Forum Discussion

SailorCeti's avatar
4 years ago

Possible issue with spandrels.

Hey all! I was doing some work on one of my builds and ran into a problem with spandrels that I haven't seen before. See the attached image for reference. Can anybody tell me why my spandrels have recently started doing this? They are supposed to go straight across, not have a second spandrel lower down.

11 Replies

  • carlfatal's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    4 years ago
    I had the same problem while revisiting a Maxis building in StrangerVille. Like @Xinqun said, it was caused by friezes, and I wasn´t able to get a workaround without removing the friezes, what I didn´t want to. In the end I used trims to cover that particular part of a porch, and although it´s not the ideal solution, it now looks okayish.