ESTABLISHED RESULTS FOR CHALLENGE #4 - A Ghostly Design☆@celdys0n☆The exterior of this place really shouts Victorian to me, which is awesome. The exterior treatments you have chosen work incredibly well, and your roof line looks fantastic! Your landscaping works well and I love that maze out the back, it has been really well executed. I am impressed with your use of the terrain paint tool as well. Your layout looks like it would translate well into play, and I can tell that you put a lot of thought into your room sizes. The palette you have chosen really helps add some warmth into the austere Victorian style. You have made some incredibly appropriate object choices and your placement is spot on.
Suggestions: Your pictures are great, although personally I would not have chosen an effect that makes it more difficult to see the details.
Room Challenge: The Dining Room looks amazing, you made some really inspired object choices in here, I just adore that chicken! The artwork on the walls does seem to dominate the room though, I would have made that large picture by the hutch a little smaller.
☆@Datkid☆Your architecture epitomises the Victorian style which is great. Your roof-line is really well executed, especially those lovely turret style pieces you have used, and the materials you have chosen for the exterior are great. Your landscaping is just lovely and I see that you have made some good use of the terrain painting tool. You have done a great job on the roofing. The layout works well and I can see it translating into play. You have made some really great object choices given the brief, and your palette helps to make the build feel incredibly cohesive.
Suggestions: That diagonal roof feels a little out of place where it gets cut off before it reaches the main building, I think I would have tried to drag it back just a little further so that it maintained that gorgeous roof-line. Some of your rooms feel a little empty, that may be due to the size of them, think carefully about your room sizes and object placement. Your pictures feel very dark, consider setting all your lights to ‘on’ before showcasing your home.
Mr Green: Mr Green looks fab, and I can see him with the traits that you chose. Looks like everyone is having a great time listening to him talk about his life!
☆@EEtheridge☆Such a cool take on the Victorian style, with that tall central area it almost has a twist of art-deco to it, which is unique. You have done such a great job with the landscaping, your choice of plants, use of the terrain painting tool and the wall treatments out here all help the exterior really blend together. The layout of the home works well and I can see how it would translate into play. The interiors feel well thought out, and incredibly homely, you have made great use of clutter without making the place feel over done.
Suggestions: I wonder if the roof-line would have looked more in keeping had you raised the porch roofs slightly, having them that flat feels a little ‘off’ to me. The landing felt very bare in comparison to the rest of the home, it could have used something on the walls or some plants dotted about. Don’t forget about that ‘alt’ key, when you hold it down, you can rotate pieces ever so slightly, this might help your conversational areas feel more inclusive.
☆@allisoneg02☆Oh wow, what a gorgeous little Victorian home. The architecture is amazing and the wall treatments you have chosen for the exterior work incredibly well, I simply adore the way you have placed those gorgeous little lights outside as well. The landscaping is really well done, it looks a little unkempt, but well loved. I especially like how you have landscaped around the fountain, it looks so incredibly natural. The layout is so typically Victorian with that lovely long corridor, and I can see that it would translate well into play. Your object choices and placement is spot on, and your palette, although muted, really helps give that old world feeling.
Suggestions: I had a tough time coming up with suggestions on how you could improve your build, I guess my one comment would be that having windows on the sides of that tower might have made it feel more like part of the build
Room Challenge: The dining room is very well laid out and you have made some really great object choices, great use of those wooden textures to help bring the room together.
Sim Challenge: Mr Green looks awesome, great choice of traits too, I can see him enjoying all the artwork you have placed around his home.
☆@benlow11☆Your architecture really does feel Victorian, and I like that you have managed to fit a tower into the home, your window placement and use of exterior treatments work well. The landscaping has been well thought out and you have made some really great choices for plants and excellent use of the terrain painting tool. Your palette works well throughout and really helps build a sense of cohesion to the build. You have made some really great object choices and a good eye for object placement.
Suggestions: Your layout felt a little random, with no real flow through the home, it is unusual to have a bathroom at the centre of the house. don’t forget about the ‘alt’ button which can be used to place items on a slight angle, this can help a build feel a little less rigid. Try to make the pictures the main part of your presentation, some were really quite small, which made it difficult to see the details.
So, the results:2nd Place goes to: @EEtheridge
Which makes the winner: @allisoneg02
The winner of the Room challenge is: @allisoneg02
The winner of the Sim challenge is: @Datkid