Forum Discussion
Gen 27???! Did I read that right? Whoa! Girl, that is a lot of dedication. 🤩
Hahaha, you did read that right! Before this legacy, I was lucky to make it to generation 3 with all other attempts. 😅
- WisdomBuilders6 months agoRising Ace
That gives me hope lol. I've always been a chronic restarter. What made you stick with this one?
- BunnieeBritt6 months agoNew Vanguard
I think I was able to stick with this legacy because I made sure for once not to use any cheats and was able to get them from having so little to so much, which was super fun! Also, finding my own style after a while in CAS and build mode was a big motivator, too. :) I'm loving reading about Annie and how she was able to make so many simoleons so fast with the garden! (The garden was also another huge motivation for me, it's so much fun to collect all of the different plants!)
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