I've really enjoyed the threads about Newcrest, Oasis Springs and Willow Creek. There has been so much inspiration and good advice and tips. I've even learnt things I didn't know before! So I think it's time for the none base game worlds, and since I just bought City Living, San Myshuno is the perfect place to start.
So throw some inspiration at me, what have you done to San My? (Feel free to include apartments and decorations you've done that you're happy with).
@Simmingal That nightclub is going to be stunning! Fantastic idea of how to use a penthouse. I'm definitely going to be inspired by that.
In my save, my second build was the park. I visited it once, and OMG the original is so in need of some TLC. I was utterly inspired by the greenhouses in the pictures you showed @elanorbreton, got me thinking of botanical gardens and so I went looking and found this version by mlyssimblr: https://faerietalesims-ccfinds.tumblr.com/post/170813205186 and downloaded that.
Now since I don't have half the packs she does, it took some work to make it work for my game, but here is the result. Myshunos park and botanical gardens:
The botanical garden area: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiqRMC88ox7mNx74lCfHDSZXWlfqcsLUXZ0B6Oy5Q9sjJXVuJqYEQ0KKjfFD0iteBt-95TEVSBhAyD4hUFg0NcVH8neQqr7ondT_PsSlVlSRrVWSfoQlI9G1Iell2edxCnqc2mQbYe4ahJtYMw8OGAm5PetopFA04HgJZrmmy1d6HRcMyeT5zdqAUemjw=w640-h390
Relaxation and picknick area: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiWPUvodtfTIiVTStXoOZZfBfOD7dGW_yNpfWLtuUlk9dGAqJZf6iZ9foxlcXr91Dhn-IwcS7BNvoZyVooSbWpFkERiTDYyMbukzeA_3pqjju9pTdTYOSYXi2G62R9_ZZiJpFlmUWU4WNkShfbkJgmM4NDtLkevCTXzs8WWShTIgTB0DFsTfSf5m9AO1Q=w640-h364
Playground and food vendors: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEh2NhVpKx_sIB9Sh4ueUjzged43G6i2SkaJQ_MHJzQvFiYWqi6GVZ1KpfqdXRxObJUkIK71wNgkseX7ZEQLX7DdHfmIbJ3mKZSAfJu9hIzTR-uCtr2cKWNKxAPTojEegJ3Pb-ERoEp52ni4Y8hiGs79D9mwiBsG7ZoTJEviqP3HP1v-gZXKCjruuv_Vcw=w640-h360
Chess tables and fountain: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhU2gikMAHTpLl30QRKhi9SBRopL-joTaj1icbggNX62_c-cMY0pGLhC-mPaFrloP0q77RQr5FBetJzWysR0FFOSFM93iI_7S8XHWCntpLNBwLwC8yjov5Itc2K_M8XnyADn4EChz_1636nWfI3Mm1oZMWQ9Lucr5MHfCmMkYspySdDYpqWDvwBX6TqFA=w640-h378
In my head Kainalu is now the gardener here, and I can use his vacation days to go with him to work (as I have holidays enough in games to never use them anyway). I might add a podium for politicians to give speeches from as well. Not sure yet.
I don't have a wedding area either, but I figure that can be added when and if I want to use it.
I did a quick renovation of 18 Culpepper. I would love to share it, but, to make this work I had to use Twisted Mexi's T.O.O.L. mod to move the front door around to what used to be the bedroom. I've always wanted to make a version of this apartment that was a bit more radical. I would have redone the windows, but T.O.O.L. doesn't handle replacing the two small windows in the nook. It can do the other windows just fine, but it would look odd with those still there or nothing in those spots,
So far my San Myshuno has stayed pretty much in theme. I did do a renovation of Myshuno Meadows as Myshuno Court, after Courtyard Oasis came out. I love the look of the basegame Mediterranean items with City Living and Courtyard. It looks great and weddings and parties go awesome there. I haven't updated it for MWS though and I don't know if I like how autonomy works on such a large lot with so many activities. I wish I could just change the lot type to café or bar when I visit it with sims at different times of day. https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/66A7B4E5DC2F11EB877EC0B26CC30691 https://i.ibb.co/g7LZFZT/06-02-21-9-06-23-PM.png
It could be that after my San Myshuno premades get to Elder (takes a while since it's a large rotation) some of them will preside over some changes to the community lots. We'll see. So far I haven't played that save since Neighborhood Stories.
I've been very slowly working on rebuilding it. Most of it so far is redecorating, but I did rebuild the arts center in a more classic style, and I put a restaurant in place of the arts district penthouse. Here it is : https://i.imgur.com/DSzsk8C.png
@DaniRose2143 Oh! That's a good idea as well! I'm having the artists generally hang out at my new arts center, but a venue just for hanging out when they leave the arts center after a performance or art show could have been great!
So hoping to bring this thread into the light again, as I think I just finished(?) my own version of San My (and hoping people will catch on and add more of your builds). I really do love seeing what you do, it's a fantastic way to get inspiration and San Myshuno needs a bit of love too.
San My took some time to figure out, but I think I'm mostly happy with what I have now. Generally I've gone with my usual principle of touching as little as possible of the outside of builds, but instead just improving a bit, but there are a few exceptions to this. So I start off with my first community lot build, which I've since added to:
Myshuno Meadows (Botanical Gardens): I showed you my version of the Meadows just a few posts up so I'll leave most pictures to be found there, since then I added an underground work place for gardeners, botanists and floral designers working in the Botanical Gardens: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEj9bJKHwiPiJRRTrwpg6kcBy-SqcJcuG33WLyc1N-BsWmzGU3WYIiLU2TsHbRgeRgUtcbMqzZvINE4-w2_mpWamKKUaWCSSyRVW_KB6GrLISfPTfFxI0fUo9pJRHKw0ignPgndyPnQ9J978NeRUcOSbJhVtXYxnn79QPg4hu1jxbB43-zAoDU7cdOfSOQ=w640-h364
This is a part of my ambition to have functional work places for all the semi-active careers, thereby making them active. I then create clubs that go to work there and complete their work tasks for the day.
I also used TOOL to add a toddler playground outside the park: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjn0ElZuK8ntBWDsNM6_nzOL7SYQJHTb4FZGKKsbgW9IgfqpR-Dybbh7o-Yl4FjSQW8shT1cA0nHNkHnb5vuDB1KQpFvWzYSt8omFiGtB1kne25cjQ-CcTOcn1uc6uDCtJlU8h2hOFxFlvQtJ1Cov2uJrS18aNXv_txu9B9iS14kqThggUij_zLuF-YnA=w640-h352
My next communal build was Waterside Warble:
This was the second place I fixed up as there were just a few too many karaoke bars for my liking in town (I mean how many do you need?). The whole open wall design didn't really work for me either, not in a town which sees heavy snowfall in winter, so that had to be changed. Now Waterside Warble is an indian restaurant: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiNFM62aANk38hVPEGCnYnjuvbU_v95bnxqD6-Ku0KuDbzFz2F4qDlILMmrFYrm078ldj__leWlxMIJitYkP0sCOOQc0RV8dIoLKZzfGf_RzZeghIlk83U0Vcn5ZcSnXr_GivWK0EU4HjD6c_L6VSjigfTADaPEWOKMFLkK92RIs4PWzUcOYs_u_efVHA=w640-h360
Unfortunately they have about three items on the menu since we have very little indian food to complement allt he indian decor items. Really EA, it's time you added more. Now if I could only stop the game from generating blond people with afros and Japanese names as waiters I'd be happy.
Upstairs is a bubble bar: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiol8g-JJo4BF6-9I8UKDkof6UrtoRe22hnK1sLkNLjLGjEzOMBhHIqbnv21tL5MjtXiCM4Ay0VkQHtUiMCiM3LFrVvGeVRq2tMTf02xbTDjl-B_8_ItcA4Lx9VXvnzf5ZzLo-Em2D3uitbzDnPFBeVsfjd4I1H4HPkchQyJ4BvqHpMXvSTeSzj5ntXxw=w640-h360
The build that caused me most problems, especially since I left it nearly intact was Planet Honey Pop!
Seriously, what is up with the snow inside? It took me so many attempts, but I think I have finally fixed the issue while still being able to keep the stage. What I have mostly done here is turn the place into a teen/YA hangout with games to complement the karaoke machine. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhy6TcCiUX8i4h6PihAhpELrqDhqiLlbT3ut0bJ8_uEW9KFQ1B2FVVVmhszeV2I8JCYUxJFxnjjImMaRqaLg90WHQyezmjxLgHoCMhICKBR-RbXCk-6dJhRg2AvFtD4df1tyDXJ7HJwHj6RzGiM_FcFLsLnIYp5LqbOuzafi6staDr33jSp1dOZn6v45Q=w640-h360
I had to raise the level again, so that it counted as a room, but added a new stage, slightly smaller than the old one. Then I added a darts board, a ping pong table and a foosball table as well as a couple of arcade games. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEj56vcVri4PyXBbLVDMzLTh02ViTR7MYfw5VxlQWD9cxmTRRGvadA72ce4_iXCJOLoMGYZCzP5z3m2hEbJkO8vHo5hvxLU1uX8ngnVXyYxyh1k5BevWAkln9GvUK4NySxU_Z4LKqWHs__kOf06OEQVXMbvegPgvFApdXazwpT2uuEm44Eb5v8gQrxCNlg=w640-h330
I pushed all the tables and chairs off to the bar side, and changed the bar too one more to my liking: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhDfOTgiEbQQ6ep5HHo_QjLsOTodNP7Z9qsQrpQ0N1XQ56eapGbDWIclSt6Fek-qm7oroFzJgtiz6JNXANPp1Pl4v0wjQwscncRJQo56YCr_9Ptq1BHxBjUAsN6gf75jgyg4wl4iRsvv2lfMEQU-PW85S6PwmjaSUXajL4wFh3MJ0U2xUtvdjzLusv-4Q=w640-h360
Another build I kept mostly the same was Stargazer Lounge:
Although again, what is up with open walls in a city which sees snow? This would be useless half of the year, so the first thing I did was add windows and doors:
And as the name is Stargazer Lounge I felt it needed something to actually gaze at the stars with: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEj6X7K8-rxxUxLDFKmTtQ1JQ6X8hTg9OYXFzTmQqdPpxfllQWqz__KZiDR_RLBHzSILbdNpCuxKH76xcua4HQJ7PP4RhTytDjXuxLgilLWTgd3nFJx2jWp31RSwUAENpNx1GIDK7BrwTp8crSEdFOjQ65UqhMRppFmIm2T7fcYYImYCdKj3og6IhCTqFA=w640-h322
Inside, I added the spaday light everywhere (I love that lamp) and made the furniture a bit more cohesive and high end: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjTTKGAw8Obu7ROlZom1zUVyojdx1q-n4oNi52-kOIO0aUtIVQufuV57c_oYhipiKivPeXoAfxjSPaeuKXpNbLWMZayMrftuMy0KQYDEqoL2M_w3eiE5Ua-AR5QfhdoIc8OEegjTjidl_EQ2uM7m6yDYoGUunLVk7oIlokr08eqkwuye6LrqyZn-yd9kw=w640-h348
Finally I added a dancefloor and some more windows, so you can dance while watching the lights of the city: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjAzNiKLJEFMAKi1nW3tArxKYbiRa3HQ3yzVLR9NCDiF0nMmxU9L_aJlTbobT_V-GXZsYYJgV3QdjNURZy7BlHcgW1Ga8vWj-mMvKMN9Yd7AEIFoRWtludIiy1iTcw-ni-c54gB5kdGgjxezopqIRkCnI9Qk6BmCohVmc_E5vp6uqChSuRuYDAw04H6FA=w640-h356
I didn't do that much with this either, but added a few roof top windows and a glass ceiling to the build itself: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqE7LdgzJNs3WXnu4wzVZeXs_dX6SHxdJk7tjHTaKslsuhvhK5XmGQpelD-Qcft8lbhQz4wDeMyOzkksX7W-ys3JMFnVtXZdrKolRHqU-Z8MSG-ms2U6cXpQtl99o2A9b6phQQLMCvXUa7Le_piX4TTYvWeUj7o6C9LNvuSHfCRer3W1xrlGLUukaYVA/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-12-11%C2%A0PM.png
I also reworked the welcoming hall: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhHJH_czsOP4Ggc_34pNGDYA1SCD-Qd227stiB3ZFeaCcTT7ciRLLikVdNuJAL_yqfDs0PMd6QBbpHp72nlE597YQPwvw7bQAPlQ1mmjFJBDo3xI7yD1gQBFBGx64I2MnEuAGt64z1eVxaTnBP5Zbr40uRSromf5ldE9pQ0rXUd1vP5GV1GudR1SrJLWw/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-11-13%C2%A0PM.png
And changed the bar area into a canteen more alike what you'd actually see in a museum (what is up with needing a bar to complete the art center? Seriously? At least I now have staff in my front desk, even if they are offering people a drink). I use LMSs autoemployee mod to make sure the canteen is functional. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhRhvfXlb4ZsKsnn7mxB1yNb8w4io_IvSx3cvGp7amrQaEbWYrIe2Jcf-kyerCAMHte2Ie0kdSy6bW1DLl3hsSzwgHp_zZLEGhIggQPxP5ji25GuCcydrSsfWVY4dWt7CaBFp6NScO2j39ZI7XajfbczzFPS4TTXf4q8GXdoh8IUl4XM-oOOOtTyD5CXQ/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-18-46%C2%A0PM.png
Most of the art center is what it used to be, but at the top floor I added a few bookcases (since San My doesn't have a library) and a few computers and research machine. I'm thinking this is where (art) critics work, though it is also open to the public which Nyla is taking advantage of in the photo. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgQZawblhIEVio5e962rWnm1bQ2M5j_5Ykt_7Ih7fa4HioG3yh5KdywZ-27YZlwWLyoNvwuxq2dj_oEW2JgsJGXD4o6DJBFGEqR8938g1tWUlzJzeCnPFufnO_kZKjx2n6TB-bTaSMlsqVPRpkxNn43u-rkOBzuS2dY9vl1l8wOFx4TnKzXBXxUFC6LZA/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-23-40%C2%A0PM.png
One of only two buildings to be completely demolished and replaced was Skye Fitness Centre:
I really hated the look and feel of that place, and wanted a much more high end feel to it. Now it's not only a gym, but a fitness centre that focuses on the entire body and has the coolest infinity pool in town: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg2Wd6d-Q8_CW_KnE2tK3u5adaFQ01txstxtnHkE3A2NK2Fby1KmA6hEMz4WWJ9O6DyEN3jqp-41rEWT-dfnJnabFOonIpVsnVFlbtuUfdycRnM7ucfEBL0XOXqfV0tXsb-eCXfr2IHTuXBvohnF9Ek3jKu9ipH2ahKDjvF40QjMgX6VdZITs98bTMUig/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-37-17%C2%A0PM.png
From the top to bottom this is a building in glass and wood, with a full size outdoor basketball court next to the building itself: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiL4O5s7s1iIv_ZylgSaeBTAztqXUsxTWP59F8VxGDTHe0mrZovXD-YFVDMrWy4dQh2-Hs6VDR048H0_YHl_JJM8CIvpLZbDTys5GEk1XO-1vP2nkLS0dhpYm8sDhimNhCfAIAF-YKCwbQCPcMH7AOqUbHlKxfAtvayWRjnTrtbO-athXe9oMaFT6o22Q=w640-h378
Dressing rooms, showers and saunas are in the basement: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEijW2-8NDHSfm4KU0PuTgJ5HkusfHPiSZONMR_Gq6X6xQx0ZYlzW-zlCgLURxJHweKYvvVVUx2XdF53n2AozA5toRK8-Wshcb-ChHuqdotZFtOIrJ2aH9SJrh7yYGKQ3KMjSf2SRMOcULsdFq7mxtsxYy5uTvWYicJuLVNc7hSzK0yWa0CTplVOpNqawA/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-32-35%C2%A0PM.png
Ground floor is the actual gym: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgQFU8danXrqtIf_IIxDnbHSo45sr14BHmhmjjttUVE-bj75Bj_7Bcz7df7nHTb1TyHjASlPVjjAuVtx5yjLsIsccuU3i70bCVPXUi6rmgqB0Yy69rCN3AhoIc8Zpdhjz_bTMp_0Xu2Im-5rcp4bPuoErzFGZf3uThx-W4-2DopMu8aE_Kxso_wZbvEKA/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-33-47%C2%A0PM.png https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiBgbqtR5gfGiKL7dUc46Mnip7dNd2l4yFN-M-73z7ZCb4nKMDG3e6RHerVxkofre_3DsiH2idp5Swn5FIBZCWdmnb94XWzMI55yo9CcthZqlNJPeonVgATvARyR6xqWoYFVLInozLoqmhJU_P6xdfUTi-zpsW5eKhTrtGwAw7i5Lq2Q0WCLSUQNmk-rg/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-34-16%C2%A0PM.png
There is also a reception desk at this level: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEidGhfveY00w_cTPTidp1PjA-qz4Yt9eEgZwaxUAJ_mAnt2XAmOu-hATz8hafPZfE4nWfGsn3s7bSSQvLqKjKnU195a4T479GpWM_vZc8SWYyFylNYlSqRwr5bILqw7idXNHT5YQyguto10-afBM4e8UdnrT_MSQCucxfqw_RBMSrj1nSpFkVncfLsuDA/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-33-37%C2%A0PM.png
Next floor is a relax department, with a meditation room: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUgljK0R80WuLI2S8vtYmTLGQCjzq3UKlxsO9RUycyT_nfVw5CLuIqDzav0YNlDBZvOoUWfo85Gr7Vfv_cySdSpo6UWdx07AJJXZxB1i4zxyNEVQ_IkJdLMXllJv2OzMRMpcQNu-pHh7WQ6C7aKKfowq66siJCsJSA4a7Nax4i7bfKpOb_KPkC0k9uDw/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-35-00%C2%A0PM.png
And a massage room: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjafLfMmT2M1wU-F6x-DaJxCD6h42gmbek39lmTsodx75cURR5BfjLwRcE3NNbaXw7PgS59VN-XZljJLBAFk2ObOeoqeP3iI0AkViJO8Hw1wPFPikd_uE0qG7wHPsNqw6QivHX4r2U3iY37y2ZbvyOpX8PxAPd8PUxjHnVgmd3SlgfmEW0odQq6z9H0Ow/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-35-26%C2%A0PM.png
It also has an outside seating area where you can relax while waiting for your massage: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRf2Dp6UPBFIvJC2L2DLRqDIiu7wkDFVSPzqa0QkeAEUqBZmtdxesb1RWFyk6PuBilsj9bhv5H6BS9KqxZprz-mOXnVy3tBqbhdirrejiy1grGm_E7-rhE-Jux6VVpDsiGccTiXtjFs18diRx-0PdP5SmLgL4BK5UC1-qbgvBKpHiTeOAi54ho0nwDlA/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-35-41%C2%A0PM.png
Top floor is where the pool is. This floor also contains a yoga room: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhf6uQbSxpXpsP9_-zC7wq1ErX8BdZbQMCX0bB3Pp5JTEGc6re_iaXk4laqFj6stgGPwlZgHfEK5CYWBkeBIP5YmNzxAqyfJWYhkgtBEF4Q3UVanL7kT0CH_hYlQMqgd_v4_NfdxHOrg88-7WqzvDSbAnRd-8ucEV_ds2oWNeGWwqw1mMm8s5Uzi86LCA/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-37-05%C2%A0PM.png
And a café: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgCt6-arUuIA0b79DXRuEmobsdtNUKVbhnU7-55idit_M0zLQFg6GIQ7wM1_w65S5TDo41xB-QUi0NIxLZnnzppdW_triXM_UKcTkRh_ZlSTV38WqmTG7nnGc-kttaQh8Bd2Bmd6TOP7PbUcqYcp-Wp3ODyBxLuCxFuvvG8dz7lHIXmI9J021LCfkIC8w/w640-h360/07-13-22_10-36-36%C2%A0PM.png
I hope my builds can inspire someone, and now I really hope more people will share their versions of San Myshuno. Come on, show me what you've built.
Myshuno Meadows has a downloaded wedding venue but I haven't tried it out yet so I don't know if it's a keeper. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/nyhexggg9qotgkz/04-23-22_8-39-10%C2%A0AM.png?dl=0
Do you have a link or creator name for this lot? It looks very pretty. :)
Well, this is awkward. As much as I love participating in these world-related threads, for once I have nothing to say because San Myshuno is the only world in my game that doesn't really have a theme (besides, you know, "people wanting to live in big city apartments rather than suburban houses"). I was going to make it all about gangs fighting with the police (using GT's club system), and even moved in the Landrgaabs with Nancy being a charity icon by day and a crime boss by night, but I kind of already have this theme with my rivalling churches in Newcrest, so... I don't know. No point in showing my map either because I haven't done anything extraordinary with the few visible lots, and the rest is just building shells anyway.
So I guess I'll just lurk around here to get some inspiration from what other people have done to San Myshuno.
I love redecorating the apartments here, but I haven't done anything with the other lots in my current game yet. I would love to see what others have added in the park there.
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