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Stardustis's avatar
7 years ago

The Sims 4 Time Machine

Sims 4 Time Machine

Ok so I had an idea for an expansion pack (for after when seasons and uni is out hehe):

Sims 4 Time Machine EP

Either you build your own time machine or stumble upon it somewhere and you can be transferred back to three different time periods which all have their own special array of new skills and adventures!

The Ancient Roman times:

There would be a the new profession Archaeologist which your sim could excel in without the time machine as well. But if you wanted more adventure and faster promotions you could go back to the Roman times to work up your archaeology skill and solve riddles, find unique and valuable artefacts, meet historic people that would give history it's long lost answers and make your sim the no 1 archaeologist!

If you don't want your sim to pursue the archaeologist profession, the ancient roman city would give you perfect opportunities to level up your skills such as painting, logic, and charisma. There would be roman baths, fantastic architecture, food, olive trees ans new herbs. But sims at this time where also a bit high tempered so if you make anyone cross you might be challenged to a duel!

The 1800's:

This is the era of the dark, gritty, Dickens-esque city. There would be three parts of the city: the countryside, the poor district and the rich district. In this world the art DIY (such as of canning, conserving, sewing etc) is introduced. There would be plenty of opportunities to level up your cooking skill and there would be lots of new recipes.

To match the aura of mystery, this era would give you loads of Sherlock Holmes mysteries where you would receive perks you could use in your everyday life in your "real time". Run across town to solve disappearances etc and excel in the Private Detective career.

This city would provide an array of 1800's architecture and interior; chose between run-down, dark and used style or light, satin and expensive materials. There are dirty food stalls in the poor district (where you also can find treasures in the alleys and bins) and in the country sides big market you can do your food shopping. In the rich district there are boutiques where you can buy time-typical unique for this era. Walking around the city and observing it's inhabitants would give writers ideas and inspiration for books (similar to the bard system in The Sims Medieval) that almost surely would assure best sellers!

Unfortunately this was a time with poor hygiene so it's hard to get clean here and also much easier to catch bad sicknesses.

Finally we have our last time period: the 1920's!

Our 1800's town has evolved into a roaring city of the 20's! Parties are everywhere! Sims loves talking, singing and dancing which makes this era perfect for leveling up your skills! And this is the era of new things; the movies is a new phenomenon here which makes your sim a perfect new director or movie star. You can also pursue an career as a inventor in your "real time".

But this era will also introduce you to the maybe most dangerous profession; the mafia. This is a level up from the ordinary petty criminal your sim was in their home era: a glamourous gangster surrounded by nectar and simoleons, but with a risk of getting caught by the local police. And only money or doing some time will get you out of there,so be well prepared before your heist! As a law abiding citizen you can approach the mafia for favours, but only if you do something for them or know them very well!

This era provides Art Deco inspired architecture, interior and clothes. There are dark and smoky clubs, the cinema and concert halls! Photos taken here are worth much more in your Sims own era!

General stuff that would be included:

You could chose to bring some people from the different eras to your own time. They would experience home sickness for days and be very confused by their new world.

There would be an option to talk about your era with sims from the past: they would be confused and regard you as crazy.

If you get involved with an npc from the past and have a child with them, an npc in your real era would appear with the surname that you chose to give your child.

Different eras will boost certain different skills.

Certain objects and skills will only be available in certain eras.

A trip to the past will work as a vacation (your Sims at home will take care of themselves)

Sicknesses contracted in a past era will be easily treated in your Sims home era, but the time machine makes your sim dizzy and unable to use it for a couple of days.

There could be a reputation system. Doing weird things like playing on your mobile in the roman times will label you as weird/crazy which will make Sims around you uncomfortable and the worse rep you have, the more trouble you'll encounter! If you do good things in the past, people in your home era will regard you as a relative and you'll get a good reputation with perks!

New careers would include private detective, inventor, archaeologist, mafia.

New objects would be cows and chickens with similar functions as the cow plant: a few interactions and the animals would be restricted to a cage or fenced area. This would give you milk and eggs that you can use or sell.
Olive and lemon trees, nectar (and nectar making station) crops, sewing station, stalls for time typical food.
A time machine (obviously) duel area, instruments for jazz bands, cinema objects and lots more!

Lol that's it. Would be so fun to have a new concept for an ep.
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