Forum Discussion

Sillafox's avatar
7 years ago


What personality would you want to see added?

I'm curious!
  • I have only played the sims 4 but the personality system in the previous games sound really interesting and fun!
  • "PninaSimmer;c-16386808" wrote:
    I really miss online dating for TS3.

    TS4 is the only one that hasn't had some form of dating or match making. I hope we get it at some point.
  • "sillafox;c-16386843" wrote:
    I have only played the sims 4 but the personality system in the previous games sound really interesting and fun!

    I haven't even had the chance to play all of the aspirations or traits in TS2 and less in TS3 because there is just SOOOOO many to choose from. Especially in TS3. Aspirations and traits in TS3 put TS4 to shame.
  • Related ideas:
  • "fullspiral;c-16386307" wrote:
    I don't think traits do anything to the personality of the sims. They all act the same. The only thing traits do is affect the whims and creative sims get inspired more easily.

    There's a mod on modthesims called Have Some Personality Please that's supposed to make them act more in line with their traits. I haven't tried it yet so I can't say how well it works, but they seem to be updating it pretty actively and addressing issues brought up in the comments.
  • "LosaruTaiyo;c-16386073" wrote:
    Not so much personality, but I would like a system of likes and dislikes when it comes to things like food and activities aside from the Trait system. My sim may be vegan, but maybe they don't like tofu. Make things a bit harder.

    I am with this. I would love to see likes, dislikes, favorites, fears, anything that could give the sims more depth, really. I would also like it if the traits were buffed a bit to make the sims react more to them before any new ones are added, but I'd love more specific traits. Like keep the more general traits, like "creative" but also offer more specific that tweak a single, focused aspect of the personality.

    I do like the Sims 4 system, but it feels like it is in its infancy, which is fine. There's room for improvement there and I would like to see them take that system and really build it up into something special and iconic.
  • I would love to see dislikes and likes, for food especially. The main thing I would want is hobbies. All my Sims do are read books or watch TV and it really gets repetitive unless you, yourself, make them do something different for entertainment. It would be great to have hobbies added, and also things they could get bored of. I've seen my Sims play games for hours and hours and I manually have to stop them. Now, I love playing video games, but maybe they could get bored of it or bored of certain things if they do it for too long.
  • I would love to see like a hobby and personality uptade

    This update could include: (most of these ideas are not mine and are some of the things the thread has been talking about)

    Likes and dislikes

    More negative traits

    maybe a few scales (introvert and extrovert scale etc)

    More trait slots

    More traits that actually have meaning, not just moodlets (i agree that traits have never really changed my sim that much unless it's something like lazy, childish or insane)

    And other things to add depth to your sims!
  • As many of you simmers have said, I would like to see a like/dislike system where favorite foods, music, other sims have some positive influence on your sims moods. Dislikes would have a negative influence.

    I would love to see the Shy trait make a return, as well. And maybe a Shopaholic trait, where they can get positive moodlets while visiting retail lots, ordering stuff off the Internet or new tv shopping network. And maybe a Sporty trait, which allows sims to enjoy Sports channel, swap stats, and enjoy competitive athletic activities like basketball. Some also mentioned Diva above. Another must have...
  • Bookworm should be tense if he/she didn't read book for some time, like geek with games.

    Brave/coward as well, along with new fear emotion.