Hi everyone! I'm back in catchup mode this week. My big time-consuming story (my neighborhood rotation) is about to go on a three week hiatus, so that'll give me time to write more legacy chapters. I'm looking to post once a week, and keep it regular from here on out. Except holidays, lol.
I love this question though. Everyone's answers have been interesting.
What, so far, has been the most exciting/ stressful thing to happen in your legacy?
I have my Sim on the 64 * 64 lot in Windenburg. I wanted to start her on the corner of the lot nearest the neighbors for visiting and harvesting and whatnot. But I ended up placed her as far as possible from where her rabbit hole is *facepalm*.
it takes her so long to go to and from her tent to the rabbit hole. I seriously lose hours each week, lol. But at least that'll be less of a problem as she starts to build an actual house.