parents were killed by bears- wow i probably should’ve broken that down a little lighter. Either way, after their deaths you must provide for yourself and your little sister. You may move to an empty lot- preferably an area that doesn’t have bears. Too soon?

Generation Ten: Ambrosia

The goal is to merely revive the founder of your legacy, I suggest using the no culling mod and keeping their urn in your household inventory at all times.

Note: I would normally never play the Asylum Challenge as i think the insane trait is demeaning to those who suffer from mental illness, when making this challenge i was picking popular challenges through-out the sims franchise so if you have a challenge in mind to substitute feel free to do so! :D (Also I made this challenge ages ago but have recently updated a few things)"

- Jenn, tumblr/twitch
  • This seems like a really cool challenge! I am going to have to try this out when I finish my current legacy, it's only a 5 gen so I am hopeful to complete it in a semi timely manner.
  • > @Shadami said:
    > Will the founder dissappear by tenth gen if you don't use a mod?
    More than likely, you can try putting the ghost in a separate household and if they are culled then I see no problem placing their ghost back into the world!
  • > @casmr36 said:
    > This sounds really fun but I have a question. With the 26 Baby part I'm assuming you can use an elixir for the founder? I'm in the middle of the 100 Baby challenge and can't seem to get more than 20 kids each generation.
    Definitely! “It’s not cheating if it’s an existing feature in the game” -me at myself when my sims are about to die of old age
  • Going to start a relaxed version of this.....,as a break from my other challenges..,,,,I think I will play on long life span and I will relax the ‘challenge’ rules a little to keep to light and fun.......
  • Just came across this challenge and I'm so excited to start it! I haven't been able to complete a full challenge so this is perfect. Has anyone tried this and gotten through it? Hopefully I'll post and update on how it's going!
  • I really like the idea of this challenge. Having a full challenge with little mini challenges. Perfect. About to start now and see how things end up. :smiley: Thanks for making!
  • "Shadami;c-16274286" wrote:
    Will the founder dissappear by tenth gen if you don't use a mod?

    I use MCCC and turn off culling on specific Sims so that doesn't ever happen. I'm pretty sure they will disappear without the mod, though.